Experience has shown that to pass the DSH (level 2) you need approx. 1000 hours of successfully completed German lessons and language level C1 according to the CEFR.

To apply and register for the DSH, you can also prove your language skills with the following certificates: Goethe Zertifikat C1 (Goethe Institute), telc Deutsch C1 or TestDaF TDN min. 3x4

Please note that different regulations may apply for applicants to the artistic degree programs at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

Applicants for the preparatory courses (13 weeks / 260 hours) should provide proof of at least 800 successfully completed lessons in German as a foreign language and level B2.

The following certificates are also accepted for application and registration: Goethe Zertifikat B2 (Goethe Institute), telc Deutsch B2, DSH 1 (with registration number) or TestDaF TDN min. 4x3

The University of Kassel adheres closely to the guidelines of the framework regulations for the DSH. More detailed information can be found in the "Brief information on the DSH procedure". A sample exam is attached for better orientation.

Anyone who has a current conditional admission from the University of Kassel and can prove that they have qualified for active language level C1 of the CEFR, i.e. with grades in all sub-skills, may apply for the DSH. The grade point average should not exceed 3.5.

You can provide this proof via:
- Goethe Zertifikat C1 (Goethe Institute)
- telc Deutsch C1
- alternatively: proof of completed participation in 1000 hours of German lessons including level C1. Only complete certificates of attendance for the levels (no partial certificates such as level C.1.) with grades will be accepted.

Please note that different regulations may apply for the artistic degree programs (Fine Arts, Product Design, Visual Communication) at the School of Art and Design.

Further information regarding conditional admission can be obtained from the:

Admissions Office of the University of Kassel
Moritzstr. 18
34109 Kassel
E-Mail: studieren(at)uni-kassel.de

The International Study Center/Language Center offers preparatory language courses. You will receive information on the courses on offer, on how to apply and register, and on the dates with your conditional admission and on this page.

Course type "Preparatory course" (B2: 10 weeks/200 hours; C1: 13 weeks/260 hours):

Language training and exam preparation before and during the semester

Before the preparatory course, all prospective students take a compulsory entrance test to determine their current language level:
Variant 1: B2 (10 weeks, before the semester) + C1 (13 weeks during the semester) + DSH
Variant 2: C1 (1 semester) + DSH

Course type "Training course" (3 weeks before the DSH / 60 hours): Pure exam training for the DSH at level C1

The DSH takes place twice a year - usually in March and September.

The current dates can be found under the link Dates.

The fees can be found under the link Dates.

Please note that in addition to the course fees, there are additional costs for a textbook and workbook or for grammars or dictionaries if these are not yet available.

If you have any further questions about the DSH, please contact:
DSH Coordinator: Ute Koithan, Olga Petrasiuk and Marlis Fellmann
Language Center
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Tel.: 0561/804-2021
FAX: 0561/804-3815
E-Mail: dsh-deutschkurse@uni-kassel.de

You can apply for all DSH courses, but you cannot register directly. You must have a current conditional admission to the University of Kassel.

For your application, please send us an email with the following information and documents to: dsh-deutschkurse@uni-kassel.de
a) What you would like to apply for
b) A copy of your current conditional admission to the University of Kassel
c) Your current qualified language certificate (no certificates of attendance without grades):

  • Admission test for the language courses: depending on the level, certificate for level B1 or B2 (Goethe Institute or telc) or alternatively proof of successful and complete participation in the B1 or B2 level with grades in the areas of listening, reading, speaking, writing and grammar (no certificates of participation without grades). If available: TestDaf or DSH certificates
  • For the training courses and DSH: Certificate for level C1 (Goethe-Institut or telc) or alternatively proof of successful and complete participation in the C1 level with grades in the areas of listening, reading, speaking, writing and grammar (no certificates of participation without grades). If available: TestDaf or DSH certificates
  • Note for applications for the DSH: You can repeat the DSH twice at the ISZ/Language Center of the University. A last retake is only possible if you have already passed one of the DSH examinations at the ISZ/Language Center with at least DSH 1 in the written and oral sections.

Pure certificates of participation in language courses without hours and grades or certificates for partial modules (e.g. B.2.1 or C.1.1) are not accepted for the application.

The application is not a confirmation of a course or examination place. After applying, applicants will either receive a rejection (no registration possible) or an acceptance letter with all registration information.


Further information on registration

  • Registration is only valid if the fees are paid immediately after registration. Payment is only possible online via Paypal.
  • With the written registration and payment, the registration for a place is binding. Withdrawal from the registration is only possible in cases of special hardship and requires a written application.
  • Fees are due upon written registration, even if the course is not attended. The amount of the fees depends on whether the application for withdrawal was approved and when the application was submitted.

With the written registration and payment, the registration for a place is binding. A refund of fees is generally not possible.

Withdrawal from registration is only possible in cases of special hardship in accordance with our conditions of participation (section 6) and requires a written application. Fees are due even if the course is not attended. The amount of the fees depends on whether the application for withdrawal was approved and when the application was submitted.

The application for course withdrawal can be found here.


You can find information about your degree course on the respective course pages.

The Welcome Center of the International Office offers a lot of information to help you prepare for your stay in Germany and the start of your studies.


If you have lost your certificate, you have the option of having it reissued (duplicate). This is possible up to a maximum period of ten years. The same applies to certificates of attendance for preparatory German courses. Please contact the office: dsh-deutschkurse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Older certificates or transcripts cannot be reissued for reasons of data protection.