The conceptualization and evaluation of polycentricity of Social-ecological Systems


Einsteinfoundation, DFG, self-funded


June 2014

In this project, after initiation by the TransResScale project (see below) a group of distinguished researchers worldwide collaborates since June 2014 in order to further develop the conception of polycentricity for the analysis of Social-ecological Systems and beyond. Several conference panels and meetings were organized under this theme illustrating the outstanding potential of this work, among others at WOW 5 2014, in Bloomington, Indiana, at MPSA 2015, in Chicago, at ICPP 2015 Milan, Italy, at IASC 2015, Edmonton, Canada and at the Undisciplined Environments Conference of the Entitle Network, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.
More targeted work of a core group was launched as part of a workshop in December 2016 which was held at the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and organized by Andreas Thiel of University of Kassel, Bill Blomquist of Indiana University and Dustin Garrick of McMaster University, Canada. Here you find some impressions of this ongoing process: