„UHPC road“
The BMBF is funding the joint project "Multifunctional pavement made of nano-optimized ultra-high-performance concrete" under the research framework program "Materials Innovations for Industry and Society - WING" and the funding measure "Nanotechnology in the Construction Industry - NanoTecture". The joint project, which is scheduled to run for three years, will develop a manufacturing process for a highly load-bearing, low-noise, resource-saving and durable concrete roadway. To this end, the novel construction material ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is to be used for the first time in road construction.
The research association is made up of nine partners from SMEs and large-scale industry, from university research and a public research institution. The partners involved have many years of experience in the field of ultra-high performance concrete, rolling noise generation, the development of innovative construction methods and construction support for special road construction methods. The project network thus stands for competent project management in all phases of the project. Noise reduction by reducing tire-road noise and the safety-relevant surface properties of skid resistance, wet grip, drainage and water displacement are to be achieved by means of geometrically defined, reproducible and durable surface texturing. Using nanotechnological methods and nanoscale materials, the desired properties are to be achieved in an industry-relevant process. Research activities are required for the material and production-technical adaptation of the starting material to the special requirements of road construction and for the development of a suitable texturing process. Further work is needed to reduce raw material and energy consumption and emissions during construction and operation of the concrete pavement to be developed.
If successful, the project will provide a practical, innovative construction method for durable, low-noise and air-pollutant-reducing concrete pavements with reproducible properties. The available construction and environmental performance and longer service life can significantly reduce the investment costs for the project owner.