Medieval History

Image: Gemeinfrei

Katalanischer Weltatlas von 1375, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Esp. 30, Tafel 5, Ausschnitt.

The thousand years between around 500 and 1500 saw the development of fundamental cultural, religious, linguistic, and governmental/political structures and ways of life. In Kassel, our approach to this period is characterized by diverse methodologies, interdisciplinary openness, and the capacity to engage in international discourses.

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Portrait BaumgärtnerImage: Uwe Dettmar

Head of Medieval History

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner

Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
D-34127 Kassel
D-34109 Kassel (Postal Address)
Room 3307

+49 561 804-3104
+49 561 804-3464

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