Agroecology: an agenda for the EU or for the Global South

Background: Agroecology origins from the Global South, particularly from Latin America. In this work the question is to be answered as regards a comparison of the contextual conditions of the agroecological movement and what it encounters in the EU. Can any experiences from the Global South be transposed to the EU or is that not possible and why?

Aim: This work aims to systematically review the literature on agroecology and understand its social-ecological contexts. It aims then to characterize corresponding contexts as much as contexts of particular settings in the EU and Germany. It researches the comparability of the settings, or lack thereof. Further, expert interviews and focus group discussions as regards the main challenges of implementing agroecological practices in Europe will be discussed, respectively what it would need to promote the paradigm more fully. An expectation is that the governance of agroecology may greatly differ for Europe than for other parts of the world.