Publications in Academic journals (since 2000)
Wijesingha, J., Dzene, I., Wachendorf, M., 2024. Evaluating the spatial–temporal transferability of models for agricultural land cover mapping using Landsat archive. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 213, 72–86. |
Hu, J., Wachendorf, M., Gwenzi, W., Joseph, B., Stenchly, K., Kaetzl, K., 2024. Improving acid-stressed anaerobic digestion processes with biochar - towards a combined biomass and carbon management system. Environmental Research Communications 6, 035010. |
Wengert, M., Wijesingha, J., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2022. Multisite and Multitemporal Grassland Yield Estimation Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing 14, 2068. |
Nidamanuri, R.R., Jayakumari, R., Ramiya, A.M., Astor, T., Wachendorf, M., Bürkert, A., 2022. High-resolution multispectral imagery and LiDAR point cloud fusion for the discrimination and biophysical characterisation of vegetable crops at different levels of nitrogen. Biosystems Engineering 222, 177–195. |
Schmidt, F.E., Böhm, H., Piepho, H.-P., Urbatzka, P., Wachendorf, M., Graß, R., 2022. Management Effects on the Performance of Double Cropping Systems—Results from a Multi-Site Experiment. Agronomy 12, 2104. |
Dzene, I., Hensgen, F., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2021. Net energy balance and fuel quality of an alley cropping system combining grassland and willow: results of the 2nd rotation. Agronomy 11, 1272. |
Kyere, I., Astor, T., Graß, R., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2021. Spatio-temporal analysis of the effects of biogas production on agricultural lands. Land Use Policy 102, 105240. |
Wijesingha, J., Dayananda, S., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2021. Comparison of spaceborne and UAV‐borne remote sensing spectral data for estimating monsoon crop vegetation parameters. Sensors 21, TBD. |
Dzene, I., Hensgen, F., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2021. Net energy balance and fuel quality of an alley cropping system combining grassland and willow: results of the 2nd rotation. Agronomy 11, 1272. |
Wengert, M., Piepho, H.-P., Astor, T., Graß, R., Wijesingha, J., Wachendorf, M., 2021. Assessing spatial variability of barley whole crop biomass yield and leaf area index in silvoarable agroforestry systems using UAV-borne remote sensing. Remote Sensing 13, 2751. |
Kaetzl, K., Werner, S., Asirifi, I., Saba, C.K.S., Abagale, F.K., Amoah, P., Marschner, B., 2021. Pathogen and heavy metal contamination in urban agroecosystems of northern Ghana: influence of biochar application and wastewater irrigation. Journal of Environmental Quality 50, 1097–1109. |
Anderson, K., Boschetti, F., Brazier, R.E., Graham, H.A., Myers-Smith, I.H., Boer, M.M., Cunliffe, A.M., Astor, T., Calvo, L.G., Clark, P.E., Cramer, M.D., Encinas-Lara, M.S., Escarzaga, S.M., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M., Fisher, A.G., Gdulová, K., Gillespie, B.M., Griebel, A., Hanan, N.P., Hanggito, M.S., Haselberger, S., Havrilla, C.A., Heilman, P., Ji, W., Karl, J.W., Kirchhoff, M., Kraushaar, S., Lyons, M.B., Marzolff, I., Mauritz, M., McIntire, C., Metzen, D., Méndez-Barroso, L.A., Power, S., Prošek, J., Sanz--Ablanedo, E., Sauer, K., Schulze--Brüninghoff, D., Šímová, P., Sitch, S., Smit, J., Steele, C., Suárez-Seoane, S., Vargas, S., Villarreal, M., Visser, F., Wachendorf, M., Wirnsberger, H., Wojcikiewicz, R., 2021. Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 8, 57–71. |
Reji, J., Nidamanuri, R.R., Ramiya, A.M., Astor, T., Wachendorf, M., Buerkert, A., 2021. Multi-temporal estimation of vegetable crop biophysical parameters with varied nitrogen fertilization using terrestrial laser scanning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 184, 106051. |
Corton, J., Donnison, I.S., Ross, A.B., Lea-Langton, A.R., Wachendorf, M., Fraser, M.D., 2021. Impact of vegetation type and pre-processing on product yields and properties following hydrothermal conversion of conservation biomass. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 137, 110462. |
Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2021. Remote sensing data fusion as a tool for biomass prediction in extensive grasslands invaded by L. polyphyllus. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7, 198–213. |
Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2021. Potentials and Limitations of WorldView-3 Data for the Detection of Invasive Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in Semi-Natural Grasslands. Remote Sensing 13, 4333. |
Riad, P.H.S., Graefe, S., Hussein, H., Bürkert, A., 2020. Landscape transformation processes in two large and two small cities in Egypt and Jordan over the last five decades using remote sensing data. Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103766. |
Kyere, I., Astor, T., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Agricultural crop discrimination in a heterogeneous low-mountain range region based on multi-temporal and multi-sensor satellite data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179, 105864. |
Astor, T., Grüner, E., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Prediction of biomass and N fixation of legume-grass mixtures using sensor fusion. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 603921. |
Grüner, E., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2020. The potential of UAV-borne spectral and textural information for predicting aboveground biomass and N fixation in legume-grass mixtures. PLOS ONE 15, e0234703. |
Astor, T., Dayananda, S., Nautiyal, S., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Vegetable Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral and RGB 3D UAV Data. Agronomy 10, 1600. |
Cunliffe, A.M., Anderson, K., Boschetti, F., Brazier, R.E., Graham, H.A., Myers-Smith, I.H., Astor, T., Boer, M.M., Calvo, L., Clark, P.E., Cramer, M.D., Encinas-Lara, M.S., Escarzaga, S.M., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M., Fisher, A.G., Gdulová, K., Gillespie, B.M., Griebel, A., Hanan, N.P., Hanggito, M.S., Haselberger, S., Havrilla, C.A., Heilman, P., Ji, W., Karl, J.W., Kirchhoff, M., Kraushaar, S., Lyons, M.B., Marzolff, I., Mauritz, M.E., McIntire, C.D., Metzen, D., Méndez-Barroso, L.A., Power, S.C., Prošek, J., Sanz-Ablanedo, E., Sauer, K.J., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Šímová, P., Sitch, S., Smit, J.L., Steele, C.M., Suárez-Seoane, S., Vargas, S.A., Villarreal, M.L., Visser, F., Wachendorf, M., Wirnsberger, H., Wojcikiewicz, R., 2020. Drone-derived canopy height predicts biomass across non-forest ecosystems globally. bioRxiv NN. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Nettmann, E., Krimmler, S., Wichern, M., 2020. Slow sand filtration of raw wastewater using biochar as an alternative filtration media. Nature 2020/1229, TBD. |
Joseph, B., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Life Cycle Assessment of bioenergy production from mountainous grasslands invaded by lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.). Journal of Environmental Management 275, 111182. |
Zhao, X., Xu, X., Wang, F., Greenberg, I., Liu, M., Che, R., Zhang, L., Cui, X., 2020. Climatic, Edaphic and Biotic Controls over Soil δ13C and δ15N in Temperate Grasslands. Forests 11, TBD. |
Wijesingha, J., Astor, T., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wengert, M., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Predicting Forage Quality of Grasslands Using UAV-Borne Imaging Spectroscopy. Remote Sensing 12, 126. |
Karunaratne, S., Thomson, A., Morse-McNabb, E., Wijesingha, J., Stayches, D., Copland, A., Jacobs, J., 2020. The fusion of spectral and structural datasets derived from an airborne multispectral sensor for estimation of pasture dry matter yield at paddock scale with time. Remote Sensing 12, TBD. |
Wijesingha, J., Astor, T., Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Mapping Invasive Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in Semi-natural Grasslands Using Object-Based Image Analysis of UAV-borne Images. Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 88, 391–406. |
Joseph, B., Kaetzl, K., Hensgen, F., Schäfer, B., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Sustainability assessment of activated carbon from residual biomass used for micropollutant removal at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Research Letters 15, 064023. |
Graß, R., Malec, S.S., Wachendorf, M., 2020. Biomass Performance and Competition Effects in an Established Temperate Agroforestry System of Willow and Grassland - Results of the 2nd Rotation. Agronomy 10, 1819. |
Wachendorf, M., 2019. AG Fernerkundliche Methoden in den Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. Journal of Cultivated Plants 71, 299. |
Schimpf, U., Schrader, A., Hübner, A., Schulz, R., Neubauer, P., 2019. Utilisation of solid digestate from acidification reactors of continues two-stage anaerobic digestion processes in Lentinula edodes cultivation. Bioresource Technology Reports 8, 100322. |
Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2019. The benefit of spectral and point-cloud data for herbage yield and quality assessment of grasslands. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W16, 267–272. |
Grüner, E., Astor, T., Wachendorf, M., 2019. Biomass Prediction of Heterogeneous Temperate Grasslands Using an SfM Approach Based on UAV Imaging. Agronomy Journal 9, 54. |
Kyere, I., Astor, T., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2019. Multi-Temporal Agricultural Land-Cover Mapping Using Single-Year and Multi-Year Models Based on Landsat Imagery and IACS Data. Agronomy Journal 9, 309. |
Schulze-Brüninghoff, D., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., Astor, T., 2019. Methods for LiDAR-based estimation of extensive grassland biomass. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 156, 693–699. |
Wijesingha, J., Astor, T., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2019. Evaluation of 3D point cloud-based models for the prediction of grassland biomass. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 78, 352–359. |
Dayananda, S., Astor, T., Wijesingha, J., Chickadibburahalli Thimappa, S., Dimba Chowdappa, H., Nidamanuri, R.R., Nautiyal, S., Wachendorf, M., 2019. Multi-Temporal Monsoon Crop Biomass Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imaging. Remote Sensing 11, 1771. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Uzun, G., Gehring, T., Nettmann, E., Stenchly, K., Wichern, M., 2019. On-farm wastewater treatment using biochar from local agroresidues reduces pathogens from irrigation water for safer food production in developing countries. Science of the Total Environment 601–610. |
Astor, T., Dayananda, S., Nidamanuri, R., Nautiyal, S., Hanumaiah, N., Bürkert, A., Wachendorf, M., 2018. Estimation of Vegetable Crop Parameter by Multi-temporal UAV-Borne Images. Remote Sensing 10, 805. |
Wachendorf, M., 2018. AG Fernerkundliche Methoden in den Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. Journal of Cultivated Plants 70, 348. |
Roß, C.-L., Sensel-Gunke, K., Wilken, V., Muskolus, A., Krause, G., Tschuikowa, S., Hübner, A., Fiebrich, V., Ellmer, F., 2018. Kompostierte Gärreste aus Bioabfällen als Düngestoffe: Bodenchemische und pflanzenbauliche Wirkungen in einem dreijährigen Feldversuch. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 70, 169–210. |
Joseph, B., Hensgen, F., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., 2018. Solid Fuel Production from Semi-Natural Grassland Biomass - Results from a Commercial-Scale IFBB Plant. Energies 11, 3011. |
Kaetzl, K., Lübken, M., Gehring, T., Wichern, M., 2018. Efficient Low-Cost Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater Using Biochar and Woodchip Filters. Water 10, 818. |
Werner, S., Kaetzl, K., Wichern, M., Bürkert, A., Steiner, C., Marschner, B., 2018. Agronomic benefits of biochar as a soil amendment after its use as waste water filtration medium. Environmental Pollution 233, 561–568. |
Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2018. Aqueous Leaching Prior to Dewatering Improves the Quality of Solid Fuels from Grasslands. Energies 11, 846. |
Astor, T., Wachendorf, M., Fricke, T., 2018. Remote sensing as a tool to assess botanical composition, structure, quantity and quality of temperate grasslands. Grass and Forage Science 73, 1–14. |
Wachendorf, C., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Influence of land use and tillage depth on dynamics of soil microbial properties, soil carbon fractions and crop yield after conversion of short-rotation coppices. Soil Use Management 33, 379–388. |
Stenchly, K., Lippmann, R.S., Waongo, A., Nyarko, G., Bürkert, A., 2017. Weed species structural and functional composition of okra fields and field periphery under different management intensities along the rural-urban gradient of two West African cities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 237, 213–223. |
Astor, T., Safari, H., Reddersen, B., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Fusion of Ultrasonic and Spectral Sensor Data for Improving the Estimation of Biomass in Grasslands with Heterogeneous Sward Structure. Remote Sensing 9, 98. |
Nitsche, M., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Energy Generation from Horse Husbandry Residues by Anaerobic Digestion, Combustion, and an Integrated Approach. Sustainability 9, 358. |
Nitsche, M., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Using Grass Cuttings from Sports Fields for Anaerobic Digestion and Combustion. Energies 10, 388. |
Nitsche, M., Nurmatov, N., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Leaf Litter Designated for Combustion. Energies 10, 298. |
Nurk, L., Graß, R., Pekrun, C., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Methane Yield and Feed Quality Parameters of Mixed Silages from Maize (Zea mays L.) and Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). BioEnergy Research 10, 64–73. |
Nurk, L., Graß, R., Pekrun, C., Wachendorf, M., 2017. Effect of Sowing Method and Weed Control on the Performance of Maize (Zea mays L.) Intercropped with Climbing Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agriculture-Basel 7, 51. |
Weisser, W.W., Roscher, C., Meyer, S.T., Ebeling, A., Luo, G., Allan, E., Beßler, H., Barnard, R.L., Buchmann, N., Buscot, F., Engels, C., Fischer, C., Fischer, M., Gessler, A., Gleixner, G., Halle, S., Hildebrandt, A., Hillebrand, H., de Kroon, H., Langer, M., Leimer, S., Le Roux, X., Milcu, A., Mommer, L., Niklaus, P.A., Oelmann, Y., Proulx, R., Roy, J., Scherber, C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Scheu, S., Tscharntke, T., Wachendorf, M., Wagg, C., Weigelt, A., Wilcke, W., Wirth, C., Schulze, E.-D., Schmidt, B., Eisenhauer, N., 2017. Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology 23, 1–73. |
Dorn, K., Leiber, F., Sundrum, A., Holinger, M., Mayer, P., Walkenhorst, M., 2016. A field trial on the effects of pure sodium propionate and a combination with herbal extracts on short term development of subclinical ketosis. Livestock Science 187, 87–95. |
Van Poucke, R., Nachenius, R.W., Agbo, K.E., Hensgen, F., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., Ok, Y.S., Tack, F.M.G., Prins, W., Ronsse, F., Meers, E., 2016. Mild hydrothermal conditioning prior to torrefaction and slow pyrolysis of low-value biomass. Bioresource Technology 217, 104–112. |
Nurmatov, N., Leon Gomez, D.A., Hensgen, F., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., 2016. High-Quality Solid Fuel Production from Leaf Litter of Urban Street Trees. Sustainability 8, 1249. |
Hensgen, F., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., 2016. The effect of harvest, mulching and low-dose fertilization of liquid digestate on above ground biomass yield and diversity of lower mountain semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 216, 283–292. |
Piepenschneider, M., Bühle, L., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Energy recovery from grass of urban roadside verges by anaerobic digestion and combustion after pre-processing. Biomass and Bioenergy 278–287. |
Astor, T., Löfgren, O., Prentice, H.C., Eklundh, L., Hall, K., 2016. Airborne hyperspectral data predict Ellenberg indicator values for nutrient and moisture availability in dry grazed grasslands within a local agricultural landscape. Ecological Indicators 2016, 503–516. |
Piepenschneider, M., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Solid Fuel Generation from Urban Leaf Litter in Mixture with Grass Cuttings: Chemical Composition, Energetic Characteristics, and Impact of Preprocessing. BioEnergy Research 57–66. |
Piepenschneider, M., Nurmatov, N., Bühle, L., Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Chemical Properties and Ash Slagging Characteristics of Solid Fuels from Urban Leaf Litter. Waste and Biomass Valorization 7, 625–633. |
Hensgen, F., Wachendorf, M., 2016. The Effect of the Invasive Plant Species Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. on Energy Recovery Parameters of Semi-Natural Grassland Biomass. Sustainability 8, 998. |
Corton, J., Donnison, I.S., Patel, M.K., Buhle, L., Hodgson, E., Wachendorf, M., Bridgwater, A., Allison, G., Fraser, M.D., 2016. Expanding the biomass resource: Sustainable oil production via fast pyrolysis of low input high diversity biomass and the potential integration of thermochemical and biological conversion routes. Applied Energy 177, 852–862. |
Safari, H., Fricke, T., Reddersen, B., Astor, T., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Comparing mobile and static assessment of biomass in heterogeneous grassland with a multi-sensor system. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 5, 301–312. |
Safari, H., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Determination of fibre and protein content in heterogeneous pastures using field spectroscopy and ultrasonic sward height measurements. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 123, 256–263. |
Nurk, L., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Degradation of Fibre and Non-fibre Fractions During Anaerobic Digestion in Silages of Maize, Sunflower and Sorghum-Sudangrass of Different Maturities. BioEnergy Research 9, 720–730. |
Ehret, M., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2016. Productivity at the tree-crop interface of a young willow-grassland alley cropping system. Agroforestry Systems 92, 71–83. |
Graß, R., Thies, B., Kersebaum, K.-C., Wachendorf, M., 2015. Simulating dry matter yield of two cropping systems with the simulation model HERMES to evaluate impact of future climate change. European Journal of Agronomy 70, 1–10. |
Ul-Allah, S., Khan, A., Fricke, T., Bürkert, A., Wachendorf, M., 2015. Effect of fertiliser and irrigation on forage yield and irrigation water use efficiency in semi-arid regions of Pakistan. Experimental Agriculture 51, 485–500. |
Ehret, M., Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2015. The effect of shade and shade material on white clover/perennial ryegrass mixtures for temperate agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems 89, 557–570. |
Dzene, I., 2015. Waste-to-biomethane Concept Application: A Case Study of Valmiera City in Latvia. Environmental and Climate Technologies 15, 48–58. |
Wachendorf, M., Hahn, H., Bühle, L., Hartmann, K., 2015. Comparative life cycle assessment of biogas plant configurations for a demand oriented biogas supply for flexible power generation. Bioresource Technology 179, 348–358. |
Piepenschneider, M., De Moor, S., Hensgen, F., Meers, E., Wachendorf, M., 2015. Element concentrations in urban grass cuttings from roadside verges in the face of energy recovery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 7808–7820. |
Ehret, M., Bühle, L., Graß, R., Lamersdorf, N., Wachendorf, M., 2015. Bioenergy provision by an alley cropping system of grassland and shrub willow hybrids: biomass, fuel characteristics and net energy yields. Agroforestry Systems 89, 365–381. |
Reddersen, B., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2014. A multi-sensor approach for predicting biomass of extensively managed grassland. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 109, 247 – 260. |
Hübner, A., Derkow, K., Bräuer, A.U., 2014. Efficient isolation of CD8α positive T cells from postnatal mice using a combined MACS approach. Journal of immunological methods 106, 110–116. |
Ul Allah, S., Fricke, T., Bürkert, A., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Fertilizer and irrigation effects on forage protein and energy production under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan. Field Crops Research 159, 62–69. |
Andruschkewitsch, M., Wachendorf, C., Sradnick, A., Hensgen, F., Jörgensen, R.G., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Soil substrate utilization pattern and relation of functional evenness of plant groups and soil microbial community in five low mountain NATURA 2000. Plant and Soil 383, 275–289. |
Romagnoli, F., Barisa, A., Dzene, I., Blumberga, A., Blumberga, D., 2014. Implementation of different policy strategies promoting the use of wood fuel in the Latvian district heating system: Impact evaluation through a system dynamic model. Energy 76, 210–222. |
Hahn, H., Krautkremer, B., Hartmann, K., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Review of concepts for a demand-driven biogas supply for flexible power generation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 29, 383–393. |
Graß, R., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Biomasseerzeugung im Zweikulturnutzungssystem - Ertragreich und umweltgerecht. Landwirtschaft ohne Pflug. 2014/09, 38–43. |
Dzene, I., 2014. Sustainable Use of Macro-Algae for Biogas Production in Latvian Conditions: a Preliminary Study through an Integrated MCA and LCA Approach. Environmental and Climate Technologies 13, 44–56. |
Wachendorf, M., Hahn, H., Ganagin, W., Hartmann, K., 2014. Cost analysis of concepts for a demand oriented biogas supply for flexible power generation. Bioresource Technology 170, 211–220. |
Ul Allah, S., Khan, A.A., Burkert, A., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Socio-economic aspects of fodder production in Urban and peri-urban of Faisalabad. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 51, 493–500. |
Bühle, L., Dürl, G., Hensgen, F., Urban, A., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Effects of hydrothermal conditioning and mechanical dewatering on ash melting behaviour of solid fuel produced from European semi-natural grasslands. Fuel 118, 123–129. |
Walters, E., Kaetzl, K., Schwarzwaeder, K., Rutschmann, P., Mueler, E., Horn, H., 2014. Persistence of fecal indicator bacteria in sediment of an oligotrophic river: Comparing large and lab-scale flume systems. Water Research 61, 276–287. |
Khalsa, J., Fricke, T., Weigelt, A., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Effects of species richness and functional groups on chemical constituents relevant for methane yields from anaerobic digestion: results from a grassland diversity experiment. Grass and Forage Science 69, 49–63. |
Tönshoff, C., Jörgensen, R.G., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, C., 2014. Initial decosmposition of post-harvest crown and root residues of poplars as affected by N availability and particle size. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50, 675–683. |
Hensgen, F., Bühle, L., Donnison, I., Heinsoo, K., Wachendorf, M., 2014. Energetic conversion of European semi-natural grassland silages through the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass: Energy yields and the fate of organic compounds. Bioresource Technology 154, 192–200. |
Graß, R., Heuser, F., Stülpnagel, R., Piepho, H.-P., Wachendorf, M., 2013. Energy crop production in double cropping systems: Results from an experiment at seven sites. European Journal of Agronomy 2013, 120–129. |
Reddersen, B., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2013. Effects of sample preparation and measurement standardization on the NIRS calibration quality of nitrogen, ash and NDFom content in extensive experimental grassland biomass. Animal Feed Science and Technology 183, 77–85. |
Tönshoff, C., Stülpnagel, R., Jörgensen, R.G., Wachendorf, C., 2013. Carbon in plant biomass and soils of poplar and willow plantations - implication for SOC distribution after re-conversion to arable land. Plant and Soil 367, 407–417. |
Corton, J., Bühle, L., Wachendorf, M., Donnison, I., Fraser, M.D., 2013. Bioenergy as a biodiversity management tool and the potential of a mixed species feedstock for bioenergy production in Wales. Bioresource Technology 123, 142–149. |
Graß, R., Wachendorf, M., 2013. Mais im Ökologischen Landbau. Mais 1/2013, 28–31. |
Andruschkewitsch, M., Wachendorf, M., Wachendorf, C., 2013. Effects of digestates from different biogas production systems on above and belowground grass growth and the nitrogen status of the plant-soil-system. Grassland Science 59, 183–195. |
Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2013. Combining ultrasonic sward height and spectral signatures to assess the biomass of legume-grass swards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 99, 236–247. |
Tönshoff, C., Stülpnagel, R., Jörgensen, R.G., Wachendorf, C., 2013. Dynamics of soil organic carbon fractions one year after the re-conversion of poplar and willow plantations to arable use and perennial grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 174, 21–39. |
Hensgen, F., Albrecht, C., Donath, T.W., Otte, A., Eckstein, R.L., 2011. Distribution of gastropods in floodplain compartments and feeding preferences for river corridor plant species: Is there an effect of gastropod herbivory on the distribution of river corridor plants? Flora 206, 534–543. |
Bühle, L., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, M., 2011. Comparative life cycle assessment of the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) and whole crop digestion (WCD) in Germany. Biomass & Bioenergy 35, 363–373. |
Hensgen, F., Richter, F., Wachendorf, M., 2011. Integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from green cut material from landscape conservation and private households. Bioresource Technology 102, 10441–10450. |
Fricke, T., 2011. Assessment of forage mass from grassland swards by height measurement using an ultrasonic sensor. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 79, 142–152. |
Richter, F., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2011. Influence of sward maturity and pre-conditioning temperature on the energy production from grass silage through the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB): 2. Properties of energy carriers and energy yield. Bioresource Technology 102, 4866–4875. |
Richter, F., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2011. Influence of sward maturity and pre-conditioning temperature on the energy production from grass silage through the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB): 1. The fate of mineral compounds. Bioresource Technology 102, 4855–4865. |
Dzene, I., Rošā, M., Blumberga, D., 2011. How to select appropriate measures for reductions in negative environmental impact? Testing a screening method on a regional energy system. Energy 36, 1878–1883. |
Richter, F., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2010. Utilization of semi-natural grassland through integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass. III. Effects of hydrothermal conditioning and mechanical dehydration on solid fuel properties and on energy and greenhouse gas balances. Grass and Forage Science 65, 185–199. |
Himstedt, M., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2010. The Relationship between Coverage and Dry Matter Contribution of Forage Legumes in Binary Legume-Grass Mixtures. Crop Science 50, 2186–2193. |
Perbandt, D., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2010. Effects of changing simulated sky cover on hyperspectral reflectance measurements for dry matter yield and forage quality prediction. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 73, 230–239. |
Perbandt, D., Reulein, J., Richter, F., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, M., 2010. Assessment of Mass Flows and Fuel Quality During Mechanical Dehydration of Silages Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. BioEnergy Research 3, 194–203. |
Langensiepen, M., Fuchs, M., Bergamaschi, H., Moreshet, S., Cohen, Y., Wolff, P., Jutzi, S., Cohen, S., Rosa, L., Li, Y., Fricke, T., 2009. Quantifying the uncertainties of transpiration calculations with the Penman-Monteith equation under different climate and optimum water supply conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149, 1063–1072. |
Biewer, S., Erasmi, S., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2009. Prediction of yield and the contribution of legumes in legume-grass mixtures using field spectrometry. Precision Agriculture 10, 128–144. |
Himstedt, M., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2009. Determining the Contribution of Legumes in Legume-Grass Mixtures Using Digital Image Analysis. Crop Science 49, 1910–1916. |
Biewer, S., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2009. Determination of Dry Matter Yield from Legume-Grass Swards by Field Spectroscopy. Crop Science 49, 1927–1936. |
Richter, F., Graß, R., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., Zerr, W., 2009. Utilization of semi-natural grassland through integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass. II. Effects of hydrothermal conditioning and mechanical dehydration on anaerobic digestion of press fluids. Grass and Forage Science 64, 354–363. |
Biewer, S., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., 2009. Development of Canopy Reflectance Models to Predict Forage Quality of Legume-Grass Mixtures. Crop Science 49, 1917–1926. |
Dzene, I., Bodescu, F., 2009. Evaluation of Biomass Availability for Biogas Production at Regional Level. Environmental and Climate Technologies 3, 175. |
Wachendorf, M., Richter, F., Fricke, T., Graß, R., Neff, R., 2009. Utilization of semi-natural grassland through integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass. I. Effects of hydrothermal conditioning and mechanical dehydration on mass flows of organic and mineral plant compounds, and nutrient balances. Grass and Forage Science 64, 132–143. |
Graß, R., Reulein, J., Scheffer, K., Stülpnagel, R., Wachendorf, M., 2009. Integrated biogas and solid fuel production from whole crop silages. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 87, 43–64. |
Mewes, T., Erasmi, S., Biewer, S., Fricke, T., Wachendorf, M., Kappas, M., 2008. Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) of reflectance curves from Legume-Grass-Plots for the analysis of species composition in forage production. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 265–275. |
Graß, R., 2008. Energie aus Biomasse - ein Beitrag zum Klimaschutz 26–28. |
Toews, T., Stülpnagel, R., von Buttlar, C., 2008. Erhöhung der Flächenerträge durch das Zweikultur-Nutzungssystem. Top Agrar 6, 58–60. |
Graß, R., 2007. Es muss nicht immer Mais sein - Das Zweikulturnutzungssystem als alternative Anbaumethode für Biomasse. Neue Landwirtschaft 76–82. |
Graß, R., 2007. Wir brauchen innovative Anbausysteme! Bioland 4. |
Wachendorf, M., 2007. Potenziale der Brennstoffproduktion auf Grenzertragsstandorten. In: Biogas aus pflanzlichen Presssäften - Alternative Energiequelle aus Hessen? Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie UWSF - Z Umweltchem Ökotox (UWSF) 19, 63–68. |
Graß, R., Urbatzka, P., Schüler, C., Trautz, D., Schliephake, U., 2007. Neue Sorten aus alten Herkünften - Die Wiederentdeckung der Wintererbse und ihrer Möglichkeiten. Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt - Hessenbauer 22–24. |
Bühle, L., 2007. Gaserträge und Fermenterdynamik beim anaeroben Abbau von Presssäften. In: Biogas aus pflanzlichen Presssäften - Alternative Energiequelle aus Hessen? 19, 63–68. |
Wachendorf, M., 2006. Performance and environmental effects of forage production on sandy soils. IV. Impact of slurry application, mineral N fertilizer and grass understorey on yield and nitrogen surplus of maize for silage. Grass and Forage Science 61, 232–242. |
Taube, F., Kelm, M., Loges, R., Wachendorf, M., 2006. Resource efficiency as a regulation variable for the promotion of sustainable production systems: Are there priority areas for organic farming? Berichte über Landwirtschaft 84, 73–105. |
Lampe, C., Dittert, K., Sattelmacher, B., Wachendorf, M., Loges, R., Taube, F., 2006. Sources and rates of nitrous oxide application of N-15-labelled emissions from grazed grassland after mineral fertilizer and slurry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 2602–2613. |
Himstedt, M., 2006. Vegetational analyses on organic fields in middle and northern Germany. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 597–604. |
Graß, R., Urbatzka, P., Schüler, C., 2006. Wintererbsenanbau in der Praxis. Bioland 8–9. |
Sanderson, M.A., Soder, K.J., Brzezinski, N., Taube, F., Klement, K., Muller, L.D., Wachendorf, M., 2006. Sward structure of simple and complex herbage mixtures of temperate forages. Agronomy Journal 98, 238–244. |
Wachendorf, M., Büchter, M., Volkers, K., Bobe, J., Loges, R., Taube, F., 2006. Performance and environmental effects of forage production on sandy soils. V. Impact of grass under-storey, slurry application and mineral N fertilizer on nitrate leaching under maize for silage. Grass and Forage Science 61, 243–252. |
Graß, R., Schüler, C., 2006. Auswirkungen der Agro-Gentechnik auf die Landwirtschaft. 14–16. |
Graß, R., 2006. Grüne Gentechnik - Risiko oder Chance für die Landwirtschaft? energie pflanzen 33–36. |
Dittert, K., Lampe, C., Gasche, R., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Wachendorf, M., Papen, H., Sattelmacher, B., Taube, F., 2005. Short-term effects of single or combined application of mineral N fertilizer and cattle slurry on the fluxes of radiatively active trace gases from grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37, 1665–1674. |
Wachendorf, C., Wachendorf, M., Taube, F., Wachendorf, M., Wachendorf, C., Taube, F., 2005. Nitrogen leaching from 15N labelled cow urine and dung applied to grassland on a sandy soil. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 73, 89–100. |
Graß, R., Urbatzka, P., Schüler, C., 2005. Die Wiederentdeckung der Wintererbse und ihre Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Landwirtschaft ohne Pflug. 24–28. |
Graß, R., 2005. Zwei Ernten im Jahr. Brandenburger Bauernzeitung 24–25. |
Fricke, T., 2005. Precision Farming auch im Bio-Anbau? Bioland 29–30. |
Wachendorf, M., 2005. Whole-farm perspectives of nutrient flows in grassland agriculture. Crop Science 45, 2139–2159. |
Taube, F., Loges, R., Wachendorf, M., 2003. Umwelt- und ressourcenrelevante Auswirkungen pflanzenbaulicher Produktionssysteme. Züchtungskunde 263, 39–52. |
Büchter, M., Wachendorf, M., Volkers, K., Taube, F., 2003. Nitratausträge unter Silomais auf sandigen Böden Norddeutschlands. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 2, 64–74. |