Specialised communicative German courses

Specialised communicative German courses as a key qualification for academic studies

Why acquire communicative German skills for academic purposes?

With the university entrance examination, you have already demonstrated very good German language skills at the C1 level.

However, university studies not only require general language proficiency, but also demand further skills related to academic and specialised communication during these studies: extensive technical vocabulary, scientific and subject-related text types and wording, new methods of scientific work, and academic performance, etc.

Studying and progressing in the new cultural environment of Germany, which may well be different from that in the home country, constitute a further challenge for many international students. The subject-specific and culture-related conditions of studying are addressed and jointly mastered in specialised communicative German courses parallel to your degree programme.

Which specialised communicative courses are on offer?

German for Academic Studies after DSH/TestDaF: Reading, Writing, Argumentation

German for Specific Purposes, ASL: Basics (I) and Advanced (II)

German for Specific Purposes, Economics:
Basics (I) and Writing Theses (Advanced) (II)

German for Specific Purposes, Mechanical Engineering (B.A./M.A.): Basics (I) and Advanced (II)

German and English for students of the Kunsthochschule

These German courses are specially designed to meet the professional communication requirements of the above-mentioned subject areas and help students to develop strategies for successfully completing their study tasks. Scientific and technical language aspects are analysed on the basis of texts relevant to their studies and practised in their own texts.

These German courses are recognised as key qualifications in the relevant subject areas and ECTS can be obtained. The specific course offers, times and links for registration can be found in our list of courses offered on selecting the subject German:

Which specialised communicative courses are on offer?: Continue to list of courses and registration