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30.11.2023 WORKSHOP for managers of interdisciplinary research projects and networks

How does interdisciplinarity enter into the practice of research collaboration?

Interdisciplinarity as a scientific concept is much discussed and accepted in its relevance and objective. The short version: Complex problems need interdisciplinary research. Even some funding formats, for example the format of the Bavarian Research Association, is explicitly designed to conduct interdisciplinary research in order to comprehensively address socially relevant issues.
There is also already a lively scientific discourse on the "how" of interdisciplinarity, i.e., the concrete design of interdisciplinary research cooperation. However, the resulting knowledge has not yet found its way into practice.
The offices of the Bavarian research consortia and the management units of other research consortia contain an enormous amount of practical knowledge about the management of multidisciplinary groups. Wouldn't it be exciting to take a look at this knowledge on the basis of a systematic approach to interdisciplinary collaboration, and to usefully sort it into a toolbox and develop it further?

More information HERE