

Biologisches Kolloquium: Vortrag Dr. Benjamin Myers, University of Utah School of Medicine

Dr. Benjamin Myers group focuses mainly on the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway, a major player in development and regeneration that controls the formation of nearly every organ in our bodies. The Hh pathway is also a fascinating model for how membrane proteins and lipids influence cell fate decisions. Insufficient Hh signaling is linked to birth defects, while pathway overactivation drives several common cancers. Yet surprisingly, the critical biochemical events regulating Hh signaling at the membrane remain largely unknown. We are dissecting the biochemical processes that enable cells to respond to Hh signals. Our approach utilizes novel optical, biochemical, and electrical sensors to monitor key Hh signal transduction events as they unfold in real-time. By using these sensors to study key Hh pathway steps in both living and in vitro systems, we are gaining a deep understanding of the underlying transduction mechanism.

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