
Laufende Projekte

The Global Governmentalities of Migration
Despite the proliferation of global governance regimes in very different policy fields such as trade and environment, the absence of an international migration regime is significant. Despite a non-existent global migration regime, migration obviously is not ungoverned: These regulations encompass for instance temporary bilateral labour migration agreements, marriage migration regulations, trade regimes with provisions regulating the mobility of workers, citizenship regulations in sending and receiving countries and border surveillance regimes. Research on the global governance of migration is still scarce, particularly research which links a top-down perspective with the one of ideational factors grounding these policies and the experiences and practices of migrants. What is also missing in most political science research in the field is an ethnographic approach towards state practices. The aim of this project is to provide such an analysis in order to better understand how current attempts of governing labour migration work, respectively do not work.

Strategies of Empowerment of (Migrant) Domestic Workers
Domestic workers, particularly migrant domestic workers, are confronted with a range of challenges (e.g. the private household as an isolated workplace, individualized contractual and personal relations between employer and employee) and often workers’ rights violations (e.g. low wages, non-payment of wages, working long-hours without compensation, no privacy, abuse of immigration status). Strategies on how to protect domestic workers, to ensure their rights and strategies how they can empower themselves differ significantly. They differ for example from a comparative perspective in relation to the political opportunity structures and the historical legacies. One project within the research field of domestic work aims at analysing the different strategies for organizing and empowering domestic workers. The project follows a comparative design: country studies and cross-cutting case studies have been conducted so far. Another project traces the process of the International Labour Organization to pass a Convention “Decent Work for Domestic Workers”. The results of these projects will be fed back to domestic workers’ organizations, trade unions and other interested parties. This will be facilitated by the “Domestic Worker Research Network” that has been initiated by Claire Hobden (ILO-ACTRAV), Rebeca Pabon (FNV Bondgenoten), Helen Schwenken and other colleagues.

For more information see [link]

The flyer of the “Domestic Worker Research Network” [pdf-link wird in Kürze zur Verfügung gestellt]


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