Language learning - creative, active, action-oriented

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Image: Subject area DaFZ

15 and 16 January 2015

Organization: Tanja Fohr, M.A./ StR i.H., FB 02, Fachgebiet DaFZ                                    Speakers: Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.. Rupprecht Baur, Michael Koenig, Stefanie Morgret, Karin Rottmann, Manfred Schewe, Maik Walter, Rainer E. Wicke

In institutional educational contexts, it is not always easy to motivate foreign or second language learners in the classroom to use language actively and creatively. Although principles such as competence and action orientation form the basis for current teaching materials, the question of appropriate implementation of didactic-methodological guidelines cannot be answered by the material alone.

So how can situations in the classroom be staged in such a way that learners can independently test their language competence in a playful, creative and active way?

Perhaps it is worthwhile to look beyond the subject boundaries of language teaching into other disciplines: By combining content and mediation principles from the fields of art, music, theater and play with language learning situations, holistic learning processes can also be stimulated in institutional contexts in such a way that learners actively act with the foreign or second language.

The aim of the conference "Language learning - creative, active, action-oriented" is, on the one hand, to stimulate discussions about alternative ways of teaching through lectures. On the other hand, workshops from the above-mentioned areas will discuss and test these methods in practice.

You have the opportunity to choose one of a total of five interesting workshops and to deal intensively with the chosen topic during the two days. 

Documentation for the conference

Dr. Rainer E. Wicke giving a presentationImage: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ
Image: Subject area DaFZ