Agroecology for the Global North, for large scale farms and the landscape scale

Background: The origin of agroecology is the Global South. More recently it is also considered a promising paradigm for agriculture in Europe and the North, despite important socio-economic and agronomic differences. However, how does it translate to large scale industrialize agriculture and how may it translate to the landscape scale? This may be only some of the questions that need to be addressed to diffuse this paradigm to the North.

Aim: What does it need to implement agroecology in the Global North and what are realistic pathways towards it? What are systematic presumptions of agroecology and how to these relate to contexts of specific countries in the Global North and what are implications for agroecology? These and related questions could be addressed in this regard. How does agroecology translate to large scale industrialize agriculture and how may it translate to the landscape scale?