How to govern agroecology

Background: Agroecology promotes a number of principles for agricultural production including the promotion of biodiversity in the field, closing of system boundaries, use of local and traditional knowledge, minimization of synthetic inputs but mobilization of natural processes for improving soils and fighting pests. Still, also modern technologies including GMOs are accepted by some.

Aim: Agroecological thoughts include a multitude of normative principles of how agroecology is to be promoted from an institutional and governance perspective. Polycentric governance, collective action and empowerment of farmers in the food chain are to play an important role in that regard but many more are considered. This work aims to evaluate the literature as regards the normative principles suggested for agroecological governance. Alternatively, it is to engage in theoretical inquiry if the claims made about particular governance arrangements can be upheld. Further, comparative studies on what governance arrangements brought agroecology into being may be launched. Also, it could be addressed how an agroecological transition / transformation could be initiated given the evidence.