BSc/MSc thesis

BSc and MSc thesis

The Department of Biochemistry at the University of Kassel offers both Bachelor's and Master's theses related to recent projects.
In a special preparatory module (Methodenkenntnis und Projektplanung) we focus on basic biochemical techniques such as SDS-PAGE, affinity chromatography as well as methods from molecular biology like PCR and cloning. Moreover, state-of the art biophysical methods such as SPR, FP or BRET will be learned.
Accompanying seminars and supervision by postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students ensures the balance between theory and practice. Graduate students as well as technical staff of the department will provide additional assistance in practical laboratory work.
Preceding the preparatory module, the specific topic (BSc/MSc thesis) will be discussed with Prof. Dr. F.W. Herberg. Interested students are encouraged to contact Prof. Dr. F. W. Herberg, or Mrs. Minhöfer.