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Aeration hay : quality - process - cost

Year of publication 2017 64 pages - booklet

Aerated hay represents a very interesting alternative to other coarse feeds. Due to modern efficient technology, nowadays feed qualities are achievable that meet modern ruminant nutrition. Like ground hay, aeration hay is pre-dried in the field. However, before high crumb losses occur, aeration hay with a comparatively high residual moisture content is salvaged and dried under cover either in boxes as loose hay or in bale form to a stable storage moisture content. The booklet describes what characterizes good quality aeration hay and how it can be produced. It describes how to ensure good quality already at harvest. Different ways of heating and dehumidifying the drying air are shown, and processes for drying loose hay and in bales are described. Investment costs and energy requirements are determined for model plants. Four practical examples from different regions in Germany and one practical example from Poland offer insights into current experiences and different approaches to solutions for the farm-specific design of hay drying systems. The booklet is aimed primarily at practitioners, consultants and trainers.


available from KTBL