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02/03/2021 | Organic agriculture and crop production

Pro­fes­sor Jür­gen Heß: Chairman of the Board at FiBL Germany

Prof. Jürgen Heß is the new Chairman of the Board of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Germany. Prof. Urs Niggli says goodbye after 20 years of association work.

Image: Jürgen Heß

"I am very glad about this new challenge, because the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is for me one of the outstanding institutions for the further development of organic agriculture", says Heß and adds: "The Organic Field Days at the Frankenhausen Domain, the experimental farm of the University of Kassel, which were jointly organised by FIBL and the University of Kassel in 2017 and 2019, have greatly strengthened the cooperation. As a new impulse, I would like to contribute to the establishment of a new research area 'Sustainable Farming Systems' at FiBL, and also support the training of PhD students." Heß has been a member of FiBL's Board of Directors since 2003, and has now been unanimously elected as its Chair. Heß has been head of the Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production at the University of Kassel since 1997 and has also been active in the fields of knowledge transfer and policy advice for decades, including on the steering committee of the BÖLN and on various scientific advisory boards at federal and state level.

After 20 years, the long-serving chair Prof. Urs Niggli did not stand for re-election as chair of FiBL Deutschland e.V. because he wants to turn his attention to new tasks. These include work for the UN, for Agroscope, Switzerland's centre of excellence for agricultural research, for FiBL Austria and in the newly founded Institute for Sustainable Food and Farming Systems

Dr Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein, fellow board member at FiBL and chair of BÖLW, expresses his gratitude for Urs Niggli's commitment. "He has carved out an outstanding role for himself in organic agriculture and has become a visionary with global significance. It was not comfortable to work with him. But that is exactly what we appreciate about him, that he promotes innovation in organic farming with uncomfortable theses. We very much hope that we can continue to benefit from this role of Urs Niggli."


Robert Hermanowski
Kasseler Strasse 1a
D-60486 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (0)69 7137699-73
E-mail: robert.hermanowski[at]fibl[dot]org

Markus Zens
University of Kassel
Press Officer
Phone: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de