2019 - Dr. Fikreyesus Sirawdink winner of Green Innovation & Agritech Slam

Dr. Fikreyesus Sirawdink, graduate from the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, is the winner of Green Innovation & Agritech Slam (GIAS 2019) Business Competition of the Category Legumes and Value Chain Challenge, presenting his PhD topic about processing of baby food.

The Green Innovation & Agritech Slam (GIAS 2019) was designed to encourage and support innovation in the agricultural sector and strenghten all the parts of the food value chains of wheat , legumes and honey.

The competition supports Ethiopian agricultural entrepreneurs and is awarding 10 innovative and bright entrepreneurs or businesses, with over 1,000,000 Birr shared prize among winners. The winners will also receive extensive business development support; expert advice; mentorship; and an opportunity to travel to Germany for an exposure visit (for first prize winners only) in the field of their business idea. The business competitions are specifically targeted at young and women owned or co-owned companies to apply.