Sprachkurse am FB 6 im SS 2012
Der Fachbereich ASL bietet im Sommersemester 2012 folgende Sprachkurse für internationale und deutsche Studierende an:
Dipl.-Germanistin Milagros Hernández
Seminar: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Sprachkompetenz in Architektur und Planung - montags: 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Sie wurden gerade zum Studium in Deutschland zugelassen oder studieren hier bereits einige Semester und wollen Ihre erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse festigen und vertiefen? Dieser Kurs hilft Ihnen dabei! Mit Texten aus Fachpublikationen, aus ASL-Grundlagenvorlesungen oder authentischen Kommunikationssituationen werden Dialogfähigkeit, fachkommunikative Kompetenz und Fachdenkkompetenz in der Fremdsprache ‚Deutsch’ gefördert. So werden Ihre Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten vervollkommnet und Ihr Studium effektiver gestaltet. Durch die verwendeten Übungsbeispiele wird die Fähigkeit trainiert, die eigenen entwerferischen, stadt- und landschaftsplanerischen Ideen und Ansätze lexikalisch (Wortschatz), semantisch (Bedeutung) und syntaktisch (Satzbau) gut zu vermitteln. Zusätzlich wird durch Kleinreferate die schriftliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit verbessert, die Medienkompetenz (Präsentation) und die Sprechfähigkeit trainiert.
3 credits
Dr. Anthony Alcock
Seminar: English for Architects and Planners: freitags 10:00 - 13:30 Uhr
The course is intended for those with more than basic knowledge of vocabulary and structures. In each teaching unit there will be
1. audio material in the form of interviews, lectures etc, in which all the speakers are from various parts of the English-speaking world;
2. reading of subject-related texts from books, articles etc. written by native English speakers, in the course of which there will be appropriate language exercises on vocabulary, grammatical structures;
3. a presentation by an individual or group, which will be assessed as part of the final test.
Active participation in the classroom will be encouraged and will be taken into account in the final grading.
Homework will mostly be in the form of a summary of a written or audio text. This can be sent by email and will be returned, with the appropriate corrections clearly visible, by email.
A course book will be used and this is available via a link in the University Library OPAC, which I will give to all those participating in the course.
3 credits
language course at faculty 6 in the SS 2012
Our faculty offers this summer-semester 2012 following language courses for international and German students:
Dipl.-Germanistin Milagros Hernández
seminar: German as a foreign language: competence in language in architecture und planning: mondays 18:00 - 19:30 o`clock
You got the permission to study in Germany or you are already studying? You want to improve your German and deepen it? This course will help you! With special texts of praxis and theory of architecture and planning, you will improve your German expression for dialogs and thinking of profession. You will learn through examples to mediate your own architectural or planning ideas in the right lexican, semantic and syntact way. Through short presentations you will improve your skills in writing and speaking.
3 credits
Dr. Anthony Alcock
Seminar: English for Architects and Planners: fridays 10:00 - 13:30 o`clock
The course is intended for those with more than basic knowledge of vocabulary and structures. In each teaching unit there will be
1. audio material in the form of interviews, lectures etc, in which all the speakers are from various parts of the English-speaking world;
2. reading of subject-related texts from books, articles etc. written by native English speakers, in the course of which there will be appropriate language exercises on vocabulary, grammatical structures;
3. a presentation by an individual or group, which will be assessed as part of the final test.
Active participation in the classroom will be encouraged and will be taken into account in the final grading.
Homework will mostly be in the form of a summary of a written or audio text. This can be sent by email and will be returned, with the appropriate corrections clearly visible, by email.
A course book will be used and this is available via a link in the University Library OPAC, which I will give to all those participating in the course.
3 credits