Project plan

Section A: single-photon excitation with polarized synchrotron radiation

Responsible PI: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dörner
Contributing groups: Berger, Dörner, Demekhin, Ehresmann, Müller/Schippers

Project part

A1: Angular dependence of photo-ions, photo- and Auger electrons from chiral molecules to inner shell excitation with polarized synchrotron radiation
[Experiments] Müller / Schippers, Dörner
[Theory] Berger, Demekhin

A2: Fragment fluorescence dichroism of chiral molecules after excitation with polarized synchrotron radiation
[Experiments] Müller / Schippers, a man of honor
[Theory] Demekhin

Section B: Strong-field and multi-photon excitation with femtosecond laser pulses

Responsible PI: Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert
Contributing Groups: Baumert, Berger, Dörner, Ehresmann, Koch


B1:photoelectroncircular dichroismaftermulti-photon ionizationwithresonanceandsupportbyfield ionizationof randomlyorientedenantiomers
[Theory]: Berger,cooking

B2:fragment andfragmen-ionyield ofrandomly orientedenantiomers byresonance-assisted
multi-photon ionization(REMPI)with polarization-shaped laserpulses
[Theory]: Berger,Koch

Section C: Excitation with polarized or unpolarized particle beam

Responsible PI: Prof. Dr. Stefan Schippers
Contributing Groups: Müller/Schippers, Stöhlker


C1:study of the behaviorof chiralmoleculesin collisions with(non-polarized)electrons,ions and neutral particles

C2: Electronspin effectsin collisionsof polarizedelectronswith highly chargedatomicions andchiralmolecular ions

Project Area D: Development of methods, modeling, equipment development

Responsible PI theory: Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch
Responsible PI experiments: Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann
Contributing Groups: Baumert, Berger, Ehresmann, Koch, Stöhlker


D1: building user facility for polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses and optimization of Polarisation pulse forme
Group: Baumert

D2: optimization of chiral effects in the femtosecond multi-photon ionization
Group: Koch

D3: theory of possible correlation of experiments on chiral systems
Group: Berger

D4: Development of a portable source of spin-polarized electrons (PEGASUS)
Group: Stöhlker

D5: Development of a VUV-VIS spectro-polarimeter
Group: Ehresmann