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In the bachelor's degree programs in civil engineering and environmental­engineering­engineering, the department trains students in the basic methods of traffic planning and streetscape design.
By choosing the corresponding specializations in the Master's program, students receive in-depth competencies in traffic planning as well as technical and methodological knowledge in planning, operation and economic issues of public transport systems.

­­In addition to lectures and exercises, project, bachelor's and master's­work from the entire spectrum of traffic­planning and public transport is supervised as part of the bachelor's and master's­studies, often in conjunction with ongoing research­work. Lectures from the field and excursions reinforce the practical relevance.


Overview and information about courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering and in the Master Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure


Winter semester 2023/2024

Since the winter semester 2013/14, the part-time Master­studies­course "Public Transport and Mobility" has been offered in cooperation with UNIKIMS.

Master's program "Public Transport and Mobility