Publications Prof. Kompa
Publications (as author / co-author)
Practical Microstrip Design and Applications, ARTECH HOUSE, 2005.
[1] Wolff, I.; Kompa, G.; Mehran, R.: Calculation method for microstrip discontinuities and T-junctions. Electronics Letters 8 (1972), 177 - 179.
[2] Wolff, I.; Kompa, G.; Mehran, R.: Streifenleitungsdiskontinuitäten und Verzweigungen. NTZ 25 (1972), 217 - 224.
[3] Kompa, G.: Excitation and propagation of higher-order modes in microstrip discontinuities. Proceedings of the 1973 European Microwave Conf., Brussels, Vol. 2, Paper B.7.6.
[4] Kompa, G.: Dispersion measurements of the first two higher-order modes in open microstrip. AEÜ 29 (1975), 182 - 184.
[5] Kompa, G.; Mehran, R.: Planar waveguide model for calculating microstrip components. Electronics Letters 11 (1975), 459 - 460.
[6] Kompa, G.: Frequency-dependent behaviour of microstrip offset junctions. Electronics Letters 11 (1975), 537 - 538.
[7] Kompa, G.: S-matrix computation of microstrip discontinuities with a planar waveguide model. AEÜ 30 (1976), 58 - 64.
[8] Kompa, G.: Approximate calculation of radiation from open-ended wide microstrip lines. Electronics Letters 12 (1976), 222 - 224.
[9] Kompa, G.: Reduced coupling aperture of microstrip stubs provides new aspects in stub-filter design. Proc. of the 6th European Microwave Conf., Rome 1976, 39 - 43.
[10] Kompa, G.: Design of stepped microstrip components. The Radio and Electronic Engineer. Vol. 48, No. 1/2, January/February 1978, 53 - 63.
[11] Kompa, G.: Laser-Entfernungsmesser hoher Genauigkeit für den industriellen Einsatz. Conference Proceedings of the Laser 79 Opto-Electronics, Munich 2/6 July 1979, 587 - 593.
[12] Kompa, G.; Mehran R.: Microstrip filter analysis using a microstrip waveguide model. The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 50, No. 1/2, January/February 1980, 54 - 58.
[13] Kompa, G.: About the frequency-dependent characteristics of a microstrip-waveguide transition. AEÜ 35 (1981), 69 - 71.
[14] Kompa, G.: Optical short-range radar for level control measurement. IEE Proceedings, Vol. 131, Pt. H, No. 3, June 1984, 159 - 164.
[15] Kompa, G.: Extended time sampling for accurate optical pulse reflection measurement in level control. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., IM-33, No. 2, June 1984, 97 - 100. Reprinted in 'Selected Papers on Laser Distance Measurements', SPIE Milestone Series, Vol. MS 115 (ed. by T. Bosch and M. Lescure), 199 - 202, 1995.
[16] Kompa, G.: High resolution pulsed laser radar for contour mapping. Proc. 28th Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, (MWSCAS), Aug. 1985, Louisville, Ken./USA, 527 - 530.
[17] Kompa, G.; Schlechtweg, M.; van Raay, F.: Novel redundant calibration procedure for computer-corrected S-parameter characterization of microstrip components. Proc. of the Microwave Congress at the 8th Intern. Congress Laser 87 - Microwave Applications. Ed. by H. Groll and W. Waidelich, Springer-Verlag Berlin (1987), 65 -70.
[18] Kompa, G.: Adaptive Steuerung und Sensorik (Allgemeine Übersicht über Sensoren und ihre Bedeutung in der rechnerintegrierten Fertigung). In: Geitner, U.W. (Hrsg.), CIM-Handbuch, Vieweg-Verlag (1987), 1. Auflage, 363 - 376.
[19] Kompa, G.: Sensoren im MHI-Bereich - Entwicklungsstand und Trends. VDI-Z 130 (1988), Nr. 2, 42 - 54.
[20] Schlechtweg, M.; Kompa, G.: Charakterisierung von MESFETs in einer Mikrostrei-fenleitungs-Testfassung bis 26.5 GHz. Proc. of 3rd Conference on Microwaves and Optoelectronics (MIOP), March 2 - 4, 1988, Wiesbaden/FRG, Paper P 24.
[21] Kompa, G.: Radarsensoren in der Prozeß- und Fertigungsautomatisierung. Proc. of 3rd Conference on Microwaves and Optoelectronics (MIOP), March 2 - 4, 1988, Wiesbaden, FRG, Paper 2A2.
[22] Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.: New approach in error-corrected large-signal measurement of nonlinear devices. Proc. of 4th Conference on Microwaves and Optronics (MIOP), February 28 - March 2, 1989, Sindelfingen, FRG, Paper 2A.2.
[23] Kompa, G.; Schlechtweg, M.: Broadband and high-accurate GaAs FET characterization in microstrip medium up to 26.5 GHz. Proc. of 4th Conference on Microwaves and Optronics (MIOP), February 28 - March 2, 1989, Sindelfingen, FRG, Paper 2A.6.
[24] Kompa, G.; Schlechtweg, M.: Generalized modelling of GaAs MESFETs and MODFETs based on highly accurate broadband measurements. Proc. of 19th Europ. Microwave Conf., September 4 - 7, 1989, London, 179 - 186.
[25] Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.: Automatic large-signal measurement system for nonlinear device modelling and model verification. Proc. of 19th Europ. Microwave Conf., September 4 - 7, 1989, London, 587 - 594.
[26] Kompa, G.; Schlechtweg, M.; van Raay, F.: Precisely calibrated coaxial-to-microstrip transitions yield improved performance in GaAs FET characterization. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-38, No. 1, Jan. 1990, 62 - 68.
[27] Kompa, G.; Lin, F.: New algorithm approach for consistent model parameter extraction of GaAs MESFET equivalent circuits. Proc. of 5th Conference on Microwaves and Optronics (MIOP), April 24 - 26, 1990, Stuttgart, Paper 4A.1, 257 -262.
[28] Kompa, G.; Drevenstedt, W.: Optimization of high power semiconductor laser pulses for radartype sensors. Proc. of 5th Conference on Microwaves and Optronics (MIOP), April 24 - 26, 1990, Stuttgart, Paper 3A.1, 193 - 198.
[29] Kompa, G.; Lin, F.: FET modelling using an analytic extraction method based on broadband S-parameter measurement. Proc. of 20th European Microwave Conference, September 10 - 13, 1990, Budapest, Paper B7.4, 778 - 783.
[30] Kompa, G.: Charakterisierung und Modellierung von Mikrowellen-FETs bis 40 GHz. 35. Intern. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium der Technischen Hochschule Ilmenau, Paper A8.2, 1990.
[31] Kompa, G.: Small- and large-signal characterization methods, modelling and verification. Proc. of 1990 West Germany IEEE MTT/AP Joint Chapter Workshop on Measurement Techniques for Microwave Device Characterization and Modelling, Stuttgart, April 23, 1990, 67 - 97.
[32] Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.: Error-corrected large-signal waveform measurement system combining network analyzer and sampling oscilloscope capabilities. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-38, No. 4., 1990, 358 - 365.
[33] Kompa, G.: Experimental modelling of microwave FETs based on 'hot' S-parameters. Archiv für Elektrotechnik, Vol. 74, 1991, 219 - 224.
[34] Kompa, G.: Adaptive Steuerung und Sensorik (Allgemeine Übersicht über Sensoren und ihre Bedeutung in der rechnerintegrierten Fertigung). In: Geitner, U.W. (Hrsg.), CIM-Handbuch, Vieweg-Verlag (1991), überarbeitete 2. Auflage, 438 - 451.
[35] Kompa, G.: Large-signal characterization and modeling of microwave FETs. IAF Short Course Digest on Ultra-High Speed Semiconductor Electronics and Optoelectronics, Fraunhofer-Institut for Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Freiburg (1991).
[36] Werthof, A.; Kompa, G.: Großsignalsimulation von GaAs-MESFETs. HF-Report, 5. Jahrgang, H. 3, 1991, 76 - 82.
[37] Lin, F.; Kompa, G.: Nonlinear microwave circuit design. Symposium on Information, Computer and Automatic Control of Youth Scholars of Academia Cinica (Hefei), 1991.
[38] Kompa, G.; Novotny, M.: Highly consistent FET model parameter extraction based on broadband S-parameter measurements. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Albuquerque, USA), 1992, 293 - 296.
[39] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: A new on-wafer large-signal waveform measurement system with 40 GHz harmonic bandwidth. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Albuquerque, USA), 1992, 1435 - 1438.
[40] Werthof, A.; Kompa, G.: A unified consistent DC to RF large signal FET model covering the strong dispersion effects of HEMT devices. 22nd European Microwave Conf. Proc., 24 - 27 August 1992, Helsinki, Paper B9.1, 1091 - 1096.
[41] Pradell, L.; Corbella, I.; Purroy, F.; Cáceres, M.; Kompa, G.; Novotny, M.; van Raay, F.: Comparacion entre tecnicas de medida y modelizacion de transistores MESFET y HEMT discretos hasta 40 GHz. VII Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica Internacional de Radio (URSI `92), Málaga, 23 - 25 September, 1992.
[42] Kompa, G.; Lin, F.; Novotny, M.; van Raay, F., Werthof, A.: Recent advances in large-signal measurements and modelling of active microwave devices. Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits (INMMIC), October 7 - 9, 1992, University of Duisburg (Duisburg, Germany), 231 -245.
[43] Stolze, A.; Novotny, M.; Kompa, G.; Rosenzweig, J.; Bosch, R.; Ludwig, M.: Experimentelle Modellierung von ultraschnellen MSM-Photodioden mit hoher Modellparameter-Extraktionsschärfe. Konferenz für Mikrowelle und Optronik (MIOP), Sindelfingen, 25. - 27. Mai, 1993, 357 - 361.
[44] Volpe, F.P.; Stolze, A.; Gorfinkel, V.; Kompa, G.: Energiereiche Pikosekundenimpulse von Halbleiterlasern im gütegeschalteten Betriebszustand für radarsensorische Anwendungen. Konferenz für Mikrowelle und Optronik (MIOP), Sindelfingen, 25. -27. Mai, 1993, 276 - 280.
[45] Werthof, A.; van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Neuartiges Verfahren zur Parameterextraktion nichtlinearer FET Modelle auf der Basis fehlerkorrigierter komplexer Signalspektren. Konferenz für Mikrowelle und Optronik (MIOP), Sindelfingen, 25.-27. Mai, 1993, 106 - 110.
[46] Werthof, A.; van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Direct nonlinear FET parameter extraction using large-signal waveform measurements. IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 3, No. 5, (1993), 130 - 132.
[47] Kompa, G.: Recent advances in laserradar technology with new facilities for quality control. Proc. of Conference on Modern Design, Manufacturing and Measurement (MODMM), May 6 - 8, 1993, Tsinghua University (Peking, China), Paper D-3, 242 - 247.
[48] Lin, F.; Kompa, G.: Efficient FET model parameter extraction using multi-plane data-fitting and bi-directional search technique. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Atlanta, USA), 1993, 1021 - 1024.
[49] Werthof, A.; van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Direct nonlinear power MESFET parameter extraction and consistent modeling. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Atlanta, USA), 1993, 645 - 648.
[50] Volpe, F.P.; Stolze, A.; Gorfinkel, V.; Kompa, G.: Generation of picosecond single optical pulses of high peak power for laser sensor application. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'93), Baltimore, Maryland (USA), May 2 - 7, Vol. 11, Paper CMA4, 1993.
[51] Kompa, G.: Fundamentals in successful experimental active device modelling. Workshop on Advanced Microwave Devices, Characterization and Modelling, 23rd European Microwave Conf. (Madrid, Spanien), September 10, 1993, Workshop Proc., 22 - 25 (Invited Paper).
[52] Gorfinkel, V.B.; Kompa, G.; Gurevich, S.A.; Shtengel, G.E.; Chebunina, I.E.: High-frequency modulation of a QW diode laser by dual modal gain and pumping current control. Proc. of 20th Int. Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds (Freiburg i.Br., Germany), 1993, Paper TuA8.
[53] Macho Cacho, L.; Werthof, A.; Kompa, G.: Broadband 40 GHz Si/SiGe HBT equivalent circuit using a successive analytical model parameter extraction. 23rd European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 6-9, 1993, Madrid, Paper B9.3, 515 -517.
[54] Gorfinkel, V.B.; Kompa, G.; Novotny, M.; Gurevich, S.A.; Shtengel, G.E.; Chebunina, I.E.: High-frequency modulation of a QW diode laser by dual modal gain and pumping current control. Int. Electron. Device Meeting, IEDM'93, Washington, USA, December 5-8, 1993, 933 - 937.
[55] Lin, F.; Kompa, G.: FET model parameter extraction based on optimization with multiplane data-fitting and bidirectional search - a new concept. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-42, July 1994, 1114 - 1121.
[56] Volpe, F.P.; Gorfinkel, V.; Sola, J.; Kompa, G.: 140W/40ps single optical pulses for sensor application. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Anaheim/ CA (USA), May 8 - 13, Paper CWC4, 1994.
[57] Gorfinkel, V.; Kompa, G.; Sola, J.; Volpe, F.P.: New Technique for generating powerful picosecond optical pulses from semiconductor lasers for high-resolution pulsed radar systems. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (ECLEO'94), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, Paper CMD2, 1994.
[58] Gorfinkel, V.B.; Kompa, G.; Sola, J.; Volpe, F.P.: Generation of powerful picosecond optical pulses from semiconductor lasers with modal gain controlled by pumping current (simulation and experiment), Symposium Handbook of 21st International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS'94), San Diego, California, September 18 - 22, 1994,
[59] Portnoi, E.L.; Venus, E.B.; Khazan, A.A.; Gorfinkel, V.B.; Kompa, G.; Marsh, J.H.; Avrutin, E.A.; Thayne, I.; Barrow, D.A.: Monolithically integrated optoelectronic downconverter. 14th IEEE Int. Semiconductor Laser Conference, Maui, Hawai, USA, Sept. 19 - 23, Paper M4.3, 1994.
[60] Portnoi, E.L.; Venus, G.B.; Khazan, A.A.; Gorfinkel, V.B.; Kompa, G.; Avrutin, E.A.; Thayne, I.; Barrow, D.A.; Marsh, J.H.: Monolithically integrated optoelectronic downconverter (MIOD). Proc. 9th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, October 24 - 26, 1994, Tel-Aviv, Israel, SPIE - The Int. Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 2426, 304 - 319.
[61] Gorfinkel, V. B., G. Kompa, M. Novotny, A. Stolze, S. A. Gurevich, G. E. Shtengel, and I. E. Chebunina, „1/f Modulation Response of AlGaAs/GaAs SQW Laser with Dual Modal Gain and Pumping Current Control,“ Proceedings CLEO/PACIFIC RIM, Paper F13, pp. 190-191.
[62] Kompa, G.; Stolze, A.; Vogt, W.; Volpe, F.P.: Pikosekunden-Laserradar und faseroptisches Abtastsystem zur dynamischen on-line Konturvermessung. Broschüre zur Abschlußpräsentation des vom BMBF geförderten Verbundprojektes "3D-Objektvermessung auf größere Entfernungen" am 21. und 22.06.1995 auf der Laser '95, München, 1 - 14 (Herausgeber: VDI-TZ, Düsseldorf, 1995).
[63] Kompa, G.: Modeling of Dispersive Microwave FET Devices Using a Quasi-Static Approach. International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 173 - 194, 1995.
[64] Novotny, M.; Kompa, G.: Unique and physically meaningful extraction of the bias-dependent series resistors of a 0.15 μm PHEMT demands extremely broadband and highly accurate measurements. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (San Francisco, USA), 1996, 1715 - 1718.
[65] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Rangelow, I.W.; Shi, F.; Scholz, W.; Kassing, R.: A new silicon micro‑test-fixture facilitates the re-usability of accurately characterized low-power FET devices. 26th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 9 - 12, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, 521 ‑ 523.
[66] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: A 40 GHz large-signal double-reflectometer waveform measurement system designed for load-pull applications. 26th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 9 - 12, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, 657 - 661.
[67] Schmale, I.; van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Dispersive table-based large-signal FET model validated in analysis of MMIC frequency doubler. 26th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 9 - 12, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, 260 - 263.
[68] Kompa, G.; Gorfinkel, V.; Sola, J.; Stolze, A.; Vogt, W.; Volpe, F.: Powerful picosecond-pulsed laser radar with micrometer ranging resolution. 26th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 9-12, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, 147 - 152.
[69] Stolze, A.; Kompa, G.: Nonlinear modelling of dispersive photodiodes based on frequency- and time-domain measurements. 26th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 9 - 12, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, 379 - 382.
[70] Kompa, G.: Pulsed laser radar for 3D-quality assurance of hot workpieces. OPTO 96 Kongressband, Vortrag 4.2, 2nd Congress and Exhibition for 'Optical Sensor Technology, Measuring Techniques, Electronics', Leipzig, Germany, September 25 - 27, 1996, 93 - 98.
[71] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Rangelow, I.W.; Scholz, W.; Shi, F.; Kassing, R.; Meyer, R.; Amann, M.‑C.: Air bridge based planar hybrid technology for microwave and millimeterwave applications. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Denver, USA), 1997, 925 - 928.
[72] Kompa, G.; Biernat, A.: A laser radar for precise 2D- and 3D-object imaging. EOS 14th Topical Meeting on Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications, Topical Meetings Digests Series: Volume 14, Session: Time-of-Flight 1 on July 9, Nantes, France, July 8 - 10, 1997.
[73] Kompa, G.; Djebari, M.; Stolze, A.: A new concept for the correction of ranging errors originating in the nonlinearities of photoreceivers. EOS 14th Topical Meeting on Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications, Topical Meetings Digests Series: Volume 14, Session: Time-of-Flight 2 on July 10, Nantes, France, July 8 - 10, 1997.
[74] Kompa, G; Novotny, M.: Frequency-dependent measurement error analysis and refined FET model parameter extraction including bias-dependent series resistors. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 6.1-16.
[75] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Combination of waveform and load-pull measurements. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 10.1-11.
[76] Angelov, I.; Bengtsson, L.; Garcia, M.; van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: Extensions and model verification of the Chalmers nonlinear HEMT and MESFET model. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally-Based FET Device Modelling & Related Nonlinear Circuit Design', July 17-18, 1997, Paper 18.1-11.
[77] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Scholz, W.; Rangelow, I.W.; Shi, F.; Kassing, R.; Meyer, R.; Amann, M.-C.: A new technological concept for optimum circuit design at microwave and millimeterwave frequencies. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 23.1-5.
[78] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: A physics-based non-linear FET model including dispersion and high gate-forward currents. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 27.1-7.
[79] Schmale, I.; Torres-Molina, F.; Kompa, G.: In-depth analysis of monolithic 12 GHz MESFET amplifier. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 39.1-8.
[80] Wasige, E.; Ntchalhatou, H.; Kompa, G.: An analytical model parameter extraction procedure for GaAs FETs based on least-squares approximation. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 40.1-7.
[81] Wasige, E.; Hernandez de la Torre, J.; Al-Layla, I.; Kompa, G.: An analytical design procedure for microwave oscillators based on S-parameters. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 41.1-3.
[82] Djebari, M.; Kompa, G.: Measurement and physics table-based nonlinear CAD MSM photodiode model. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 42.1-4.
[83] Biernat, A.; Ridino, G.; Kompa, G.: Numerical transient simulation of SH laser diodes under strong and highly dynamic carrier injection. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 43.1-7.
[84] Biernat, A.; Djebari, M.; Weide, J.; Kompa, G.: Modelling, simulation and optimization of ultrafast semiconductor lasers and nonlinear photodetectors for laser radar sensors with micrometer accuracy. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 44.1-6.
[85] Novotny, M.; Kompa, G.: Scaling of FETs using the Multi-Bias Extraction Procedure. Int. IEEE Workshop on 'Experimentally based FET device modelling & related nonlinear circuit design', Kassel, July 17 - 18, 1997, Paper 46.1-3.
[86] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Schmale, I.; Rangelow, I.W.; Scholz, W.; Shi, F.; Kassing, R.; Meyer, R.; Amann, M.‑C.; Hudek, P.: Air bridge based planar hybrid technology for microwave and millimeterwave applications. 27th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 8 - 12, 1997, Jerusalem, Israel, 375 - 378.
[87] Biernat, A.; Kompa, G.: A laser radar for precise 2D‑ and 3D‑object imaging. 27th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 8 - 12, 1997, Jerusalem, Israel, 601 ‑ 604.
[88] Djebari, M.; Kompa, G.; Stolze, A.: A simplified physics‑based quasi‑static MSM photodiode model. 27th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 8 - 12, 1997, Jerusalem, Israel, 324 ‑ 327.
[89] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: An improved physics-based nonquasi-static FET-model. 27th European Microwave Conf. Proc., September 8 - 12, 1997, Jerusalem, Israel, 328 - 330.
[90] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: An alternative quasi large-signal approach to model transistor non-linearities. 10th III-V Semiconductor Device Simulation Workshop Proc., Session: Large-signal and circuit-oriented modelling (October 17, 9:00-9:25), Torino, Italy, October 16-17, 1997.
[91] Djebari, M.; Kompa, G.; Stolze, A.: A new concept for the correction of ranging errors originating in the nonlinearities of photoreceivers. Topical Meeting 'Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications', Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France, July 1997.
[92] Biernat, A.; Kompa, G.: A Laser Radar for precise 2D and 3D-Object Imaging. Topical Meeting 'Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications', Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France, July 1997.
[93] Kompa, G.: Reliable extraction of small-signal elements of a generalized distributed FET model. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Baltimore, USA), 1998, Paper TUA-8.
[94] Kompa, G.: Getting students into central Europe - A postgraduate degree programme at the GhK with special emphasis on a Kenya co-operation, Proc. GaAs'98 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998, 230 - 235.
[95] Djebari, M.; Kompa, G.; Stolze, A.: Error correction of the response delay due to the nonlinearities of photoreceivers. Journal of Optics, Vol. 29 (1998), No. 3, 194 -198.
[96] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: Choosing the right frequency doubler technology. Proc. of the European Space Agency Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: antennas, circuits, and systems, Helsinki, Finland, May 1998, 467 - 472.
[97] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: A stability-ensuring procedure for designing high conversion-gain frequency doublers. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Baltimore, USA), 1998, 873 - 876.
[98] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: A novel thermal resistance extraction technique for temperature-dependent FET modelling. IEEE GaAs and Related III/V Components Application Symposium, October 5 - 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 416 - 420.
[99] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: Integration of thermal effects into a table-based large-signal FET model. 28th European Microwave Conf. Proc., October 5 - 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 102 - 107.
[100] Biernat, A.; Kompa, G.: Powerful picosecond laser pulses enabling high resolution pulsed laser radar, Special Issue of Journal of Optics on Optoelectronic Distance / Displacement Measurements and Applications, IOP Publishing, Vol. 29 (1998), No. 3, 225 - 228.
[101] Biernat, A.; Kompa, G.: Generation of high-power picosecond laser pulses. Conf. Proc. of GaAs'98 held in the frame of the European Microwave Week '98, October 5 - 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 510 - 514.
[102] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: Understanding FET frequency doubler operation through a non-linear signal-flow analysis. Int. IEEE Workshop on MMIC Design, Packaging, and System Applications, October 22 - 23, 1998, FhG-IAF, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 43 - 44.
[103] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: A 2-40 GHz MMIC frequency doubler with active balun. Int. IEEE Workshop on MMIC Design, Packaging, and System Applications, October 22 - 23, 1998, FhG-IAF, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 20 - 22.
[104] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: A novel thermal resistance extraction technique for temperature-dependent FET modelling. European GaAs and related III/V-compounds Application Symposium, October 5 - 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 416 - 420.
[105] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: A new active balun reflectometer concept for DC to microwave VNA applications. 28th European Microwave Conf. Proc., October 5 - 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 108 - 113.
[106] Djebari, M.; Kompa, G.: MSM photodiode-based highly accurate 3D laser impulse radar. 29th European Microwave Conf. Proc., October 4 - 8, 1999, Munich, Germany, M-TuC4.
[107] Schmale, I; Kompa, G.: A symmetric non quasi-static large-signal FET model with a truly consistent analytic determination from DC- and S-parameter data. 29th European Microwave Conf. Proc., October 4 - 8, 1999, Munich, Germany, M-TuE4.
[108] Schmale, I.; Kompa, G.: Improving balanced frequency doublers through a design approach insensitive to residual asymmetries. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Anaheim, USA), 1999, 733 - 736.
[109] van Raay, F.; Kompa, G.: A 2-40 GHz PHEMT MMIC active balun frequency doubler. 29th European Microwave Conf. Proc., October 5 - 7, 1999, Munich, Germany, 349 - 352.
[110] Biernat, A.; Kompa, G.: Numerical simulation of the generation of gain switched laser pulses. Optical and Quantum Electronics 31, 1999, 981 - 995.
[111] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Rangelow, I.W.; Scholz, W.; Kassing, R.; Bertram, S.; Hudek, P.: GaAs FET characterization in a quasi-monolithic Si environment. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Anaheim, USA), 1999, 1889 - 1891.
[112] Wasige, E.; Kompa, G.; van Raay, F.; Rangelow, I.W.; Scholz, W.; Kassing, R.; Bertram, S.; Hudek, P.: 12 GHz coplanar quasi-monolithic oscillator. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. (Anaheim, USA), 1999, 227 - 228.
[113] G. Kompa and E. Wasige: Quasi-monolithic Si-GaAs hybrid technology for microwave and millimeter-wave application. Proc. of First Joint Symposium on Opto- and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (SODC 2000), Nanjing, China, April 10 - 15, 2000, 33 - 36.
[114] Duzdar and G. Kompa: An extremely cost-effective base-band microwave pulsed radar head for an existing pulsed laser system. 5th Ultrawide Band Short Pulse Electromagnetics Conference (EUROEM 2000), UWB-2: Radar Systems session, No. 5.2, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 30 – June 2, 2000.
[115] W. Mwema and G. Kompa: A new simplified and reliable HEMT modelling approach using pinched cold FET S-parameters. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. 3, 2000, 1393-1396.
[116] G. Kompa, E. Wasige, and M. Joodaki: Quasi-monolithic hybrid technology based on Si micromachining and low-temperature thin-film processing. Conf. Proc. MICRO.tec 2000, VDE World Microtechnologies Congress, September 25 - 27, Sept. 2000, Expo 2000, Hannover, Germany, Vol. 2, 109 - 114.
[117] Duzdar and G. Kompa: A novel inverted trapezoidal antenna fed by a ground image plane and backed by a reflector. Proc. 30th European Microwave Conference (EuMC2000), vol. 2, October 2 - 6, 2000, 1 - 4.
[118] G. Kamucha and G. Kompa: High resolution hip-joint socket imaging using pulsed laser radar. 30th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, 3rd - 5th October, 2000, 321 - 324.
[119] M. Joodaki and G. Kompa: Static thermal design of quasi monolithic Technology (QMT) for realization of power microwave and millimeter wave circuits. Conf. Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM2000, Tehran, October 31 - November 2, 2000, 367 - 370.
[120] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Static thermal design of quasi-monolithic integrated technology (QMIT). Conf. Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications EDMO 2000, Scotland, UK, November 2000, 117-122.
[121] G. Kompa, M. Joodaki and E. Wasige: Quasi-monolithic integration technology for flexible and reliable design of microwave and millimeterwave circuits. Conf. Proc. ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOM-2000 (APT-2000), December 14 - 16, 2000, Velore, India, 1 - 6.
[122] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Optimization of thermal resistance in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) structure. Conf. Proc. 17th Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium SEMI-THER XVII, San Jose, USA, March 2001, 12-17.
[123] A. Duzdar and G. Kompa: Applications using a low-cost baseband pulsed microwave radar sensor. Proc. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC 2001), Budapest, Hungary, May 21 -23, 2001, 239-243.
[124] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, V. Ahmadi, and M.K. Moravvej-Farshi: Using neural networks for high resolution distance measurements in pulsed laser radar. Conf. Proc. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2001, Budapest, Hungary, May 21 - 23, 2001, 1242-1246.
[125] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, S.M.G. Arshad, V. Ahmadi, and M.K. Moravvej-Farshi: Neural networks for near distance measurements with overlapping of reference and reflected pulses in pulsed laser radar. Microwave and Optronics MIOP 2001, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2001, 110-113.
[126] A. Duzdar and G. Kompa: Low-cost radar sensor using baseband picosecond electrical pulses. The Sensor 2001 Conference, Nuremberg, Position/Acceleration Session, No. 3.2, Germany, May 8 - 10, 2001.
[127] S. Abuasaker, A. Duzdar, and G. Kompa: Time-domain measurements using a baseband pulsed microwave radar sensor. Proc. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10, 2001, 198-201.
[128] Duzdar and G. Kompa: Ranging and time-domain scattering applications using a low-cost baseband pulsed microwave radar sensor. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 20 - 25, 2001 (submitted paper).
[129] S. Abuasaker, A. Duzdar, and G. Kompa: Ultra-wideband low-cost sampler for microwave and laser radar systems. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10. 2001, 64-66.
[130] B. Bunz and G. Kompa: BIAS investigation for stable frequency triplers. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10. 2001, Session 2: Microwave Sources.
[131] A. Ahmed and G. Kompa: Digital predistortion linearization using advanced design system and MATLAB simultaneously. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10. 2001, Session 3: Digitally Controlled Microwave Circuits.
[132] Y. Cheng and G. Kompa: K-band buffered oscillator with high power and minimum frequency fluctuation. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10. 2001, Session 2: Microwave Sources.
[133] A. Ghose and G. Kompa: A fast method for the synthesis of microwave interdigital bandpass filters based on empirical relations. 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP), Stuttgart, Germany, May 8 - 10. 2001, Session 17: Computation & Simulation.
[134] B. Bunz and G. Kompa: A stability ensuring design approach for frequency triplers. 2001 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 20-25, 2001, Paper TU1D-8.
[135] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, T. Leinhos, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Simulation and measurement of thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT). Conf. Proc. 51st Electronic Components & Technology Conference ECTC 51st, FL, USA, May 29 - June 1, 2001, 715-720.
[136] M. Joodaki, T. Senyildiz, G. Kompa, T. Leinhos, R. Kassing, and H. Hillmer: Thermal stress in quasi monolithic integration technology (QMIT). Microwave and Optronics MIOP 2001, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2001, 303-307.
[137] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, S.M. Golam Arshad, V. Ahmadi, and M.K. Moravvej-Farshi: Using a neural networks algorithm for high resolution imaging in pulsed laser radar. Proc. SPIE, vol. 4471, Algorithms and Systems for Optical Information Processing V, San Diego, USA , Dec. 2001, 180-189.
[138] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, T. Leinhos, R. Kassing, and H. Hillmer: Using scanning probe microscopy for determination of thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT). Proc. SPIE, vol. 4468, Engineering Thin Films with Ion Beams, Nanoscale Diagnostics, and Molecular Manufacturing, Dec. 2001, 150-160.
[139] M. Joodaki, T. Senyildiz, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Three dimensional static thermal analysis of quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT). The 47th International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology (Annual Meeting of SPIE), July 29 - August 3, 2001.
[140] G. Kamucha and G. Kompa: A non-invasive approach to patient registration in computer assisted hip-joint surgery using pulsed laser radar imaging, Proc. ODIMAP III, 3rd Topical Meeting on Optoelectronic Distance Measurement and Applications, University of Pavia, Italy, Sept. 2001, 105-111.
[141] M. Joodaki, T. Senyildiz, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) for power applications. European Microwave Week 2001, GaAs 2001, London, UK, Sept. 2001, 175-178.
[142] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, S.M. Golam Arshad, V. Ahmadi, and M.K. Moravvej-Farshi:Using a neural networks algorithm for high contrast imaging in pulsed laser radar. European Microwave Week 2001, EUMC 31st , London, UK, Poster Session, Sept. 2001.
[143] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, S.M. Golam Arshad, G. Kamucha, V. Ahmadi, and M.K. Moravvej-Farshi:Application of neural networks for distance measurement in pulsed laser radar (PLR)", 3rd Topical Meeting on Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications ODIMAP III, Pavia, Italy, Sept. 2001, 99-104.
[144] Y. Cheng, K. Czuba, and G. Kompa: K-band phase locked hair-pin oscillator. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2002), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, May 26-29, 2002.
[145] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, and H. Hillmer: New generation of quasi-monolithic integration technology. The IEEE 52nd Electronic Components & Technology Conference ECTC 52nd, CA, USA, May 2002, 641-645.
[146] M. Joodaki, T. Senyildiz, and G. Kompa:Heat transfer and thermal stress analysis in the new generation of quasi-monolithic integration technology. The IEEE 52nd Electronic Components & Technology Conference ECTC 52nd, CA, USA, May 2002, 590-596.
[147] M. Joodaki and G. Kompa: A systematic approach to a reliable neural model for p-HEMT using different numbers of training data. 2002 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., Digest, Seattle, USA, June 2002, 1105-1108.
[148] S. Abuasaker and G. Kompa: A high sensitive receiver for base band pulse microwave radar sensor using hybrid technology. IEEE Radar Conference 2002, Long Beach, California, USA, April 22-25, 2002 (accepted paper).
[149] M. Joodaki and G. Kompa: Reliable neural modeling of p-HEMT from a smaller number of measurement data. Proc. SPIE, vol. 4787, Application and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation V, Dec. 2002, 65-73.
[150] M. Joodaki, P. Janus, T. Gotszalk, K. Edinger, G. Kompa, and I.W. Rangelow: Thermal imaging of microwave power GaAs-FET with scanning thermal nano-probe. Proc. SPIE, vol. 4909, Nanoscale Optics and Applications, Dec. 2002, 202-207.
[151] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Advantages of the new generation Quasi-monolithic integration technology. European Microwave Week 2002, GaAs 2002, Milan, Italy, Session G6, Sept. 2002.
[152] M. Joodaki, A. Tarraf, M. Salih, D. Albert, H. Schröter-Hohmann, W. Scholz, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing: Improvements of thermal resistance and thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) with a new fabrication process. European Microwave Week 2002, GaAs 2002, Milan, Italy, Poster Session, Sept. 2002.
[153] Ghose, A, and G. Kompa, “Electro-Thermal Parameter Extraction of Avalanche Photodiode Using Quasi-DC Optical Pulses,” EDMO2002 - The 10th IEEE Int. Symp. on Electron Devices for Microwave & Optoelectronic Applications, University of Manchester Institute if Science and Technology (UMIST), 18-19 Nov. 2002.
[154] Lewandowski, A., G. Kompa, W. Mwema, and W. Wiatr, “A 24 GHz PHEMT-Based Oscillator,” (submitted).
[155] M. Joodaki, G. Kompa, and H. Hillmer: An enhanced quasi-monolithic integration technology for microwave and millimeter wave applications. IEEE Trans. on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 26, No. 4, November 2003, 402-409.
[156] Ghose, A., M. Ring, and G. Kompa, “Simultaneous Gain and Noise Matching of a Wideband Optical Receiver Front End,” APMC 2003, Seoul Korea, Paper No. 589.
[157] G. Kompa, “Koordinierungsfunktionen bei gestuften fremdsprachlichen Studiengängen,” published in hochschule innovative (hi)- Die neue Verantwortung der Hochschulen, Lemmens Verlags- & Mediengesellschaft mbH, Bonn, 2003, pp. 188-189.
(to be completed)
[158] Kompa, G., and G. Kamucha, “Non-invasive Intraoperative Imaging Using Laser Radar Imaging in Hip Joint Replacement Surgery,” Scientific Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV 2004), RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany, March 11-12,2004
[159] Ahmed, A., M. Endalkachew, and G. Kompa: Power Amplifier Linearization Using Memory Polynomial Predistorters with Non-uniform Delay Taps. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., pp.1871-1874, TX, USA, June 2004.
[160] Ahmed, A, M. O. Abdalla, E. S. Mengistu, and G. Kompa: Power Amplifier Modeling Using Memory Polynomial with Non-uniform Delay Taps. IEEE 34th European Microwave Conf. Proc., pp. 1457-1460, Amsterdam, October 2004.
[161] Bunz, B., and G. Kompa, "Broadband HEMT-based frequency tripler for use in active multi-harmonic load-pull system ”, European Microwave Conference Proceedings, Amsterdam, 2004, pp. 193 - 196.
[162] Ahmed, A., B. Bunz, M. Gamal-El Din, and G. Kompa: Measurement Set-ups for Memory Effects Characterization in GaN HEMT Power Device. Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Device Characterisation, Amsterdam, October 2004.
[163] Ahmed, A., and G. Kompa: PAs in Combined Systems and T/R Modules, System Perspective: PA Characterization and Modelling Approaches. Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Power Amplifier Design, Rome, November 2004.
[164] Bunz, B., A. Ahmed, M. Gamal-El Din, and G. Kompa: Measurement Set-ups for Memory Effects Characterization in GaN HEMT Power Device. Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Device Characterisation, Amsterdam, October 2004.
[165] Bunz. B., and G. Kompa: Impact of wide-bandgap devices on PA design techniques, Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Power Amplifier Design, Rome, Italy, November 2004.
(to be completed)
[166] Joodaki, M., G. Kompa, H. Hillmer,and R. Kassing, “Heat Transfer Improvement in Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology,” J. Microlith., Microfab., Microsyst. 4(3), Jul-Sep 2005, 033011-1-7.
[167] Joodaki, M., P. Janus, T. Gotszalk, G. Kompa, K. Edinger, and I. W. Rangelow, „Application of Scanning Thermal Nano-Probe for Thermal Imaging,“ Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. No. 9A, pp. ….
[168] Joodaki, M., G. Kompa, and H. Hillmer, ”Thermomechanical Stress Analysis and Measurement in Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT),” IEEE Trans. On Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 5, 2005, pp. 581-594.
[169] Djebari, M., M. Bensebti, A. Anou, M. Bersali, and G. Kompa, “1-12 GHz Hybrid Distributed Amplifier Using Coplanar Waveguide on High Resistivity Silicon,” 3rd Int. Conf.: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2005), March 27-31, Tunesia, 2005.
[170] Ghose, A., B. Bunz, J. Weide, and G. Kompa, “Extraction of Nonlinear Parameters of Dispersive Avalanche Photodiode Using Pulsed RF Measurement and Quasi-DC Optical Excitation,” IEEE Trans., Vol. MTT-53, 2005, pp. 2082-2087.
[171] Ahmed, A., E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa: Efficient PA Modeling Using Neural Network and Measurement Setup for Memory Effect Characterization in the Power Device. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., WE1D-5, CA, USA, June 2005.
[172] Ahmed, A., E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa: Neural Network and Memory Polynomial Methodologies for PA Modeling. 7th International Conf. On Telecommunications in Modern Satellite (TELSIKS05), pp. 393-396, Serbia, September 2005.
[173] Bunz, B., A. Ahmed and G. Kompa, “Investigation of Envelope impedance termination towards RF behaviour of GaN HEMT power devices”, European
Microwave Conference Proceedings, Paris, 2005, pp. 1595-1598.
[174] Jarndal, A., and G. Kompa, “A New Small Signal Model Parameter Extraction Method Applied to GaN Devices,” IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Long Beach, CA, June 2005.
[175] Jarndal, A., and G. Kompa, “A New Small-Signal Modeling Approach Applied to GaN Devices,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 53, no.11, 2005, pp. 3440-3447.
[176] Ghose, A., B. Bunz, J. Weide, and G. Kompa, "Large signal modelling of avalanche photodiode for correction of optical power dependent nonlinearity," Proc. 34th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, pp. 357-360, 3-7 October, 2005.
[177] Ghose, A., B. Bunz, J. Weide, and G. Kompa, "A measurement based approach to extract nonlinearity in avalanche photodiode," Telsiks 2005, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro, pp. 373-376, 28-30 September, 2005.
[178] Ghose, A., B. Bunz, J. Weide, and G. Kompa, "Large signal bias dependent modelling of avalanche photodiode based on pulsed RF measurement," GeMiC’05, Ulm, Germany, pp. 197-200, 5-7 April, 2005.
[179] Ruengwaree, A., R. Yowuno, and G. Kompa "Novel rugby-ball UWB antenna for baseband transmission," 7th International Conf. on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite (TELSIKS05), vol. 1, pp. 16-19, Serbia, September 2005.
[180] Ruengwaree, A., R. Yowuno, and G. Kompa, "A novel rugby-ball antenna for pulse radiation", European Microwave Conference Proceedings, pp.1855-1858, Paris, October 2005.
[181] Ahmed, A., E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa: Comparison Between Memory Polynomial and Neural Network Models for PA Modeling. Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Workshop on RF Power Amplifier, Italy, April 2005.
[182] Ahmed, A., E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa: Envelope Frequency Dependent TDNN Power Amplifier Model. Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Transmitter Design, Athens, September 2005.
[183] Bunz, B., and G. Kompa: Large Signal Characterisation of packaged GaAs High Power Devices, Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team (TARGET) Tutorial on Quick Shot Short Term Prototyping, Orvieto, Italy, April 2005.
[184] El-Din, M. G., B. Bunz and G. Kompa: 10 W Broadband Load-Pull for GaN/AlGaN Characterization, Proceedings German Microwave Conference (GEMIC), Ulm, April 2005, pp. 185 – 188.
[185] Mayer, M. L., H. Arthaber, G. Magerl, D. Barataud, J.P. Teyssier, B. Bunz, G. Kompa, F. Verbeyst, M. Vanden Bossche, Advances in Active Load-pull Systems, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp, IMS 2005 workshop WMC, CA, USA, June 2005.
(to be completed)
[186] Silveira, D., M. Gadringer, P. L. Gilabert, G. Montoro, Y. Lei, E. R. Srinidhi, V. Camarchia, M. Pirola, G. Magerl, E. Bertran, A. A. Goacher, M. O’Droma, G. Kompa, S. Donati, “Comparison of RF Power Amplifier Behavioural Models Estimated from Shared Measurement Data,” TARGET DAYS Tutorial, Via Frascati, Italy, October 2006.
[187] Silveira, D., M. Gadringer, P. L. Gilabert, G. Montoro, Y. Lei, E. R. Srinidhi, E. G. Lima, V. Camarchia, M., G. Magerl, E. Bertran, A. A. Goacher, M. O’Droma, G. Kompa, M. Pirola, “A Performance Comparison of RF Power Amplifier Behavioral Models,” Submitted to IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques, December 2006.
[188] Jarndal, A., and G. Kompa, “An Accurate Small-Signal Model for AlGaN-GaN HEMT Suitable for Scalable Large-Signal Model Construction,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., vol. 16, no. 6, June 2006, pp. 333-335.
[189] Jarndal, A., B. Bunz and G. Kompa, “Accurate Large-Signal Modeling of AlGaN-GaN HEMT Including Trapping and Self-Heating Induced Dispersion,” in International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs, Napoli, Italy, June 2006.
[190] Mengistu, E. S. and G. Kompa, “A Large-Signal Model of GaN HEMTs for Linear High Power Amplifier Design,” 36th European Microwave Conf., Sept. 2006, pp. 292-295.
[191] Ahmed, A., B. Bunz, E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa, “Measurements of Envelope Frequency Dependent Nonlinearity in GaN HEMT Power Device,” International Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Integrated Circuits (INMMIC) Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal, January 2006.
[192] Ahmed, A., B. Bunz, E. R. Srinidhi, and G. Kompa, “Effect of the Short Envelope Termination on the Measured Memory Effect in GaN HEMT Power Device,” IEEE Topical Workshop on Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, San Diego, CA January 2006.
[193] Markos A. Z., and G. Kompa, “A 2.6W AlGaN/GaN Based Symmetrical Doherty Amplifier Design,” TARGET DAYS Tutorial, Via Frascati, Italy, October 2006, pp. 97-100.
[194] Srinidhi, E. R., A. Ahmed, and G. Kompa, “Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling Strategies Using Neural Network and Memory Polynomial Models,” Microwave Review Journal, Vol. 12, No.1, June 2006.
[195] Srinidhi, E. R., B. Bunz, B. Wittwer, and G. Kompa, “Multi-Tone Based AM-AM and AM-PM PA Characterization, “ TARGET DAYS Tutorial, Via Frascati, Italy, October 2006, pp. 49 – 52.
[196] Ruengwaree, A., A. Ghose, and G. Kompa, “A Novel Rugby-Ball UWB Antenna for Near-Range Microwave Radar System,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 54, no. 6, June 2006, pp. 2774-2779.
[197] Ruengwaree, A., R. Yowuno, and G. Kompa, “Design and Performance of an UWB Antenna for a Mono-Static Microwave Radar System”, German Microwave Conference, Karlsruhe, March 2006.
[198] Ruengwaree, A. , R. Yowuno, and G. Kompa, “Ultra-Fast Pulse Transmitter for UWB Microwave Radar”, European Microwave Conference Proceedings, Paris, September 2006, pp. 1833-1836.
(to be completed)
[199] Srinidhi, E. R. , A. Jarndal, and G. Kompa, “A New Method for Identification and Minimization of Distortion Sources in GaN HEMT Devices Based on Volterra Series Analysis,” IEEE Electron Device Letters (to be published in May 2007).
(to be completed)
To be published:
Joodaki, M., and G. Kompa, “Application of Neural Networks for Extraction of Distance and Reflectance in Pulsed Laser Radar,” J. of Measurement, xxx (2006) xxx-xxx .
Joodaki, M., A. Kricke, H. Hillmer, and G. Kompa, “Interconnects Analyses in Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT).