Scientific Programme
Thursday, 1st of September
14.00 – 14.45 | Opening - H. Butenschön - I. Parchmann - Organisational Remarks: D. Di Fuccia (Organiser) | |
14.45 – 15.15 | Keynote 1a: Demands and challenges in chemical education from a Chemist´s perspective (H. Butenschön, University of Hannover) | |
15.15 – 15.45 | Keynote 1b: Demands and challenges in chemical education from an Education Researcher´s perspective (V. Kind, Durham University) | |
15.45 – 16.15 | Discussion of both keynotes (Chair: Ilka Parchmann) | |
16.15 – 16.45 | Coffee break | |
16.45 – 18.45 | Contributed talks (6 a 20 mins): Teaching Skills, Methods and Challenges (Chair: Peter Childs) | |
| 16.45-17.05 | Simple chemistry expanded – what happens if…. A little more of that in first year chemistry? (Josephsen) |
| 17.05-17.25 | Implementation of SWH in large enrollment general chemistry labs (Lykourinou) |
| 17.25-17.45 | A new concept for developing didactics lectures into training tools for teaching skills (Hornung) |
| 17.45-18.05 | Basic steps into mobile learning in chemical didactics (Miranowicz) |
| 18.05-18.25 | Developing Web-based Hierarchy Assessment Tools on Concept Map for Students (Chiu, Wu, Chou, Chen) |
| 18.25-18.45 | Problem solving according to the philosophy of the PROFILES European project (Cardellini) |
Friday, 2nd of September
09.30 – 10.30 | Contributed talks (3 a 20mins): Learning Skills, Methods and Challenges (Chair: Jan Apotheker) | |
| 09.30-09.50 | Learning from teaching: An opportunity for scientific skills development for chemistry GTAs (Sandi-Urena, Gatlin) |
| 09.50-10.10 | Argumentation in the chemistry laboratory: inquiry and confirmatory experiments (Mamlok-Naaman) |
| 10.10-10.30 | Lessons in science reading: undergraduates learning to read primary literature (Goedhart) |
10.30 – 11.00 | Coffee break | |
11.00 – 12.00 | Contributed talks (3 a 20mins): Learning Skills, Methods and Challenges (Chair: Rachel Mamlok-Naaman) | |
| 11.00-11.20 | From Diagnosis to Cure: Retaining Weaker Students in Chemistry (Regan, Childs, Hayes) |
| 11.20-11.40 | The chemical misconceptions of trainee science teachers in Ireland: does year of study matter? (Hayes, Childs, Sheehan) |
| 11.40-12.00 | Chemistry Teacher Education in the Czech Republic and Germany (Comparative Study) (Matouskova) |
12.00 – 14.00 | Lunch break | |
14.00 – 14.30 | Keynote 2: Projects, project organisation and funding possibilities - the example of the EC2E2N-network (Anthony Smith) (Chair: Pascal Mimero) | |
14.30 – 14.50 | Contributed talk (1 a 20mins) (Chair: Paul Yates) | |
| 14.30-14.50 | Sustaining Change – what happens after a research project (Finlayson) |
14.50 – 15.30 | Oral bites (6 a 5mins) (Chair: Paul Yates) | |
| 14.50-14.55 | Tutorial activity as a possibility of enhancing competencies in chemistry-teacher education (Herzog, Busker, Parchmann) |
| 14.55-15.00 | IBSE as a topic of pre-service teacher training at Jagiellonian University (Maciejowska, Odrowaz) |
| 15.00-15.05 | Beliefs about learning and teaching of university professors teaching chemistry and mathematics (Klostermann, Busker, Parchmann) |
| 15.05-15.10 | Comparing content of organic chemistry and teaching intention of teachers and university professors (Herzog, Gross, Parchmann) |
| 15.10-15.15 | Solid phase chemistry – a new ChemgaPedia unit (Maciejowska, Trzewik, Janczyk) |
| 15.15-15.20 | The Content Analysis of the Concept of Green-Chemistry in the Elementary Science Textbooks in Taiwan (Ku, Cheng) |
| 15.20-15.30 | Discussion of oral bites (to be continued during the coffee break) |
15.30 – 16.00 | Coffee break | |
16.00 – 17.40 | Contributed talk(2 a 20 mins, 2 a 30 mins): Exemplary Topics for Higher Education (Chair: Holger Butenschön) | |
| 16.00-16.20 | Difficulties with Organic Chemistry at Third Level – Perspectives of Irish students and lecturers (O Dwyer, Childs, Hanly) |
| 16.20-16.40 | Heuristic Chemistry (Graulich, Schreier, Tiemann) |
| 16.40-17.10 | Photogalvanic cells for “chemical enlightenment” at school and university (Bohrmann-Linde) |
| 17.10-17.40 | Photochemical Experiments and Basic Concepts (Tausch) |
Saturday, 3rd of September
09.00 – 09.30 | Keynote 3a: Teacher Education – Demands and Approaches from a Chemist´s Perspective (Ron Namaan (Weizman Institute) | |
09.30 - 10.00 | Keynote 3b: Training the teachers also at the university – An Educational Perspective (Natasa Brouwer (University of Amsterdam) | |
10.00 - 10.30 | Discussion of both keynotes (Chair: David Di Fuccia) | |
10.30 – 11.00 | Coffee break | |
11.00 – 12.40 | Contributed talks(5 a 20mins): Training and Support for (University) Teachers (Chair: Iwona Maciejowska) | |
| 11.00-11.20 | Coaching university teachers for a basic teacher qualification (Apotheker, van der Laan) |
| 11.20-11.40 | Pedagogical Training Program for University Teachers (Aremo) |
| 11.40-12.00 | Producing science teachers who are flexible and adaptable: A hands on, minds on approach (Hayes, Childs) |
| 12.00-12.20 | Diagnosis and individual support in pre-service teacher training (Busch, Ralle) |
| 12.20-12.40 | University entrance tests - Bridging the gap between school and university (Klostermann, Busker, Herzog, Parchmann) |
12.40 – 13.00 | Closing Remarks |