Brief Information on the Procedure of the DSH Examination

In order to take the DSH at the University of Kassel, you must have a conditional admission to the University of Kassel. Information on how to apply for admission can be obtained from the Studierendensekretariat (Student Admissions Office) and from the department responsible for your study programme.

The DSH consists of a written and an oral examination part. Passing the written part is a prerequisite for taking the oral examination. The DSH is usually offered a few weeks before lectures begin, so that the results of the examination are available in time before the semester begins. You can find an overview of the dates for the next semester here. Both parts of the examination are held on different days on the campus of the University of Kassel.

Overall Result:

You will receive a certificate if you have achieved at least DSH 1 level (57%) in both the written and oral examination sections. Please note, the worse result from the partial examinations always counts as the overall result.

Example 1:
Written part: DSH 1
Oral part: DSH 2
Overall result: DSH 1

Example 2:
Written part: DSH 3
Oral part: DSH 2
Overall result: DSH 2

If you have not passed the DSH or would like to attempt the examination at a later date, you can register or apply for an entrance test (listening comprehension - reading comprehension - grammar) for the preparation course for the next DSH. The teaching time is approx. 20 hours/week and takes place during the semester. A three-week training course is offered during the lecture-free period.