
Ver­öf­fent­li­chung in Öko­lo­gie & Land­bau

Beitrag über Agrarökologie in Deutschland von Henri Tepasse, Study programme: M.Sc. Sustainable business/economics, 10/2017 - 03/2020 (Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften) Kassel University Journal: Ökologie & Landbau: Edition 03-2020, Published 29th June 2020, Co-author in "Eine globale Bewegung" von Franziskus Forster

Name: Henri Tepasse, Study programme: M.Sc. Sustainable business/economics, 10/2017-03/2020 (Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften) Kassel University

Journal: Ökologie & Landbau: Edition 03-2020, Published 29th June 2020, Co-author in Eine globale Bewegung von Franziskus Forster

MA thesis : Agroecological movement in Germany: Determining factors and organizational capability

Content of the thesis: The Master thesis intends to highlight the structure of  agroecology as a social movement solely in Germany. The first questions should address which participants are associated with the movement, how the movement is organized and what the demands are. The second questions addresses whether the conditions for collective action can be accomplished to make an agroecological movement in Germany more visible.

Thesis is available in German: https://kobra.uni-kassel.de/handle/123456789/11573