20.01.2018 | Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

Call for PhDs: Innovation Through Gender in Computing

@Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

GeDIS is looking for a PhD candidate to work on the project INTeGER: Innovation Through Gender in Computing.

Research position (EG 13 TV-H) - in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computing, Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG), Work Group “Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems” - as soon as possible

Kennziffer: 31044

The University of Kassel is a young university with round about 25.000 students. The university has a broad research profile: fields of expertise are nature, technology, culture and society.

In the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computing, Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG), Work Group “Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems” (GeDIS, Prof. Dr. Claude Draude), the following position is to be filled as soon as possible:

Research position (EG 13 TV-H), full time, fixed term for 3 years (position for academic qualification according to § 65 HHG i. V. m. § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG; the possibility of a doctorate/PhD is given).

The position is part of the research project

INTeGER: Innovation through Gender in Computing

INTeGER project focuses on interrogating the role that gender intersectionality plays in producing innovation in the field of computing. Precisely because gender bias in computing has been identified as preventing innovation and socially responsible IT design (examples abound in research spanning from algorithms and machine learning, to speech recognition technologies), more interdisciplinary research that bridges gender studies, science and technology studies and computer science is needed.

The INTeGER project is designed to develop along two directions:

  • Innovations in computer science and its gendered aspects: what is the process of innovation in computing, what is understood as innovation in computing, and how this idea and process is affected by gender.
  • Gendered methodologies in computing: what are the methods and methodologies that are most prominent in computer sciences and how they interlink with intersectional notions of gender.

A more detailed description is available as PDF.

Your Tasks

  • Independent and collaborative research according to the main goals of INTeGER, analysing the role of gender and innovation in computing, such as:
    • conducting state of the art overview of existing approaches
    • identifying relevant methodologies
    • reviewing case studies / best practice (worst practice) examples
    • identifying and working on a case study
    • formulating a code of practice / code of theory or a model for gender and innovation in computing
  • Teaching
    • Teaching obligation for the position is 2 courses (2 academic hours each) per week per term, or 1 course (2 academic hours) plus exercise (2 academic hours) per week per term
  • Organization of workshops and practice-based collaborative research activities
  • Participation in GeDIS research discussions

Your Profile and Requirements

INTeGER it is a highly interdisciplinary project, therefore the ideal candidate would have a background in computer science, science and technology studies, and gender studies. Given the disciplinary structure of academia, we expect that dual qualification is still rare and adjusted the requirements:

  • We expect a completed university degree in computer science/informatics or in a related field (for example: information science, information systems, digital media, socio-informatics, system design).
  • If you have a university degree in gender studies, science and technology studies/sociology of technology or a related field, you may apply, but you need to have a solid knowledge of the field of computing.
  • You are open towards or have basic knowledge of gender studies and an interest in socially responsible technology development.
  • You have a strong interest in academic research, inter-/transdisciplinary work, as well as pronounced methodological and analytical skills.
  • Furthermore, the position requires very good communication and organizational skills and team-orientation. Very good knowledge of English and/or German (both orally and written) are further prerequisites.
  • Experience with the acquisition of research funds and experience with the supervision of students and teaching are beneficial.

We offer

  • A diversified and creative work environment in an engaged, growing team. GeDIS is both, part of the faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computing and part of the ITeG research center, which focuses on sociotechnical approaches to information technology design, including methods of system usability, user trust and confidence in technology, psychological and sociological aspects and adherence to the law.  This gives you the opportunity to interact with a variety of disciplines and chose research topics depending on your area of interest.
  • Freedom in research and personal development by further education courses
  • Conception and acquisition of new research projects
  • Life-domain-balance through flexible office hours and support in combining work and personal life
  • Opportunities to teach
  • Opportunity to do a PhD or state doctorate at the University of Kassel

Application procedure

Please submit your application (stating reference number) - including a letter of interest, a short proposal of your research interest, CV, copies of all university degrees and contact details of two referees (full address including email) -  in digital form (acceptable only as single pdf file) to bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

Hard copy applications (stating reference number) with relevant documents are to be addressed to the President of the University of Kassel, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel, Germany. Please send no original files, since these cannot be returned after completing the selection procedure.

We gladly accept applications in English or German.

For questions about this position please contact Prof. Dr. Claude Draude, Tel.: +49 561-804-6028, E-Mail: claude.draude[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

The University of Kassel is an equal opportunity employer and aims at a clear increase of the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly requested to apply. Under the precondition of equal qualification, disabled persons will be preferred. Applications indicating the Position Number 31044, which may be in digital form, should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel, Germany or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, quoting the applicable reference number.