Research Project

Sustainable intensification of agriculture through Argoforestry - Subproject 2: Diversity and Activity of soil organisms as indicator of sustainable land-use

Project Leader

PD Dr. Christine Wachendorf


Biocenosis controls the mineralization of organic matter and thus influences the amount of plant-available nutrients and carbon storage in the soil. It influences the efficiency of conversion of crop residues in the soil and thus the level of C-sequestration and mineralization from soil organic matter. The soil microbial C-use efficiency is a suitable indicator for management and land-use effects on C-sequestration. This parameter is affected by microbial demand for carbon and nutrients for maintenance and growth which depends on the microbial biomass stoichiometry (specific element ratios), changes in microbial population and its limitations in the soil. Therefore, our overarching aim is to analyze C-use efficiency, microbial biomass stoichiometry and its limiting soil elements which are imperative for predicting decomposition, stabilization and cycling of carbon and nutrients in different temperate alley-cropping systems.



September 2021 - August 2024


BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

Project Partners

Coordination of the joined project: Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp, Ecopedology of the tropics, subtopics and temperate regions: University Göttingen


M.Sc. Festus Tetteh Attor