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Publications of the department
- [ 2025 ]
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2025[ to top ]
- Personalized Coaching For Lifestyle Behavior Change through Large Language Models: A Qualitative Study. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 58, pp. 3379–3388). Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.(2025):
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- SynDEc: A Synthetic Data Ecosystem. In: Electronic Markets (EM).(2025):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Integrating Brand Identity Into AI-Based Conversational Agents: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Big Island, Hawaii.(2025):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Leveraging Learner Errors in Digital Argumentation Learning: How ALure Helps Students Learn from their Mistakes and Write Better Arguments. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). Association for Computing Machinery.(2025):
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- Uncovering the mechanisms of common ground in human–agent interaction: review and future directions for conversational agent research. In: Internet Research.(2025):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Code and Craft: How Generative AI Tools Facilitate Job Crafting in Software Development. In: 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA.(2025):
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2024[ to top ]
- Long Live the Metaverse: Identifying the Potential for Market Disruption and Future Research. In: Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), p. 62.(2024):
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- Hedonic Signals in Crowdfunding. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), Vol. 66. pp. 757–775.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Capturing artificial intelligence applications’ value proposition in healthcare – a qualitative research study. In: Capturing artificial intelligence applications’ value proposition in healthcare – a qualitative research study.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Leading Teams in Today’s Dynamic Organizations: The Core Characteristics of Agile Leadership. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- What to Learn Next? Designing Personalized Learning Paths for Re-&Upskilling in Organizations. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Overcoming People-related Challenges in Large-scale Agile Transformations: The Role of Online Communities of Practice. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024). Paphos, Cyprus.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- The Rise of Generative AI in Low Code Development Platforms – An Analysis and Future Directions. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
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- When to Use Smart Contracts Instead of Traditional Contracts – A Conceptual Analysis. In: 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Würzburg, Germany.(2024):
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- More Than Just Efficiency: Impact of Generative AI on Developer Productivity. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Utah, USA.(2024):
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- Worked Examples to Facilitate the Development of Prompt Engineering Skills. In: Thirty-Second European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024). Paphos, Cyprus.(2024):
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- Digital futures: Definition (what), importance (why) and methods (how). In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), p. 7.(2024):
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- GenAI and Software Engineering: Strategies for Shaping the Core of Tomorrow’s Software Engineering Practice. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- Making the default more legitimate – the role of autonomy and transparency for digital privacy nudges. In: Information Technology & People.(2024):
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- Exploring The Paradoxical Tensions in Low Code Environments. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- Disentangling the influence of mobile learning usability and its determinants–PLS-SEM and importance-performance investigation. In: Computers and Education Open (CAEO).(2024):
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- Governing the Crowd: Developing Reference Process Modules for the Governance of the Crowd on Online Labour Platforms. In: International Working Seminar on Production Economics (IWSPE). Innsbruck, Austria.(2024):
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- Wiping out the limitations of Large Language Models - A Taxonomy for Retrieval Augmented Generation. In: .(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Cognitive Load Theory Approach to Hybrid Intelligence: Tackling the Dual Aim of Task Performance and Learning. In: Forty-Fifth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Completing the Skills Puzzle: Developing a Skills Profile Data Model. In: 19. Internationale Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Wi24). Würzburg, Germany.(2024):
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- Let’s Play with AI! A 2x2 Experiment on Collaborative vs. Competitive Game Elements for Pedagogical Conversational Agents. In: Pre-ICIS SIG Services Workshop on Synergizing Service Ecosystems with AI. Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- FinDEx: A Synthetic Data Sharing Platform for Financial Fraud Detection. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.(2024):
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- Prompting for Perks: Enhancing Generative AI-Enabled Job Crafting in Knowledge Work. In: Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). Canberra, Australia.(2024):
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- Balancing Bytes with Brains: Exploring the Role of Learners’ Control in Personalized Learning Tasks. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Paphos, Cyprus.(2024):
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- Exploring Individuals’ Psychological Factors as Predictors of Workforce Agility in Software Development Teams. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- Engaging Minds – How Gamified Chatbots can Support and Motivate Learners in Digital Education. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
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- AI Literacy and its Implications for Prompt Engineering Strategies. In: Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Improving Students’ Argumentation Skills Using Dynamic Machine-Learning–Based Modeling. In: Information Systems Research (ISR).(2024):
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- Value Creation in the Information Economy: Shaping the Triad of AI, Service, and Human Work. In: Journal of Service Management Research (SMR).(2024):
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- Conceptualizing the Agile Mindset in Agile Software Development Teams. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2024). Würzburg, Germany.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Metaverse Offerings and Their Impact on Stock Returns: Evidence from an Event Study. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMICS) (pp. 1–10). Salt Lake City, USA.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- The Diffusion of the Metaverse: How YouTube Influencers Shape Mass Adoption. In: California Management Review (CMR), 4, Vol. 66. pp. 23–50.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Augmenting Frontline Service Employee Onboarding via Hybrid Intelligence: Examining the Effects of Different Degrees of Human-GenAI Interaction. In: Mandviwalla, M. Y., Söllner, M., & Tuunanen, T. (Eds.), International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2024). Trollhättan, Sweden.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Generative AI in Customer Support Services: A Framework for Augmenting the Routines of Frontline Service Employees. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikiki, Hawaii, USA.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- A guide for structured literature reviews in business research: The state-of-the-art and how to integrate generative artificial intelligence. In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), pp. 1–23.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Engaging Students through Interactive Learning Videos in Higher Education: Developing a Creation Process and Design Patterns for Interactive Learning Videos. In: Communications of the AIS (CAIS), Vol. 55. pp. 475–506.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- The Promise of Evaluative Algorithmic Advice: A Field Experiment on Writing Improvement. In: Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting. Chicago, IL, USA.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Introducing Generative Feedback to Chatbots in Digital Higher Education. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Würzburg, Germany.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- How a Swiss luxury retailer implements process mining to improve data-driven customer excellence. In: Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, pp. 1–9.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Skills in Flux – Challenges in AI-based Skills Management and Skills Profiles. In: 19. Internationale Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Wi24). Würzburg, Germany.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Qualitative Insights into Organizational Value Creation: Decoding Characteristics of Metaverse Platforms. In: Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), pp. 1–20.(2024):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Beyond Code: The Impact of Generative AI on Work Systems in Software Engineering. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- Beyond Trial and Error: Strategic Assessment of Decentralized Identity in US Healthcare. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand.(2024):
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- Offloading to Digital Minds: How Generative AI Can Help to Craft Jobs. In: Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2024.(2024):
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2023[ to top ]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Service and Service Digitalization. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Automized Assessment for Professional Skills – A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Avenues. In: Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Paderborn, Germany.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- A Value Co-Creation Perspective on Data Labeling in Hybrid Intelligence Systems: A Design Study. In: Information Systems (IS), p. 102311.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Barriers of SMEs in Adopting Crowdsourcing and -working and Strategies to Overcome Them. ITeG Technical Reports (Vol. 16). Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press (kup).(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Stairway to heaven or highway to hell: A model for assessing cognitive automation use cases. In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT).(2023):
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- KI im IT-Support – wie mit Low-Code-Plattformen Beschäftigte zu Gestalter:innen der Automatisierung werden. In: Gergs, H.-J., Schatilow, L., Langes, B., & Kämpf, T. (Eds.), Human Friendly Automation: Arbeit und Künstliche Intelligenz neu denken (1st ed., pp. 151–160). Frankfurt, Germany: Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.(2023):
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- Sharing Design Knowledge Through Codification in Interdisciplinary DSR Collaborations. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
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- Das agile Mindset: Definition, Relevanz und Messbarkeit. In: PersonalQUARTELY.(2023):
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- An Investigation of Why Low Code Platforms Provide Answers and New Challenges. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Metaverse Platform Ecosystems. In: Electronic Markets (Electron Markets), 12, Vol. 33. pp. 1–10.(2023):
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Special Issue Editorial: Adaptive and Intelligent Gamification Design. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI), 2, Vol. 15. pp. 136–145.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Disentangling Trust in Voice Assistants - A Configurational View on Conversational AI Ecosystems. In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Boston, Massachusetts, USA.(2023):
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- Meetings at Digital Workplaces – An Experimental Approach to Analyze Group Attachment and Organizational Commitment in Digital Worlds. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Hybrid Intelligence Service Support. In: Langes, B., Peters, C., Boes, A., & Leimeister, J. M. (Eds.), Innovationen für datenbasierte Wertschöpfung. Mit internetbasierten Dienstleistungen die Zukunft der Wirtschaft gestalten (pp. 37–49). München: ISF München.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- How Videoconferencing and its Affordances Transformed Teaching in Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Collaborative Work Practices for Management Education: Using Collaboration Engineering to Design a Reusable and Scalable Collaborative Learning Instructional Design. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Individualizing Patient Pathways through Modularization: Design and Evaluation of Healthcare-Specific Modularization Parameters. In: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Towards the design of hybrid intelligence frontline service technologies – A novel human-in-the-loop configuration for human machine interactions. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii.(2023):
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- Not everything is a Metaverse?! A Practitioners Perspective on Characterizing Metaverse Platforms. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference of System Science (HICSS) (Vol. 56). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Transferring Well-Performing Collaborative Work Practices with Parameterized Templates and Guidebooks: Empowering Subject Matter Experts for an Adaptation to Slightly Different Contexts. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Mechanisms of Common Ground in Human-Agent Interaction: A Systematic Review of Conversational Agent Research. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ Abstract ]
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- Who knows best? A Case Study on Intelligent Crowdworker Selection via Deep Learning. In: International Workshop & Tutorial on Interactive Adaptive Learning (IAL). Torino, Italy.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Smarter Crowdwork by Applying Smart Contracts? European Conference on Information Systems. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Innovationen für datenbasierte Wertschöpfung. Mit internetbasierten Dienstleistungen die Zukunft der Wirtschaft gestalten. . München: ISF München.(2023):
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Investigating Relevant Data in Automotive Procurement Departments: External Shocks as Transparency Creator for Data Deficits in Decision-Making. In: Information Systems Frontiers (Inf Syst Front).(2023):
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Social Audio: Conceptualizing Voice-Based Online Social Networks and their Privacy Implications. In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Boston, Massachusetts, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Revolutionizing Crowdworking Campaigns: Conquering Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard with the Help of Smart Contracts. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Hyderabad, India.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Designing for Digital Wellbeing on a Smartphone: Co-creation of Digital Nudges to Mitigate Instagram Overuse. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- The Role of AI-Based Artifacts’ Voice Capabilities for Agency Attribution. In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 4, Vol. 24. pp. 980–1004.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Synthesizing Training Data with Generative Adversarial Networks: Towards the Design of a Data-Sharing Ecosystem Platform for Fraud Detection. In: International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
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- Measuring university students’ ability to recognize argument structures and fallacies. In: Frontiers in Psychology (Front. Psychol.), 1270931, Vol. 14. pp. 1–17.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Perspektiven auf das Metaverse: Der Zeitgeist des Internets der Zukunft. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (Wirtsch Inform Manag).(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Designing Pedagogical Conversational Agents for Achieving Common Ground. In: International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Automotive Manufacturers and Their Stumble from one Supply Crisis to Another: Procurement Departments Could be the Game Changer by Using Data Analytics, but…. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii, USA.(2023):
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- Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New Frontiers. In: Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 26. pp. 729–754.(2023):
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- Transferring Digital Twin Technology on Employee Skills: A Framework to Support Human Resources. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Boston, Massachusetts, USA.(2023):
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- Faster, Cheaper, Better? Analyzing how Lowcode Developoment Platforms drive Bottom-Up Innovation. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.(2023):
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- Measuring students’ argumentation skills: validation of a test instrument. In: EARLI Conference (EARLI). Thessaloniki, Greece.(2023):
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- Overcoming Challenges to Enable the Potential of Metaverse Platforms. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI), 1, Vol. 15. pp. 1–21.(2023):
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Leveraging Low Code Development of Smart Personal Assistants: An Integrated Design Approach with the SPADE Method. In: Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 1, Vol. 40. pp. 96–129.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Empowering Recommender Systems in ITSM: A Pipeline Reference Model for AI-based Textual Data Quality Enrichment. In: Gerber, A., & Baskerville, R. (Eds.), International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
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- [ URL ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Einführung eines DSGVO-konformen Videokonferenzsystems in hessischen Schulen. Projektergebnisse des ZEVEDI Ad hoc-Vorhabens „Wechselkosten zum DSGVO-konformen VC-System des Schulportals Hessen“. ITeG Technical Reports (Vol. 13). Kassel: Kassel University Press (KUP).(2023):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Establishing a Comprehensive Quality Management for the Use of Crowd-based Mechanisms by SMEs. In: International Conference on Production Research (ICPR). Cluj-Napoca, Romania.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Towards designing an AI-based conversational agent for on-the-job training of customer support novices. In: International Conference on Design Science Research (DESRIST). Pretoria, South Africa.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Shared digital artifacts – Co-creators as beneficiaries in microlearning development. In: Education and Information Technologies (Educ Inf Technol).(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Stay with me - Conversational Churn Prevention in Digital Subscription Service. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.(2023):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
2022[ to top ]
- Designing Conversational Evaluation Tools: A Comparison of Text and Voice Modalities to Improve Response Quality in Course Evaluations. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), CSCW2, Vol. 6. pp. 1–27.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Conversational Agents for Information Retrieval in the Education Domain: A User-Centered Design Investigation. In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI).(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Handlungsbroschüre. Systematisches Design digitaler Privacy Nudges – Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung von digitalen Privacy Nudges. (No. 12)ITeG Technical Reports. Kassel: Kassel University Press.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Barriers for SMEs in Adopting Crowdsourcing. In: 35th Bled eConference Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action (pp. 233–248). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- ICT-enabled job crafting: How Business Unit Developers use Low-code Development Platforms to craft jobs. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Copenhagen, Denmark.(2022):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Faktoren für gelungene Studienprogramm-Reformen. In: Berendt, B., Fleischmann, A., Schaper, N., Szczyrba, B., Wiemer, M., & Wildt, J. (Eds.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre (NHHL) (Vol. 104). DUZ Verlags- und Medienhaus GmbH.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Conceptualizing Design Knowledge in IS Research – A Review and Taxonomy of Design Knowledge Properties. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 5778–5787). Hawaii, USA.(2022):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Zum Datenschutz gestupst? Gestaltungsorientierte Entwicklung von Privacy Nudges vor dem Hintergrund ethischer und rechtlicher Leitlinien. In: Friedewald, M., Kreutzer, M., & Hansen, M. (Eds.), Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz (pp. 369–388). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Requirements for an IT Support System based on Hybrid Intelligence. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2022):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- How to Achieve Ethical Persuasive Design: A Review and Theoretical Propositions for Information Systems. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI), 4, Vol. 14. pp. 548–577.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
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- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- A Corpus for Suggestion Mining of German Peer Feedback. In: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) (pp. 5539–5547). Marseille, France.(2022):
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- [ Abstract ]
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- How to Govern the Crowd? Governance Mechanisms in Crowd Work. In: Pre-ICIS Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (SIG 11th CNoW). Copenhagen, Denmark.(2022):
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- Conceptual Foundations on Debiasing for Machine Learning-Based Software. In: International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS). Copenhagen, Denmark.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Entwurfsmuster für die interdisziplinäre Gestaltung rechtsverträglicher Systeme. In: Friedewald, M., Kreutzer, M., & Hansen, M. (Eds.), Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz (pp. 469–487). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.(2022):
- [ Abstract ]
- [ URL ]
- [ DOI ]
- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
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2021[ to top ]
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2020[ to top ]
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- Interne Crowd Work als Baustein einer Empowerment-orientierten Arbeitsorganisation. In: Daum, M., Wedel, M., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., & Ulbrich, H. (Eds.), Gestaltung vernetzt-flexibler Arbeit - Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis für die digitale Arbeitswelt (pp. 209–226). Berlin: Springer Vieweg.(2020):
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- Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Dialog-Based Tutoring System for Argumentation Skills. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020).(2020):
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- The Nature of Crowd Work and its Effects on Individuals’ Work Perception. In: Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 1, Vol. 37. pp. 66–95.(2020):
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- Leitfaden für kultursensitives E-Learning - Entwicklung auf Basis qualitativer Interviews. In: Leimeister, J. M., & Klusmeyer, J. (Eds.), Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung - Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver Lerndienstleistungen am Beispiel China (pp. 47–67). Wiesbaden, Deutschland: SpringerGabler.(2020):
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- Handlungsbroschüre: Interne Crowd Work als agile Form der Arbeitsorganisation - Handlungsempfehlungen zum Empowerment-orientierten Ansatz. (No. 9) (9th ed., Vol. ITeG Technical Reports: Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG) an der Universität Kassel). Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press.(2020):
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2019[ to top ]
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- Weck den Herkules in dir – bürger-initiierte Dienstleistungen. In: Handlungsbroschüre zum Verbundforschungsprojekt Civitas Digitalis - Digitale und Crowd-basierte Dienstleistungssysteme zur Schaffung zukunftsfähiger und lebenswerter Lebensräume 2020. ITeG Technical Reports – Wissenschaftlichen Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG) an der Universität Kassel, Vol. 8. pp. 12–39.(2019):
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- Kontinuierliche Verbesserung von internationalen Geschäftsmodellen in der Berufsbildung. In: Berufsbildung International (Vol. Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, pp. 32–33). DLR Projektträger.(2019):
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- Nutzung von interaktiven Videos zur Entwicklung von Arbeitsprozessorientierung in der Aus- und Weiterbildung – Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt KoLeArn. In: Berufsbildung International (Vol. Digitalisierung). DLR Projektträger.(2019):
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- Interne Crowd Work an der Schnittstelle sozialer und technischer Elemente der digitalen Arbeitsorganisation. In: Schröter, W. (Ed.), Der mitbestimmte Algorithmus - Gestaltungskompetenz für den Wandel der Arbeit (pp. 155–166). Mössingen-Talheim, Germany: Talheimer Verlag.(2019):
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- Improving Processes and Outcomes in Digital Learning Environments - Empirical Foundations and Design Principles for Scaffolding in Technology-mediated Learning (Vol. Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration). Kassel, Germany: kassel university press.(2019):
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- Classifying Smart Personal Assistants: An Empirical Cluster Analysis. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Internes Crowdsourcing – Herausforderungen und Lösungsstrategien für eine erfolgreiche Transformation der Arbeitsorganisation. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 4, Vol. 56. pp. 735–747.(2019):
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- From Service Systems Engineering to Service Innovation - A Modeling Approach. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).(2019):
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- How to Empower the Workforce – Analyzing Internal Crowd Work as a Neo-Socio-Technical System. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Towards a Technique for Modeling New Forms of Collaborative Work Practices – The Facilitation Process Model 2.0. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Insights on Using IT-Based Peer Feedback to Practice the Students’ Providing Feedback Skill. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Ansatz zur Umsetzung von Datenschutz nach der DSGVO im Arbeitsumfeld: Datenschutz durch Nudging. In: Informatik 2019 - 49. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). Kassel, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI).(2019):
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- Where is the Bot in our Team? Toward a Taxonomy of Design Option Combinations for Conversational Agents in Collaborative Work. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Developing a Production Structure Model using Service-Dominant Logic – A hypergraph-based Modeling Approach. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2019):
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- Nutzergenerierte Dienstleistungssysteme zur digitalen Transformation von Organisationen. In: Digivation. Springer.(2019):
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- How to scale up contact-intensive services: ICT-enabled service innovation. In: Journal of Service Management (JOSM), 4, Vol. 31. pp. 793–814.(2019):
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- The Future of Human-AI Collaboration: A Taxonomy of Design Knowledge for Hybrid Intelligence Systems. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2019):
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- Towards Smart Assistance Systems for Physical and Manual Tasks. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Stockholm, Sweden.(2019):
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- Gestaltung hybrider Entscheidungsarchitekturen zur Förderung kritischer Verbraucherkompetenzen. In: Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (Vol. 14). Siegen, Germany.(2019):
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- Digitale Wertschöpfung durch Crowd Services: Neue Formen des Kundensupports am Beispiel Mila und Swisscom. In: Robra-Bissantz, S., & Lattemann, C. (Eds.), Digital Customer Experience - mit digitalen Diensten Kunden gewinnen und halten (Vol. Edition HMD, pp. 271–282). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.(2019):
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- A Configurational View on Avatar Design – The Role of Emotional Attachment, Satisfaction, and Cognitive Load in Digital Learning. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2019):
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- Die Digitalisierungsstraße für die Stadt der Zukunft – Kollaborative Entwicklung eines Portals für bürger-initiierte Dienstleistungsentwicklung im Kontext einer Smart City. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Vol. 56. pp. 172–189.(2019):
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- Mensch-Maschine-Kollaboration: Grundlagen, Gestaltungsherausforderungen und Potenziale für verschiedene Anwendungsdomänen. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, pp. 1–16.(2019):
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- Über die Entwicklung und Bedeutung von Berufsbildern im Lernkontext - Ergebnisse einer Marktstudie des Energieberatungsmarktes. In: Leimeister, J. M., & David, K. (Eds.), Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Lernens - Methoden und Werkzeuge für innovative Lehr-Lern-Konzepte (pp. 11–31). Berlin: Springer.(2019):
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- Managing Work Systems for Complex Work via Crowdworking Platforms - How to Orchestrate the Interplay of Crowds. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 6347–6356).(2019):
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- Entwicklung von Lernvideos, Lernzielen und Testfragen in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen und ich Weiterbildungsinstituten. In: Leimeister, J. M., & David, K. (Eds.), Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Lernens - Methoden und Werkzeuge für innovative Lehr-Lern-Konzepte (pp. 199–218). Berlin: Springer.(2019):
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- Bedeutung von Präferenzen für Spielelemente - Analyse und Empfehlungen für die Anpassung von Spielelementen durch Nutzerpräferenzen. In: Leimeister, J. M., & David, K. (Eds.), Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Lernens - Methoden und Werkzeuge für innovative Lehr-Lern-Konzepte (pp. 121–139). Berlin: Springer.(2019):
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- Referenzprozesse zur Aufarbeitung von implizitem Wissen zu Tätigkeitsfeldern und Arbeitsprozessen - Ergebnisse einer Workshopserie. In: Leimeister, J. M., & David, K. (Eds.), Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Lernens - Methoden und Werkzeuge für innovative Lehr-Lern-Konzepte (pp. 75–94). Berlin: Springer.(2019):
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- Crowdworking-Plattformen und die Digitalisierung der Arbeit. In: Boes, A., & Langes, B. (Eds.), Die Cloud und der digitale Umbruch in Wirtschaft und Arbeit. Strategien, Best Practices und Gestaltungsimpulse (pp. 173–190). Freiburg, Germany: Haufe Group.(2019):
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2018[ to top ]
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- Towards Bridging the Gap between Business Model Innovation and Practice Using Hypergraph-based Modeling. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2018):
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- Good Practices deutscher Crowdworking-Plattformen. In: ITeG Technical Reports, Band 6: Herausforderung Cloud & Crowd: Good Practices und Handlungsempfehlungen (pp. 13–20). Kassel, Germany: University Press.(2018):
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- Combining Humans and Machine Learning: A Novel Approach for Evaluating Crowdsourcing Contributions in Idea Contests. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI).(2018):
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- Machines as Teammates: A Collaboration Research Agenda. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 420–429).(2018):
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- Towards a Pattern Language for Smart Personal Assistants. In: Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP).(2018):
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- Erstellung neuer Geschäftsmodelle für IKT-basierte, personenbezogene Dienstleistungssysteme. In: Bruhn, M., & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Service Business Development: Strategien – Innovationen – Geschäftsmodelle (Vol. 1, pp. 379–402). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Nature.(2018):
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- Is it all about Having Fun? - Developing a Taxonomy to Gamify Information Systems. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).(2018):
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- Leveraging the Potentials of Peer Learning – Conceptual Foundations and Reference Processes for Peer Learning (Vol. Research on IT / Service/ Innovation / Collaboration). Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press.(2018):
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- Accelerating Decisional Guidance in Entrepreneurship with Hybrid Intelligence. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2018):
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- The What and How of Smart Personal Assistants: Principles and Application Domains for IS Research. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI).(2018):
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- How to Manage Crowdsourcing Platforms Effectively?. In: California Management Review (CMR), 2, Vol. 60. pp. 122–149.(2018):
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- Einführung von Crowd-Based Support Dienstleistungen zur Verbesserung der Softwareeinführung. In: Meyer, K., Klingner, S., & Zinke, C. (Eds.), Service Engineering (pp. 133–149). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Fachmedien.(2018):
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- How Digital Nudges Influence Consumers - Experimental Investigation in the Context of Retargeting. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).(2018):
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- Digitale Wertschöpfung durch Crowd Services: Neue Formen des Kundensupports am Beispiel Mila und Swisscom. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI).(2018):
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- Nudging Privacy in Digital Work Systems – Towards the Development of a Design Theory. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2018):
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- Handlungsbroschüre Crowdworking-Plattformen - Neue Organisationskonzepte für Dienstleistungen nachhaltig gestalten. (No. 7) (7th ed., Vol. ITeG Technical Reports: Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG) an der Universität Kassel). Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press.(2018):
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- Does the Ability to Choose Matter? On the Relationship between Bring-your-own Behavior and IT Satisfaction. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36, Vol. 43. pp. 690–710.(2018):
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- Gamifying Information Systems - Improving Motivation and Effective Use Through a Theory-motivated Method. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2018):
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- Managing the Dark Side of Software Ecosystems. In: Social Science Research Network (SSRN).(2018):
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- A Complementor ́s Perspective on Co-Innovation Risk. In: Social Science Research Network (SSRN).(2018):
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- Integrating Your Ecosystem with the Hybrid Intelligence Accelerator. In: Social Science Research Network (SSRN).(2018):
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- A Hypergraph-based Modeling Approach for Service Systems. In: INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (ICSS).(2018):
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- Reconceptualizing Service Systems – Introducing Service System Graphs. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).(2018):
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- Modular Service Structures for the Successful Design of Flexible Customer Journeys for AI Services and Business Models – Orchestration and Interplay of Services. In: Working Paper Series of the Cambridge Service Alliance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Service Alliance, University of Cambridge.(2018):
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- Understanding the Effects of Gamified Feedback in Mobile Learning – An Experimental Investigation. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). San Francisco, California, USA.(2018):
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- Why Incorporating a Platform-Intermediary can Increase Crowdsourcees’ Engagement. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 5, Vol. 61. pp. 433–450.(2018):
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- The New Frontiers of Service Systems Engineering. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 5, Vol. 60. pp. 373–375.(2018):
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- Future Work and Enterprise Systems. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 4, Vol. 60. pp. 357–366.(2018):
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- Design principles for a hybrid intelligence decision support system for business model validation. In: Electronic Markets, 3, Vol. 29. pp. 423–441.(2018):
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- Developing And Implementing Citizen-initiated Services. In: International Conference on Exporing Service Science (IESS).(2018):
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- Managing Complex Work Systems via Crowdworking Platforms: How Deutsche Bank Explores AI Trends and the Future of Banking with Jovoto. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(2018):
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- Dienstleistungssysteme im Smart City Kontext: Herausforderungen, Anwendungsfälle und Lösungskonzepte. In: Arnold, C., & Knödler, H. (Eds.), Die informatisierte Service-Ökonomie (Vol. 1, pp. 297–308). Wiesbaden, Hessen: Springer Gabler.(2018):
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2017[ to top ]
- An Empirical Investigation of Signaling in Reward-Based Crowdfunding. In: Electronic Commerce Research, 3, Vol. 17. pp. 425–461.(2017):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Design Prinzipien für Microlearning Crowdsourcing-Systeme - Konzept für audiovisuelle Mediengestaltung. In: Leimeister, J. M., & Brenner, W. (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Crowdsourcees’ Engagement Behavior. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- Plattform-Loyalität in der Cloud. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik.(2017):
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- The Impact of Procedural Scaffolding on Mobile Learning Outcomes. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(2017):
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- Keep them alive! Design and Evaluation of the "Community Fostering Reference Model". In: Business Information System & Engineering (BISE), 6, Vol. 60. pp. 493–511.(2017):
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- Understanding Platform Loyalty in the Cloud: A Configurational View on ISV’s Costs and Benefits. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- Does the Winner Take it All? Towards an Understanding of why there might be no One-Size-Fits-All Gamification Design. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Designing a peer-based support system to support shakedown. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- Fostering business model extensions for ICT-enabled human-centered service systems. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- Towards ICT-Enabled Service Business: A Design Theory for Human-Centered Service Systems. In: 2. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Dienstleistungsmanagement (WK DLM) des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. Leipzig, Germany.(2017):
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- Lost Energy? Managing Co-Innovation Risk of Digital Business Models. In: Journal of Business Strategy.(2017):
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- The Efficient Provision of Culture-Sensitive Services: A Modularization Approach. In: Sawatani, Y., Spohrer, J., Kwan, S., & Takenaka, T. (Eds.), Serviceology for Smart Service System (pp. 147–157). Tokyo, Japan: Springer.(2017):
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- Customer Feedback for Startups – A Process Model and Research Agenda. In: ISPIM Innovation Conference. Vienna, Austria.(2017):
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- A Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Textual Data in Crowdsourcing. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- About the Relevance of User Preferences in the Development of Gamification Approaches. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Doctoral Consortium. Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Work Organization in Online Platform Ecosystems. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- Finding the Unicorn: Predicting Early Stage Startup Success through a Hybrid Intelligence Method. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- FC Bayern München Goes Social - The Value of Social Media for Professional Sports Clubs. In: Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (JITTC), 2, Vol. 7. pp. 51–61.(2017):
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- Minimizing Complementors’ Risk in Third-Party Innovation: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Digital Platform Configurations. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, HI, USA.(2017):
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- Hybrid Intelligence DSS for Business Model Innovation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, TIM Doctoral Research Development Workshop. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(2017):
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- The Twofold Value of IT-Based Peer Assessment in Management Information Systems Education. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- The obvious and hidden values of IT-based peer assessment in management education. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(2017):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Anreiz- und Vergütungsmodelle auf Crowdworking-Plattformen als innovativen Dienstleistungssystemen. In: Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Dienstleistungsmanagement (WK DLM) des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. Leipzig, Deutschland.(2017):
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- One for All? Managing External and Internal Crowds through a Single Platform - A Case Study. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, HI, USA.(2017):
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- Towards Design Excellence for Context-Aware Services - The Case of Mobile Navigation Apps. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- Managing disruptive innovation through service systems - Crowdlending in the banking industry. In: Case Center.(2017):
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- Not Just An Ego Trip: Exploring Backers’ Motivation for Funding in Incentive-Based Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), 4, Vol. 26. pp. 246–260.(2017):
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- How to Gamify a Mobile Learning Application – A Modularization Approach. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- Digitizing Knowledge Intensive Service Systems: The CrowdServ Project. In: AIS SIG Services Pre-ICIS Workshop. Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- New Ways to Consider: Towards a Design Theory for Hybrid Intelligence Accelerators. In: The Baugh-Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists. Stockholm, Sweden.(2017):
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- ‘‘Openness’’ with and without Information Technology: a framework and a brief history. In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 4, Vol. 32. pp. 297–305.(2017):
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- Crowdworking-Plattformen in Deutschland. In: Leimeister, J. M. (Ed.), Working Paper Series, Nr. 16. Kassel, Germany.(2017):
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- Collaborative Interactive Learning (Aktuelles Schlagwort). In: Informatik Spektrum.(2017):
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- Building Your IoT Ecosystem: Proposing the Hybrid Intelligence Accelerator. In: Buxmann, P., Curan, A. T., Eichler, G., Jansen, S., Kude, T., & Popp, K. M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2017. Darmstadt, Germany: Books on Demand.(2017):
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- Achieving scalability of human-centered service systems: Insights from the active and assisted living context. In: International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice (QUIS). Porto, Portugal.(2017):
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- Von Kunden für Kunden: Crowd Services als Erweiterung der Digital Customer Experience. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 5, Vol. 54. pp. 821–837.(2017):
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- Individual Appropriation of Learning Management Systems – Antecedents and Consequences. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 3, Vol. 9. pp. 173–201.(2017):
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- From customers for customers: Crowd services as an extension of the digital customer experience. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 5, Vol. 54. pp. 821–837.(2017):
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- Crowd-based Incubation: A new Pathway to Support Entrepreneurship. In: ISPIM Innovation Conference. Vienna, Austria.(2017):
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- Leveraging the Power of the Crowd for Software Testing. In: IEEE Software, 2, Vol. 34. pp. 62–69.(2017):
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- More than the Sum of its Parts – Towards Identifying Preferred Game Design Element Combinations in Learning Management Systems. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Seoul, South Korea.(2017):
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- Towards a taxonomy of digital work. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Digital formative learning assessment tool - Towards helping students to take ownership of their learning. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Digital Innovation in the Energy Industry: The Impact of Controversies on the Evolution of Innovation Ecosystems. In: Technological Forecasting & Social Change.(2017):
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- Kompetenzvermittlung in teilnehmerstarken Lehrveranstaltungen unter Verwendung von formativem Peer Assessment. In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre.(2017):
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- Towards Requirement Patterns for Smart Physical Work Assistants. In: International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa’ 17). Lisbon, Portugal.(2017):
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- I am a Crowd Worker - How Individuals Identify with a New Form of Digital Work. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Systematic and Continuous Business Model Development: Design of a Repeatable Process Using the Collaboration Engineering Approach. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- The Rise of Crowd Aggregators - How Individual Workers Restructure Their Own Crowd. In: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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- Using crowdfunding for start-up evaluation: How task representation influences prediction accuracy of the crowd. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal.(2017):
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- Mobiles Lernen für China – eine iterative Prototypenentwicklung. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik Konferenz (WI) 2017. St. Gallen, Switzerland.(2017):
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2016[ to top ]
- Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (Vol. Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- Can the Crowd Do the Job? Exploring the Effects of Integrating Customers into a Company’s Business Model Innovation International Journal of Innovation Management. In: International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM).(2016):
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- Crowd Worker in Deutschland - Eine empirische Studie zum Arbeitsumfeld auf externen Crowdsourcing-Plattformen. In: Study der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Band 323 (p. 86).(2016):
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- Managing Disruptive Innovation through Service Systems – The Case of Crowdlending in the Banking Industry. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn – Success Factors in Reward-Based Crowdfunding. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Ilmenau.(2016):
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- Ausgangslage und Definitorisches. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 17–30). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- The Appropriation of Collaborative Learning – Qualitative Insights from a Flipped Classroom. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, Hawaii, USA.(2016):
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- Nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung von mobilen Lernanwendungen für China. In: Mensch und Computer 2016, Doktorandenseminar. Aachen, Deutschland.(2016):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- A Longitudinal Perspective on Trust in IT Artefacts. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Towards Vivid Ecosystems: Configuring Costs and Benefits via Design Choices. In: Popp, K. M., Buxmann, P., Curran, T. A., Eichler, G., Jansen, S., & Kude, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems. Walldorf, Germany.(2016):
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- ICT-enabled service innovation in human-centered service systems: A systematic literature review. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- Towards design principles for aligning human-centered service systems and corresponding business models. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- StaySmart – Individuelles und kompetenzorientiertes E-Learning im Zeitalter des demografischen Wandels. In: e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (DeLFI). Potsdam, Germany.(2016):
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- Backer Empowerment in Crowdfunding: How Participation beyond Funding Influences Support Behavior. In: Pre-ICIS Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- Understanding the Development of Trust: Comparing Trust in the IT Artifact and Trust in the Provider. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Anaheim, CA, USA.(2016):
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- Erfolgreiche Crowd Governance – Projektspezifische Steuerungs- und Kontrollmechanismen auf wettbewerbsbasierten Crowdsourcing-Plattformen. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 15. Kassel, Germany.(2016):
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- New Forms of Employment and IT: Crowdsourcing. In: Blanpain, R., Hendrickx, F., & Waas, B. (Eds.), Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations Series (Vol. New Forms of Employment in Europe, pp. 23–41). Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands.(2016):
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- Exploring Strategies for Capturing Customer’s Tacit Knowledge in Customer Integration Methods. In: International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 2. pp. 1–19.(2016):
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- Open Service Innovation Online- Community für Cloud-Service-Ökosysteme. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 187–206). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- An Empirical Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Intermediaries. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Anaheim, California.(2016):
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- Principal Forms of Crowdsourcing and Crowd Work. In: Wobbe, W., Bova, E., & Dragomirescu-Gaina, C. (Eds.), The Digital Economy And The Single Market - Employment Prospects And Working Conditions in Europe (Vol. FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies, pp. 39–55).(2016):
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- The Thrill and the Agony of Digital Ecosystems: A Complementor´s Perspective on Co-Innovation Risk. In: 10th Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists Organizing for Digitalization (RCYSS). Stockholm, Sweden.(2016):
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- Design Principles for High-Performance Blended Learning Services Delivery - The Case of Software Trainings in Germany. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 2, Vol. 58. pp. 135–149 (DOI: 10.1007/s12599.(2016):
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- Why Different Trust Relationships Matter for Information Systems Users. In: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), 3, Vol. 25. pp. 274–287.(2016):
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- Why don´t they join? Analyzing the Nature and Consequences of Complementors´ Costs in Platform Ecosystems. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- Promoting the Quality of User Generated Ideas in Online Innovation Communities: A Knowledge Collaboration Perspective. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin,Ireland.(2016):
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- Rethinking Service Quality for Context-Sensitive Socio-Technical Systems. In: AIS SIG Services Pre-ECIS Workshop. Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Modularization of Services - A Modularization Method for the Field of Telemedicine. Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration. Kassel University Press, Kassel, Germany.(2016):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Vertrauensproblematiken im Cloud-Computing-Umfeld. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 59–69). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- How to Gamify Information Systems - Adapting Gamification to Individual User Preferences. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Development of a Peer-Creation-Process to Leverage the Power of Collaborative Knowledge Transfer. In: Hawaiin International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, Hawaii, USA.(2016):
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- How Many Peer Assessors are Required for Assessment on Another Peer’s Work?. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) - PDW ‘Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop’. Anaheim, CA, United States.(2016):
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- Trust. In: MIS Quarterly Research Curations, Ashley Bush and Arun Rai, Eds.(2016):
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- Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen von Energieberatern - Eine qualitative Analyse des Energieberatungsmarktes (für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG) an der Universität Kassel, W. Z., Ed.).(2016):
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- Is There PAPA in Crowd Work? - A Literature Review on Ethical Dimensions in Crowdsourcing. In: The IEEE International Conference on Internet of People. Toulouse, France.(2016):
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- It’s about Understanding Each Other’s Culture – Improving the Outcomes of Mobile Learning by Avoiding Culture Conflicts. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- IT-Kulturkonflikttheorie und ihre Bedeutung für erfolgreiches Service Systems Engineering - Fallstudie eines Einführungsprojektes für mobile Lernanwendungen in China. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Ilmenau.(2016):
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- Mastering Shakedown Through The User: The Need for User-Generated Services In Techno Change. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Emerging Digital Frontiers for Service Innovation. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 1, Vol. 39. p. Article 8.(2016):
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- Digitale Service-Systeme. In: Gassmann, O., & Sutter, P. (Eds.), Digitale Transformation im Unternehmen gestalten (pp. 29–38). München: Carl Hanser Verlag.(2016):
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- Rate or Trade? Identifying Winning Ideas in Open Idea Sourcing. In: Information Systems Research, 1, Vol. 27. pp. 27–48.(2016):
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- Vertrauensunterstützende Mehrwertdienste – Ein systematisches Vorgehen zur Förderung von Vertrauen im Cloud-Computing-Umfeld. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 171–185). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- Lifelong Learning and Collaboration of Smart Technical Systems in Open-Ended Environments – Opportunistic Collaborative Interactive Learning. In: International Conference on Autonomic Computing. Würzburg, Germany.(2016):
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- Crowd Work. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 4, Vol. 58. pp. 281–286.(2016):
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- The Impact of Controversies on the Evolution of Innovation Ecosystems: Findings from the Energy Industry. In: R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, United Kingdom.(2016):
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- Can Laymen Outperform Experts? The Effects of User Expertise and Task Design in Crowdsourced Software Testing. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- How to Systematically Conduct Crowdsourced Software Testing? Insights from an Action Research Project. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dublin, Ireland.(2016):
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- Get the Balance Right: Can Normative Appeals Encourage Funders to Support Selected Crowdfunding Campaigns?. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- When is Crowdsourcing Advantageous? The Case of Crowdsourced Software Testing. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Elektronische Datenerfassung im Gesundheitswesen–Das Beispiel eines NFC-basierten Systems zur Patientenselbstbewertung. In: Knoll, M., & Meinhardt, S. (Eds.), Mobile Computing Grundlagen – Prozesse und Plattformen – Branchen und Anwendungsszenarien (pp. 127–142). Springer Viewer.(2016):
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- Rags to Riches - How signaling behaviour causes a power shift in crowdsourcing markets. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- How Cultural Values Influence the Appropriation of Technology-Mediated Learning. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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- Deconstructing the Sharing Economy: On the relevance for IS research. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Ilmenau.(2016):
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- Systematisierung und Analyse von Crowdsourcing-Anbietern und Crowd-Work-Projekten. In: Study der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Band 324 (p. 106).(2016):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Anforderungserhebung für eine Online- Community für Open Service Innovation im Cloud-Computing-Umfeld. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 73–86). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Marktunterstützung durch vertrauensunterstützende Dienste. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 351–357). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- Crowdfund your City: Empirische Studie zum Einsatz des Crowdfundings als Finanzierungsinstrument für Städte, Länder und Kommunen. In: 78. Jahrestagung des VHB. München.(2016):
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- Motivation for Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Why Does the Crowd Engage in Virtual Ideas Communities?. In: Egger, R., Gula, I., & Walcher, D. (Eds.), Open Tourism: Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Co-Creation Challenging the Tourism Industry (pp. 109–120). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.(2016):
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- Marktunterstützung durch Open-Service-Innovation. In: Krcmar, H., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., & Sunyaev, A. (Eds.), Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive (pp. 359–368). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.(2016):
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- It’s not about having Ideas - It’s about making Ideas happen! Fostering Exploratory Innovation with the Intrapreneur Accelerator. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.(2016):
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2015[ to top ]
- Determinanten und Effekte sinngetreuer Nutzung von Learning Management Systemen. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Konferenz 2015. Osnabrück, Germany.(2015):
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- Design Principles for the Productive Delivery of Blended Learning Services. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2015):
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- Geschäftsmodelle in der Telemedizin - Ein Ordnungsrahmen. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 8. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- Modularization of Crowdfunding Services – Designing Disruptive Innovations in the Banking Industry. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth.(2015):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Shine Bright like a Diamond – Exploring the Effects of Online-Product Presentation on Backing Behavior in Reward-based Crowdfunding. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Münster, Germany.(2015):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- How Collaboration Engineering can Improve Team Effectiveness of Heterogeneous Groups. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2015):
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- Wie sollte die Crowd gesteuert werden? Identifizierung geeigneter Steuerungs- und Kontrollmechanismen für Crowdsourcing-Intermediäre. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 11. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- FC Bayern München Goes Social – The Value of Social Media for Professional Sports Clubs. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Münster, Germany.(2015):
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- [ BibSonomy-Post ]
- Engineering Tool Supported Collaboration Processes for Web-based Platforms. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2015):
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- Anforderungsmuster zur Förderung der Rechtmäßigkeit und Rechtsverträglichkeit von Cloud Computing-Diensten. (No. 3)Technical Reports - Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Informationstechnik‐Gestaltung (ITeG). Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press (ISBN: 978-3-86219-577-0).(2015):
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- How to Empower Lecturers to Leverage the Benefits of Peer Learning - Theory-Driven Design of Collaborative Learning Patterns. In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management -PDW ‘Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop’. Vancouver, BC, Canada.(2015):
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- ”What We Do Well and What Should We Do Better?” – Conceptualizing and Measuring ‘IS Use’ by the Synthesis of the Work of the Giants. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - OCIS (Organizational Communication & Information Systems) Paper Development Workshop. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.(2015):
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- The Strategic Risks of Software Ecosystems. In: Popp, K. M., Buxmann, P., Curran, T. A., Eichler, G., Jansen, S., & Kude, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems. Walldorf, Germany.(2015):
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- Kulturkonflikte vermeiden – Mobiles Lernen für China. In: Mensch & Computer 2015. Stuttgart, Deutschland.(2015):
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- The efficient provision of culture-sensitive services – a modularization approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ 2015). San Jose, CA, USA.(2015):
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- Arbeit und IT: Crowdsourcing und Crowdwork als neue Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsformen. In: ver.di – Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (Vol. Gute Arbeit und Digitalisierung: Prozessanalysen und Gestaltungsperspektiven für eine humane digitale Arbeitswelt, pp. 66–79).(2015):
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- In TANDEMs zu Innovationen - Förderung der Zusammenarbeit in altersgemischten Teams. In: Praeview - Zeitschrift für innovative Arbeitsgestaltung und Prävention, Vol. 6. pp. 16–17.(2015):
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- Conceiving the basic Principles of Crowdsourcing in Light of the Commons-based Peer Production Model. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 13. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- Theory-Driven Design of an IT-Based Peer Assessment to Assess High Cognitive Levels of Educational Objectives in Large-Scale Learning Services. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Münster, Germany.(2015):
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- Mobile Work Support for Field Service: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research. In: 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. Osnabrück, Germany.(2015):
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- Neue Geschäfts- und Arbeitsformen mit Hilfe der Crowd. In: RKW Magazin. Die Weisheit von Vielen - Schwerpunkt: Die Crowd-Methode (ISSN -1619-7372) (Vol. 2, pp. 26–29).(2015):
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- Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (12th ed.). Berlin Heidelberg: Gabler Verlag.(2015):
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- Designing Tool Support for Collaborative Business Modeling. In: Leimeister, J. M. (Ed.), Working Paper Series, Nr. 14. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- Entwicklung eines Bewertungsinstruments zur Qualität von Lernmaterial am Beispiel Erklärvideo. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 9. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- Management von Crowdsourcing-Initiativen: Eine qualitative Analyse von Plattformbetreibern. In: Working Paper Series, Nr. 10. Kassel, Germany.(2015):
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- Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web: A Research Manifesto. In: Human Computation, 1, Vol. 2. pp. 3–17.(2015):
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- How Idea Creativity and Hedonic Value Influence Project Success in Crowdfunding. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (pp. 948–962). Osnabrück, Germany.(2015):
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- Crowdsourcing und Crowd Work - Neue Formen digitaler Arbeit. In: Bullinger, A. (Ed.), Mensch 2020 - transdisziplinäre Perspektiven (pp. 119–124). Chemnitz: Verlag aw&I Wissenschaft und Praxis.(2015):
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- Complex Services and According Business Models – Design and Evaluation of an Analysis Framework in the Field of Telemedicine. In: 48th Hawaiin International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, Hawaii, USA.(2015):
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- When in Rome, do as the Romans do – Overcoming Culture Conflicts in Mobile Learning. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, Texas, USA.(2015):
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- Einflussfaktoren auf die Nutzung von Cloud-Speicherdiensten. In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), 3, Vol. 67. pp. 367–407.(2015):
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- Entwicklung eines Referenzmodells zur systematischen Steigerung der Mitgliederanzahl und der Nutzeraktivität in der Wachstumsphase von Virtuellen Communities. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2015):
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- Der Wert von IT-gestütztem Peer Assessment zur Unterstützung des Lernens in einer Universitären Massenlehrveranstaltung. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Konferenz 2015. Osnabrück, Germany.(2015):
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- Towards Successful Crowdsourcing Projects: Evaluating the Implementation of Governance Mechanisms. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, USA.(2015):
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- New Forms of Employment And IT - Crowdsourcing. In: 4th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network. Genf, Schweiz.(2015):
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- Theory-Driven Design of an IT-Based Peer Assessment to Assess High Cognitive Levels of Educational Objectives in Large-Scale Learning Services. In: Innovating, Designing and Managing Service Systems with IS (Pre-ECIS 15 Workshop). Münster, Germany.(2015):
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- Fostering Ideation Among Patients: Exaptation of Web-based Ideation Platforms as Health 2.0 Tools for Virtual Patient Communities. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, Texas, USA.(2015):
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- Gemeinschaftliche Geschäftsmodellentwicklung – Wie in heterogenen Teams innovative Geschäftsmodelle geschaffen werden können. In: Leimeister, J. M., Krcmar, H., Möslein, K., & Ohly, S. (Eds.), Innovieren im demografischen Wandel - Methoden und Konzepte für ein modernes Innovationsmanagement (pp. 97–123). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.(2015):
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- Beschreibung von wiederverwendbaren Prozessen zur Erreichung von Lernzielen in Serious Games. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2015):
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- Das TANDEM-Konzept zur Unterstützung des Wissenstransfers in altersdiversen Arbeitsgruppen. In: Jeschke, S., Richert, A., Hees, F., & Jooß, C. (Eds.), Exploring Demographics - Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel (pp. 371–382). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Spektrum.(2015):
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- Neue Geschäftsfelder durch Crowdsourcing: Crowd-basierte Start-ups als Arbeitsmodell der Zukunft. In: Hoffmann, R., & Bogedan, C. (Eds.), Arbeit der Zukunft – Möglichkeiten nutzen – Grenzen setzen (pp. 141–158). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.(2015):
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- Towards a Holistic Understanding of Technology-mediated Learning Appropriation. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, Texas, USA.(2015):
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- Crowdsourcing in Software Development: A State-of-the-Art Analysis. In: 28th Bled eConference. Maribor, Slovenia.(2015):
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- Digitale Geschäftsmodelle im Profisport - Eine Ist-Analyse am Beispiel der National Football League. In: Student Consortium der WI 2015. Osnabrück, Germany.(2015):
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2014[ to top ]
- Incorporating Behavioral Trust Theory Into System Development for Ubiquitous Applications. In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1, Vol. 18. pp. 117–128.(2014):
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- Experimentelle Überprüfung des Effekts von Diversitätsüberzeugungen in Arbeitsteams auf innovative Leistung. In: G-Forum. Oldenburg.(2014):
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- Massive Open Online Courses. In: Business Information System & Engineering (BISE), 6 (2). pp. 111–114.(2014):
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- Lean on Diffusion Theory to Make Ideas-Communities Fly - The Case of DATEV. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Tel Aviv, Israel.(2014):
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- Successfully funded! - Welche Geschäftsmodelle machen crowdfinanzierte Cloud-Startups erfolgreich?. In: Mulitkonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Paderborn, Germany.(2014):
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- Crowdsourcing und Crowd Work - ein Zukunftsmodell der IT-gestützten Arbeitsorganisation?. In: Brenner, W., & Hess, T. (Eds.), Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wissenschaft und Praxis (Vol. Business Engineering, pp. 51–64). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.(2014):
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- Motivations for Crowdfunding: What Drives the Crowd to Invest in Start-ups?. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Tel Aviv, Israel.(2014):
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- Accounting for Interdisciplinary Requirements in Socio‐technical Systems Design. In: Workshop on "Revisiting Socio-technical System Design" at the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE) 2014. Vienna, Austria.(2014):
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- A Service Engineering Method for Knowledge-Intense Person-Oriented Services. In: Research on IT / Service / Innovation / Collaboration.(2014):
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- Virtual Communities: An Introduction. In: Leimeister, J. M., & Rajagopalan, B. (Eds.), Virtual Communities: Advances in Management Information Systems. Armonk, NY (ISBN: 978-0-7656-2653-0): M.E. Sharpe.(2014):
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- Requirement Patterns to Support Socio-Technical System Design. In: David, K., Geihs, K., Leimeister, J. M., Roßnagel, A., Schmidt, L., Stumme, G., & Wacker, A. (Eds.), Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems (pp. 191–209). Berlin (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05044-7_11): Springer.(2014):
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- Communities für Innovationen – Modulare Erweiterung einer Patientencommunity zur Ideenschmiede. In: Geiger, M., & Bieber, D. (Eds.), Personenbezogene Dienstleistungen im Kontext komplexer Wertschöpfungssysteme – Anwendungsfeld „seltene Krankheiten“. Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler Verlag.(2014):
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- Why can’t I use my iPhone at work?: managing consumerization of IT at a multi-national organization. In: Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 4. pp. 11–19.(2014):