CAIS-Paper von Dr. Christoph Peters et al. erschienen
In der aktuellen Ausgabe 39 der Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) vom Juli 2016 ist der Beitrag "Emerging Digital Frontiers for Service Innovation" von Dr. Christoph Peters et al. erschienen. Dr. Peters sowie weitere internationale Co-Autoren aus Europa und den USA widmen sich darin dem Thema Dienstleistungssysteme, insbesondere im Kontext von Service Innovationen und Wertschöpfung im Zeitalter digitaler Transformation. Der Beitrag basiert auf den Ergebnissen eines intensiven Workshops auf der 48. Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Die Association for Information Systems (AIS) als Herausgeber dieses Journals ist die führende internationale wissenschaftliche Vereinigung im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Abstract: This paper examines emerging digital frontiers for service innovation that a panel discussed at a workshop on this topic held at the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The speakers and participants agreed that service systems are fundamental for service innovation and value creation. In this context, service systems are related to cognitive systems, smart service systems, and cyber-physical systems and depend on the interconnectedness among system components. The speakers and participants regarded humans as the central entity in all service systems. In addition, they saw personal data in particular as key to service systems. They also identified several challenges in the areas of cognitive systems, smart service systems, cyberphysical systems, and human-centered service systems. We hope this workshop report helps in some small way to cultivate the emerging service science discipline and to nurture fruitful discussions on service innovation.
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