Nitin Bathla: Researching Otherwise - Pluriversal methods in landscape and urban research
Workshop /Blockseminar - Monday 13 to Friday 17 May 2024 (ca. 9:00 to 17:00)
Lecturer: Dr. Nitin Bathla, Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies, ETH Zurich
Abstract: Traditional boundaries within landscape and urban studies have often hindered interdisciplinary dialogue, sensory engagement, and imagination. "Researching Otherwise" explores the potential of employing sensory, collaborative, and restorative methodologies to create spaces for generating knowledge from diverse perspectives. These methodologies aim to bridge the gap between researchers and their subjects, fostering opportunities for transformative and regenerative futures. The workshop will showcase innovative research methods including drawing, photography, sound recording, filmmaking, walking, and cartography. Through these approaches, participants will embark on journeys exploring multi-species environments, employing cinematic and performative modes of inquiry, uncovering hidden narratives within architectural spaces, and engaging in collaborative ethnographic studies with vulnerable communities. Participants in the workshop will gain insights into creative research methodologies, opening up fresh avenues for comprehending and interacting with the built environment in meaningful and impactful ways.
References: Bathla, Nitin, Hg. Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methodologies for Landscape and Urban Studies. Zürich: gta Verlag, 2024 [This book will be available online Open Access soon]
Target group: Interdisciplinary, including master and bachelor students from Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape and Urban Studies as well as social scientists