Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner
Leitung Fachgebiet Nachhaltiges Marketing
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-2133
- Fax
- +49 561 804-3832
- rwagner[at]wirtschaft.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Standort
- Henschelstraße 2
34127 Kassel
- Raum
- K10, 2126a
- Sprechstunde
University of Bielefeld
- Habilitation - 2008 “Complex Patterns in Marketing Management”
- PhD (Dr. rer.pol.) - 2000 “Modeling Multiple Competitive Interactions”
- Business Administration Diploma Degree - 1995
University of Kassel
- Professor of Marketing/ Chair for Sustainable Marketing 2019-Present
- SVI-Endowed Professor for International Direct Marketing 2006-2019
- Coordinator of ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership MARCIEE (Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs) 2014-2017
- Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management 2013-2016
University of Bielefeld
- Assistant Professor (Habilitand) in the Marketing Department 2000-2006
- Research Assistant and Doctoral Student 1995-2000
Best Paper Award 2022
Hassoune, A., Schneider-Cechella, F. & Wagner, R. (2022). Google maps augmented reality and smart tourism in Europe: An extended technology acceptance model. STRATEGICA International Conference, Bucharest.
Best Presentation Award 2021
Singh, S. & Wagner, R. (2021): Indian Wine Entrepreneurs: Seizing Post Covid Revenge Travel Opportunities, Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021, Bali.
Emerald Outstanding Paper Award 2019
Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring, S. & Wagner, R. (2018).
Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence
in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(1), 1- 15.
Highly Commended Award 2019
Paolino, C. Ürkmez, T. & Wagner, R. (2019). The stained balance between ubiquity and exclusivity for different levels of luxury, Luxury Brands Conference, Tokyo.
Best Paper Award 2018
Raab, K. & Wagner, R. (2018). Disposal behavior of extreme poor people in
Guatemala living at the base of the pyramid, 20th International Conference on Solid Waste Sydney.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Award 2018
Brockhaus, D., Wagner, R. & Zulauf, K. (2018). Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs (MARCIEE), University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Best Paper Award 2016
Ürkemz T. & Wagner, R. (2016). Retail therapy: A Qualitative Study Conducted in
Turkey & Poland, International Conference on Marketing & Consumer Psychology,
E-learning Award 2011
Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2011). Virtual Negotiation Learning Space, University of Kassel, Germany.
Teaching Innovation Award 2010
Wagner, R. & Bloch, K. (2011). Forschungsseminar zum Verhandlungsmanagement, Virtual Negotiation Learning Space, University of Kassel, Germany.
Emerald Highly Recommended Award 2006
Decker, R.; R. Wagner, R. & Scholz, S. (2005).
An Internet-Based Approach to Environmental Scanning
in Marketing Planning, Marketing Intelligence and Planning,
Vol. 23, No. 2, 189 – 199.
Lise Meitner Habilitation Grant 2003
Young Researcher Award 2002
International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS)
OR Spectrum
Area Editor 2011-2015
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Editorial Review Board 2014 - present
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
Editorial Review Board 2016 – present
Frontiers in Sustainability
Editorial Review Board 2020 – present
OR Spectrum
Area Editor 2011-2015
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Editorial Review Board 2014 - present
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
Editorial Review Board 2016 – present
Frontiers in Sustainability
Editorial Review Board 2020 – present
Higueras-Castillo, E., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Dos Santos, M. A., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2024). Do you believe it? Green advertising skepticism and perceived value in buying electric vehicles. Sustainable Development, 4, TBD. |
Grimm, M. S., & Wagner, R. (2024). Challenging the linearity assumption of intra-brand image confusion. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 12(2), 355 – 374. |
Singh, S., & Wagner, R. (2023). Indian wine tourism: new landscape of international spillovers. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 17(5), 951–970. |
Grimm, M. S., & Wagner, R. (2023). Empirical Validation of the 10-Times Rule for SEM. In L. Radomir, R. Ciornea, H. Wang, Y. Liu, C. M. Ringle, & M. Sarstedt (Eds.), State of the Art in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) - Methodological Extensions and Applications in the Social Sciences and Beyond (1st ed., pp. 1–597). Cham: Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. |
Qian, C., Wagner, R., Seuring, S., & Dion, P. A. (2023). Efficacy of supply chain relationships - differences in performance appraisals between buyers and suppliers. Operations Management Research, TBD. |
Wagner, R., & Kabalska, A. (2023). Between Involvement and Profit: Value (Un-)Captured by a Born-Social Start-Up. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, TBD. |
Wagner, R., & Singh, S. (2023). Consumers’ body image expressions: Reflection of a Snow White or an Evil Queen. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1097740. |
Wagner, R., Baidoun, S. D., & Salem, M. Z. (2023). The moderating role of narcissism in predicting the behavior intention of the Palestinian university students towards adopting the new Facebook currency. Online Information Review, TBD. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2023). Countering Negotiation Power Asymmetries by Using the Adjusted Winner Algorithm. Operations Research Forum, 4(1), 19. |
Capasa, L., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2022). Virtual Reality Experience of Mega Sports Events: A Technology Acceptance Study. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 17(2), 686–703. |
Migliore, G., Wagner, R., Cechella, F. S., & Liébana-Cabanillas, F. (2022). Antecedents to the Adoption of Mobile Payment in China and Italy: an Integration of UTAUT2 and Innovation Resistance Theory. Information Systems Frontiers, 24(6), 2099–2122. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2022). Some Have Other Crisis Concerns: Antecedents of Anxiety while Grocery Shopping. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(1), 1–18. |
Wagner, R., & Kabalska, A. (2022). Sustainable value in the fashion industry: A case study of value construction/destruction using digital twins. Sustainable Development, TBD. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Negotiation Power and the Impact of Gender Differences. Businesses, 1, 205–213. |
Qian, C., Seuring-Stella, S., Wagner, R., & Dion, P. A. (2021). Personal and organizational level relationships in relational exchanges in supply chains - a bottom-up model. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26(1), 32–47. |
Qian, C., Seuring-Stella, S., & Wagner, R. (2021). A review of inter-firm relationship quality in supply chains. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2187–2200. |
Zulauf, K., Cechella, F. S., & Wagner, R. (2021). The bidirectionality of buying behavior and risk perception: an exploratory study. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 1–25. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Urban and rural sustainability: divergent concepts and their consequences for marketing. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2, TBD. |
Singh, S., Wagner, R., & Raab, K. S. (2021). India’s new-found love for wine tourism: a decanter of expectations and change. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 33(3), 313–335. |
Grimm, M. S., & Wagner, R. (2021). Intra-brand image confusion: effects of assortment width on brand image perception. Journal of Brand Management, 28(4), 446–463. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Online Shopping Therapy: If You Want to Be Happy, Shop around. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 1–14. |
Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Intuitive and Deliberative Decision-Making in Negotiations. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 9(3), 293–306. |
Salem, M., Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2020). Solid waste management: The disposal behavior of poor people living in Gaza Strip refugee camps. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104550. |
Qian, C., Seuring, S., & Wagner, R. (2020). Reviewing interfirm relationship quality from a supply chain management perspective. Management Review Quarterly, 71(3), 625–650. |
Wagner, R., & Grimm, M. S. (2020). The Impact of Missing Values on PLS, ML and FIML Model Fit. Archives of Data Science, Series A, 6(1), P04. |
Khalid, R. U., Seuring-Stella, S., & Wagner, R. (2020). Evaluating supply chain constructs in the base of the pyramid environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 270, 122415. |
Raab, K. S., Wagner, R., & Salem, M. (2020). "Feeling the waste’’ evidence from consumers’ living in Gaza Strip camps. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(7), 921–931. |
Rui, A., Schneider Cechella, F., Wagner, R., & Raab, K. (2020). Factors Influencing Italian Consumers’ Package-Free Purchase Intention. In AMA (Ed.), 2020 Summer Academic Conference (pp. 1–4). |
Maroufkhani, P., Wagner, R., Wan Ismail, W. K., Baroto, M. B., & Nourani, M. (2019). Big Data Analytics and Firm Performance: A Systematic Review. Information, 10(7), 226. |
Singh, S., & Wagner, R. (2019). How Indian home-grown businesses outsmart the MNCs. European Business Review, 31(6), 849–869. |
Aliyev, F., Wagner, R., & Seuring, S. (2019). Common and Contradictory Motivations in Buying Intentions for Green and Luxury Automobiles. Sustainability, 11(12), 3268. |
Wagner, R., & Horn, R. (2019). Advancing reputation measurement: evolving toward improved quantitative assessments. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, ahead of print. |
Timokhina, G. S., Taylan, U., & Wagner, R. (2019). Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer Behavior. A Literature Review of International Studies. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 13(2), 49–71. |
Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2018). A literature review on entrepreneurship at the Base-of-the-Pyramid: how B2B entrepreneurs make a difference in customer communication and CRM. In IMP (Ed.), IMP Conference 2018, Sri Lanka (pp. 1–6). |
Petljak, K., Zulauf, K., Stulec, I., Seuring-Stella, S., & Wagner, R. (2018). Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2018(1), 1–15. |
Aliyev, F., Urkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2018). A comprehensive look at luxury brand marketing research from 2000 to 2016: a bibliometric study and content analysis. Management Review Quarterly, 22(7), 1–32. |
Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2018). How Digitalization Changes the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 6(2), 193–207. 10.25019/MDKE/6.2.01 |
Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2018). Disposal Behavior of Extreme Poor People Living at the Base of the Pyramid. In WASET (Ed.), Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Solid Waste (p. TBA). Sydney: WASET. |
Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2018). Co-creation of value in the digital age: disruption management in B2B and B2G relationships. In IMP (Ed.), IMP Conference 2018, Sri Lanka (pp. 1–7). |
Aliyev, F., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2018). Luxury does not glitter equally for everyone. Journal of Brand Management, 2018/25(4), 337–350. |
Sanchez Bengoa, D., Ganassali, S., Kaufmann, H.-R., Rajala, A., Trevisan, I., Van Berkel, G. J., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2018). Shared experiences and awareness from learning in a student multicultural environment: Measuring skills’ development in intercultural intensive programs. Journal of International Education in Business, 2018(1), 27–42. |
Keim, C., & Wagner, R. (2018). Back in time to move forward: an empirical study on luxury fashion vintage drivers. Proceedings of the Global Fashion Conference 2017, 9(2), 87–102. |
Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2017). Assessing emotions in sales interactions: a reaction time-based procedure. In Houston University (Ed.), Proceedings of the Global Sales Science Institute 2017 Conference (p. TBD). Houston: Houston University. |
Wittkop, A., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2017). How digitalization changes the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. In A. Zbuchea (Ed.), Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st. (pp. 38–51). Bucharest: Tritonic. Retrieved from |
Wagner, R., & Singh, N. B. (2017). National dynamics of home-grown business in India. In CIMaR (Ed.), Consortium for International Marketing Research CIMaR 2017 (p. TBD). Georgia State University: Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). |
Raab, K., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2017). Marketing Concepts And Their Relevance At The Bop - Consolidating Research On Entrepreneurship To Alleviate Poverty. In EMAC (Ed.), Proceedings of the EMAC 46th Annual Conference (p. TBD). Groningen: University of Groningen. |
Schuster, O., Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2017). A technology acceptance model for entrepreneurs. In EMAC (Ed.), Proceedings of the EMAC 46th Annual Conference (p. TBD). Groningen: University of Groningen. |
Wagner, R., & Raab, K. (2017). Religious Impacts on Disposal Behavior: DoesReligion Influence People’s Disposal Behavior? In F. Guzmán (Ed.), Proceedings of the Cross-Cultural Research Conference 2017 (p. TBA). http://crossculturalresearch. com. |
Maroufkhani, P., Wagner, R., & Wan Ismail, W. K. (2017). Research on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Systematic Review. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 2017/12(4), 545–564. |
Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Kaufmann, H.-R., Trevisan, I., Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Ganassali, S., Papp, J., Berkel, J., van der Veen, G., Rajala, A., Hermannsdóttir, A., & Zink, L. (2017). Report for Chambers of Commerce and Start-up Centres. Universität Kassel. Retrieved from urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2017081853269 |
Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2017). The Internet of things – chance and challenge in industrial business relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, (66C), 181–195. |
Ehrhardt, C., Zulauf, K., Wagner, R., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Hermannsdóttir, A., & Kaufmann, H.-R. (2017). Assessment of Usefulness of Communication Channels for European Entrepreneurs. In 14th CIRCLE Conference (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th CIRCLE Conference in Warsaw (p. TBD). Warsaw: CIRCLE Conference. |
Aliyev, F., & Wagner, R. (2017). Green luxury: new divide in positioning strategies needed? In F. Pînzaru, A. Zbuchea, C. Brătianu, E. M. Vătămănescu, & A. Mitan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Strategica Conference 2017: Shift! Major challenges of today’s economy. (pp. 585–594). Bucharest: Strategica SNSPA. |
Aliyev, F., & Wagner, R. (2017). Cultural Influence on Luxury Value Perceptions: Collectivist vs. Individualist Luxury Perceptions. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2018/30(3), 158–172. |
Tamanini, C., & Wagner, R. (2017). Post-crises response strategies: a combined model to manage brand crises. In F. Pînzaru, A. Zbuchea, C. Brătianu, E. M. Vătămănescu, & A. Mitan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Strategica Conference 2017 Shift! Major challenges of today’s economy. (pp. 801–812). Bucharest: Strategica SNSPA. |
Raab, K., & Wagner, R. (2017). Contemporary Disposal Practices of the Poorest: A Cross-Cultural Research Project. In F. Guzmán (Ed.), Proceedings of the Cross-Cultural Research Conference 2017 (p. TBA). http://crossculturalresearch. com. |
Froch, K., Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2017). Drivers of relationship quality in B-to-B and B-to-G relationships - proposing a new overall measurement model. In Tianjin University of Science and Technology (Ed.), Proceedings of the IMP Asia Conference (p. TBD). Kuala Lumpur: Tianjin University of Science and Technology. |
Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2017). Retail Therapy and Accessible Luxury Consumers: A Qualitative Assessment on Turkish and Polish Consumers. Seoul: Curtin University. |
Aliyev, F., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2017). An Extensive Glance at Luxury Research Domain 2000-2014: A Bibliometric Analysis-Extended Abstract. In P. Rossi (Ed.), Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics (pp. 347–351). Berlin: Springer. |
Singh, N. B., & Wagner, R. (2017). Outsmarting the MNCs by fitting strategic manoeuvres to national framing: evidence from India. In F. Pînzaru, A. Zbuchea, C. Brătianu, E. M. Vătămănescu, & A. Mitan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Strategica Conference 2017: Shift! Major challenges of today’s economy. (pp. 563–600). Bucharest: Strategica SNSPA. |
Qian, C., Seuring-Stella, S., & Wagner, R. (2017). Inter-firm relationship quality and supply chain integration: a review of buyer’s and supplier’s perspective. In Heriot-Watt University (Ed.), Proceedings of the EurOMA Conference 2017 (pp. 1–10). Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University. |
Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Wagner, R., & Zulauf, K. (2016). Exploring Country Institutional Profiles on Entrepreneurial Orientation. In J. Mitra, S. Arzeni, & M. Volpe (Eds.), The Globalisation and Internationalisation of SMEs and New Ventures: Travels with Eclectic Charlie, Digital Mary, Networked Nadia and Impactful Shona. (pp. 162–178). Venice: 15th IEF Conference. Retrieved from |
Peshkova, A., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2016). Intimacy of Russian Upper Middle Class with Luxury Fashion. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 26(2), 152–173. |
Timokhina, G. S., Wagner, R., & Ürkmez, T. (2016). Cross-cultural Variations in Consumer Behaviour: Review of Scientific Studies (theoretical focus). Marketing and Marketing Research, 122(2), 126–142. |
Kovacs, D., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D. B. T., Wagner, R., & Zulauf, K. (2016). Linking entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance in a post-socialist market context: the case of Hungary. In C. Brătianu, A. Zbuchea, F. Pînzaru, R.-D. Leon, & E. Vătămănescu (Eds.), Proceedings of STRATEGICA 2016 - Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary BusinessContemporary Business Environment (pp. 383 – 394). Bucharest: Tritonic. Retrieved from |
Schlobohm, S., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2016). A Review of Brand Love: Conceptual Considerations and Their Relevance for Business. In M. W. Obal, N. Krey, & C. Bushardt (Eds.), Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era (pp. 343–348). Berlin: Springer. |
Timokhina, G. S., Wagner, R., & Ürkmez, T. (2016). Cross-cultural Variations in Consumer Behaviour: Review of Scientific Studies (methodological focus). Marketing and Marketing Research, 122(3), 224–243. |
Timokhina, G. S., Wagner, R., & Ürkmez, T. (2016). Cross cultural Variations in Consumer Behaviour: Review of Scientific Studies (practical focus). Marketing and Marketing Research, 2016(4(124)), 318–325. |
Schmitz, A., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2016). A Closer Glance at the Notion of Fairtrade. In E. Kaynak & T. . Harcar (Eds.), Globalization: Developments, Oppurtunities and Challenges (p. 287). Hummelstown, PA: International Management Development Association. |
Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2016). A qualitative study conducted in Poland and Turkey. In Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing and Consumer Psychology 2016 (p. TBD). Karnataka: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). |
Wagner, R., Maroufkhani, P., & Ürkmez, T. (2016). Research in entrepreneurship ecosystems: a systematic review. In J.A. Alpha Business Research & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences, (p. TBD). Karnataka: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). |
Wagner, R. (2016). Retail Therapy: A qualitative study conducted in Poland and Turkey. In Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Marketing and Consumer Psychology (p. TBD). Karnataka: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). |
Schuster, O., Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2016). The acceptance of mobile payments in the German retail market. In A. Z. Constantin Brătianu (Ed.), Proceedings of STRATEGICA 2016 - Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary Business (pp. 283 – 295). Bucharest: Tritonic. |
Schmitz, M., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2016). Consumer behavior on fairtrade labelled products. In J.A. Alpha Business Research & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences (p. TBD). Karnataka: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). |
Sanchez Bengoa, D., Ganassali, S., Wagner, R., Rajala, A., Trevisan, I., & Van Berkel, G. J. (2016). Students’ learning outcomes from a multicultural learning environment. In D. Vrontis, Y. Weber, & E. Tsoukatos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business Conference: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems (p. TBD). Warsaw: EuroMed Press. |
Rochetti, L., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2016). Differences in consumer behavior and lifestyle between sportsmen and couch potatoes. In S. I. Ao, L. Gelman, D. W. L. Hukins, A. Hunter, & A. . Korsunsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the World Business Congress 2016 (pp. 42 – 48). London: Newswood Limited. |
Qian, C., Seuring-Stella, S., & Wagner, R. (2016). A review of relationship quality in supply chains. In Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Ed.), Proceedings of the EurOMA Conference 2016 (pp. 1–10). Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). |
Nürnberger, E., Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2016). The Expression of Emotions in Negotiations: An Experimental Investigation on Emotion Behavior of German and Italian Negotiators. In W. Zartman, Johns Hopkins University (Eds.), 6th International Biennal on Negotiation (p. TBD). Paris: Novancia Business School. |
Kovacs, D., Zulauf, K., Ürkmez, T., Brockhaus, D. B. T., & Wagner, R. (2016). Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 4(4), 571–589. Retrieved from |
Peshkova, A., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2015). The Russian Luxury Markets: An Entrepreneurial Opportunity. In D. A. Karkh (Ed.), Global Economy, International Business and Russia in New Geopolitical Conditions (pp. 176–182). Yekaterinburg: Ural State University of Economics Publishing House. |
Hartmann, A., Wagner, R., & Larsen, F. L. (2015). Identity and Image Dynamics - Managing Social Exclusion in Profitable Ways. In S. Smyczek & J. Matysiewicz (Eds.), Social Exclusions in Europe - Marketing Perspective (pp. 244–254). Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Marketingrelevante Grundlagen der Entscheidungstheorie. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 15–37). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Preispolitik. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 125–173). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Produktpolitik. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 69–124). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Strategisches Marketing. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 39–68). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2015). Cultural Differences in Customer Churn- Lessons from Western and Eastern B-2-B Health Care Markets. In A. Diamantopoulos, B. B. Schlegelmilch, & U. Wagner (Eds.), Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe: Marketing Challenges and Issues, Proceedings of the 6th EMAC Regional Conference, Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Markets (pp. 1–7). Wien: European Marketing Academy (EMAC). |
Zulauf, K., Brockhaus, D. B. T., Wagner, R., Cubero-Dubinskaya, E., Hagen, B., Ganassali, S., Hermannsdóttir, A., Papp, J., van der Veen, G., Sanchez Bengoa, D., Berkel, J., & Rajala, A. (2015). Report for Entrepreneurs. SanBruno/USA: Youtube. Retrieved from |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Vertriebspolitik. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Mei{ß}ner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 207–251). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2015). Is your perception of luxury similar to mine? A concept made of absolute and relative features. Journal of Euromarketing, 24, 20–40. |
Wagner, R., & Ürkmez, T. (2015). Luxury or necessity? Inclarity still exists In EMAC (Ed.), Collaboration in Research (p. TBD). Brussels. Retrieved from |
Khalid, R. U., Seuring-Stella, S., Beske, P., Land, A., Yawar, S. A., & Wagner, R. (2015). Putting sustainable supply chain management into base of the pyramid research. Supply Chain Management, 20, 1 – 25. |
Larsen, F. L., Wagner, R., & Hartmann, A. (2015). Brands and Branding in the Non-Profit Sector - Theoretical Overview and Discussion. In S. Smyczek & J. Matysiewicz (Eds.), Social Exclusions in Europe - Marketing Perspective (pp. 189–200). Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice. |
Zulauf, K., Brockhaus, D. B. T., Schuster, O., Raab, K., Ürkmez, T., Keul, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). BoP and Entrepreneurship: The Intersection of Two Research Paths. In L. Beltrametti with Dameri Renata Paola (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conferences in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 749–756). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International. |
Schuster, O., Falkenreck, C., & Wagner, R. (2015). Entrepreneurial Marketing in the Last Decade - A Literature Review. In R. P. Dameri (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 644–654). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International. |
Peshkova, A., Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2015). Symbolic consumption of luxury: An Example of luxury fashion goods in Russia. In .C Bratianu, A. Zbuchea, F. Pinzaru, E. M. Vatamanescu, & R. D. Leon (Eds.), Strategica 2015 : Strategica: Local versus Global (pp. 677–685). Bukarest: Tritonic Publishing House. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Einführung in das Marketing. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 1–14). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Kommunikationspolitik. In R. Decker, F. Kroll, M. Meißner, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Marketing (pp. 175–206). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. |
Decker, R., Kroll, F., Meißner, M., & Wagner, R. (2015). Marketing - Eine entscheidungsorientierte Einführung (1st ed.). Berlin: Springer. |
Ürkmez, T., & Wagner, R. (2014). The Relativity of Luxury: An Attempt at Conceptual Clarification. In E. Kaynak & T. Harcar (Eds.), Shifts in and Global Competitiveness, Markets and Consumers: Is Management Prepared for a New Business Paradigm? (pp. 303–313). Hummelstown, PA: The International Management Development Association. |
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