Research Project

GW4.0 – Climate adapted groundwater management through real-time planning tools and model-based future scenarios


The overall objective of the project is to develop a real-time planning tool in order to anticipate and manage conflicts regarding sustainable groundwater management (ecology, agriculture, drinking water and industrial use) at an early stage. Sub-project 3 will use the Expert-N agro-ecosystem model to simulate the amount of seepage water and the nitrogen and humus balance of the soil as well as nitrate discharges from the soil zone in a spatially distributed manner in a sub-catchment of the River Neckar. The groundwater management scenarios developed in the other subprojects are used and supplemented by scenarios of possible management options (e.g. crop types or crop rotations, irrigation and nitrogen fertilisation) to calculate the sustainable groundwater supply. For this purpose, the N uptake of the plant is simulated for each crop type as the nitrogen cycle in the soil. The parameterisation of agricultural practices is carried out on the basis of expert knowledge from local advisory services, from fertilisation trials carried out nationwide and surveys in practice on management practices (fertilisation advice) and fertilisation strategies by the project partner LTZ (e.g. from corresponding model or demo networks). New methods of assimilating expert knowledge and real-time data come into play on High Performance Computers (Tier 2 HoreKa).

Project Lead (Work Package 3)

Prof. Dr. Tobias Weber

Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck (Universität Hohenheim)


03.2023 - 02.2026


Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project partners

Projec Lead:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf A. Cirpka
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
Department of Earth Sciences, Geo and Environmental Centre

Employed Person