

The BASIS PLUS project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Quality Initiative in Teacher Education" (PRONET2- Professionalization through Networking - Continuation and Enhancement).

Direction: Prof. Dr. Hedda Bennewitz Scientific Collaboration: Dr. Anna Grabosch Peer Coaches/stud. Assistant: Sophie Köthe Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Duration: 01/2019 to 12/2023


Project "Studying to be a Teacher, Reflecting on Success" (LASER).

The successful completion of a teaching degree is decisively promoted by a good orientation and integration in the daily study routine, a goal-oriented and in the perception of students 'worthwhile' study, an identification with the professionalization process that goes with it and a fit between individual performance and university requirements. In the LASER project, these dimensions are addressed with various measures that are implemented over the course of two years and in combination with different online and face-to-face formats. The initiatives implemented have an informative, advisory and concrete supportive component and build on the experiences of offers and development projects of the core studies subprogram. By participating in events, student teachers are given the opportunity to reflect on study processes and known educational hurdles, with the results being consolidated in an online self-test to be developed for all student teachers. The existing focus on reflexive study elements aims at recognizing the value of studying, countering study doubts and reducing potential dropout.

Project management: Prof. Dr. Hedda Bennewitz

Project staff: Jochen Schwarz


Choosing to study to become a secondary school teacher - a question of habitus?

There are many reservations in the public debate about students who choose to study to become teachers. They range from the assumption of unmotivated students to the reservation of the lower cognitive abilities of this group of people. This seems to apply in a special way to student teachers who later want to work at Hauptschulen, Realschulen and Gesamtschulen. In particular, social background, school career, and application history can contribute substantially to the elucidation of existing differences between students. These are factors that correspond closely to the Bourdieusian concept of habitus. The project aims to investigate the habitus of students of a secondary school teaching degree. The aim of the research is the systematic reconstruction of habitus on the basis of biographical interviews with student teachers.

Project management: Prof. Dr. Hedda Bennewitz & Dr. Anna Grabosch

Student assistant: Lorin Gräbner

Funding: ZFF (University of Kassel)