KAMOKO: KAssel MOrgenstern KOrpus - Corpus Morgenstern de Kassel

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KAMOKO is used as e-learning project funded by the University of Kassel.

KAMOKO - De quoi s'agit-il ?

KAMOKO is a base de donnée ordonnée et commentée. It contains texts for the French language and French linguistics with examples of almost all the main structures of the French language from a linguistic point of view.

Thanks to the KAMOKO corpus, divided into numerous thematic units, students can learn the different functions of linguistic forms in an autonomous way. Each unit presents and explains a linguistic phenomenon (e.g. time and aspect) with the help of exemplary texts which are based on others and are becoming more and more complex.

The recurrent motif is that of the original version - and its variations/modifications. That is to say, we have an original version that is slightly modified each time. Les variations qui en découlent illustrent le profil fonctionnel des formes linguistiques ainsi que leur fonctionnement dans différents contextes.

Thus, KAMOKO presents complex linguistic ideas in a very clear way thanks to its approach based on a corpus.

The corpus and all the resources necessary for its use are available free of charge.

Vous trouverez les liens sur la version allemande de la page d'accueil de KAMOKO.

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Head: Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott

Project staff:

Sandra Issel-Dombert (research assistant), Simone Sörensen (research assistant), Aline Wieders-Lohéac (research assistant), Eve Angelique Hanschitz (student assistant), Jan-Oliver Rüdiger (student assistant), Elisa Nolte (student assistant), Tanja Krasny (team assistant)