Questions around teaching and exams
If you wish to inspect your exams, please contact my secretary Ms. Kolckhorst kolckhorst[at]uni-kassel[dot]dewithin two weeks after the announcement of the grades and make an appointment. Please always indicate your study program and matriculation number!
Winter semester 2024/25
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Project seminar Empirical-scientific work I - Course D
Psychological basics for students of social work
Lecture: Introduction to developmental psychology
Compulsory elective module (M7): Project seminar developmental psychology part II
Summer semester 2024
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Project seminar Empirical-scientific work II - Course G
Psychological foundations for students of social work Course B
Lecture: Cognition, education, development
Compulsory elective module (M7): Developmental Psychology Part I
Scientific communication
Winter semester 2023/24
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Psychological foundations for students of social work
Joint lecture: Observation, counseling and support from a developmental psychology perspective, part 1
Lecture: Introduction to developmental psychology
Compulsory elective module (M7/M8): Project seminar developmental psychology part II
Scientific communication
Summer semester 2023
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Psychological foundations for students of social work
Lecture: Cognition, education, development
Compulsory elective module (M7/M8): Developmental Psychology Part I
Winter semester 2022/23
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Psychological basics for students of social work
Lecture: Observation, counseling and support from a developmental psychology perspective
Lecture: Introduction to developmental psychology
Compulsory elective module (M7/M8): Project seminar developmental psychology part II
Summer semester 2022
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Psychological basics for students of social work
Research, method-critical reading and writing of empirical-psychological papers
Lecture: Cognition, education, development
Compulsory elective module (M7/M8): Developmental Psychology Part I
winter semester 2021/22
Introduction to developmental psychology
Research colloquium: Selected topics in developmental psychology
Lecture: Observation, counseling and support from a developmental psychology perspective. Part 1
Lecture: Psychological basics for students of social work
Compulsory elective module (M8): Developmental Psychology II
Summer semester 2021
Research, method-critical reading and writing of empirical-psychological papers
Psychological foundations for students of social work
Compulsory elective module (M8): Developmental Psychology Part I
Research colloquium "Selected topics in developmental psychology"
Feel free to contact us if you would like to write your thesis in our department! The topics are typically based on the research interests of the members of the department.
Current topics for theses (more information:
- "Gender differences in competence (development and causes)"
"Relationship between numerical abilities and sense of rhythm in childhood"
- "Does the forgetting curve differ between different age groups?"
- "Sequencing of Theory of Mind battery tasks and their connection to other socio-cognitive skills"
(more information:
If you are interested in other topics, please feel free to contact the other members of the department!
Information and topics on the oral state examinations can be found here.
A collective consultation hour for students of the core study program who take the oral state examination with me as first or second examiner in spring will take place online on Wed, 10.1.2024 at 9.00 a.m.
Information about the consultation hour can be found here.