Academic Career

Scientific education

since 2016

Doctoral studies in special education and rehabilitation, University of Cologne, Thesis: "Disability, emotions and affect - how disability studies (should) write about emotions" supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Dederich and Prof.'in Dr.'in Marianne Hirschberg


M.A. Rehabilitation Sciences, Technical University of Dortmund, Profile Area: Structures of the Rehabilitation System, Thesis: "Gelebte" Subsidiarität? Neighborly help in multigenerational housing (1,0) supervised by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker and Simone Schüller


Semester abroad in the ERASMUS MUNDUS program "Dynamics of Health and Welfare" (M.A.), Linköpings Universitet, Linköping (Sweden)


B.A. Rehabilitation Education, TU Dortmund University, focus: psycho-social rehabilitation, supplementary area: aesthetic education, Thesis: "House communities - a concept for successful aging in seniors with visual impairment?" (1,0) supervised by Prof. Dr. Renate Walthes and Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker


Abitur, Adalbert-Stifter-Gymnasium, Castrop-Rauxel

Abitur subjects mathematics (advanced course), pedagogy (advanced course), Latin, English

University Professional Activity

Since May 1, 2021Research Associate in the Department of Disability, Inclusion and Social Participation, Institute of Social Work, University of Kassel
WiSe 2020Lecturer, Department of Social Pedagogy, Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer semester 2019Lecturer, Department of Vocational Pedagogy and Vocational Rehabilitation, Faculty of Rehabilitation SciencesTU Dortmund
2014-2017Research Assistant, Chair of Sociology of Diversity, Technical University of Munich, collaboration in the projects "Ambulantization in Middle Franconia" and "Social Impact Assessment in Coastal Kenya" (in cooperation with Pwani University, Kenya)

Research Assistant, Study Coordinator, Dean's Office Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, TU Dortmund University, Germany

2011research assistant in the project "StudiumEngagiert", TU Dortmund University
2008-2011student assistant, TU Dortmund

Scholarships and Research Awards

2021Best Paper Award, European Sociological Association, Research Network 11 "Sociology of Emotion".
2017-2021PhD scholarship of the Hans Böckler Foundation
2014ConSozial Science Award for outstanding scientific work in the social market, category young researchers (Master Thesis)
2011Scholarship holder of the ASA program
2010-2011Semester scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service for scientific education and training abroad

Conference Organization


Co-chair of the symposium with Javier Monforte

iHuman Symposium: Biopolitical, Affect & Posthuman Critical Disability Studies.

University of Sheffield (UK)


Conference co-chaired by Frederik Metje, Christofer Schmidt, Dr. Jens Becker

Don't worry be happy! Affect and Emotion in the Context of Neoliberal Processes of Subjectivation, Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students of the Hans Böckler Foundation.

University of Cologne