Einzelner Termin


ITeG Research Talk: “Reclaiming Ethical Complexity in Value Sensitive Technology & Systems Design. The Case of Privacy and Diversity” with Dr. Paula Helm

Paula Helm is Assistant Professor in the field of Critical Data Studies and AI Ethics. Her work is situated at the intersection of STS, Media Studies and Ethics. Apart from teaching and research, she is also serving as a member of the UvA Ethics Commission. The larger goal and mission of Paula's work is to move AI-Ethics from the PR- to the Engineering- and Development-Level. To reach this goal, she is collaborating closely with partners from Computer Science, applying and combining co-creation approaches with empirical ethics, future methodologies, experimental designs and feminist technoscience. Paula Helm holds a doctorate in philosophy (summa cum laude).

Dr. Paula Helm is a Research Fellow at the Research Center for Information System Design, the Research Unit Sociological Theory and the Graduate College „Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users“.

Further information: https://www.uni-kassel.de/forschung/iteg/veranstaltungen/doctoral-seminars/paula-helm

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