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11/12-2018 Nahverkehrs-praxis
University of Kassel's "NRVP 2020" research project: calculating expenses and revenues of transport systems

12/03/2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Cycling safely to school Kassel transport scientists are working on an educational program for schoolchildren

03.12.2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
What does traffic cost? Engineers from Kassel have developed software that gives cities an overview

11/30/2018 hr - iNFO
The day in Hesse -Presentation with interview of the SafeBike research project: a traffic safety program for schoolchildren 

11/27/2018 Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
Dezernent Franz wants fewer parking spaces and narrower streets
Discussion on traffic turnaround: How to get citizens to leave the car even more often? / IHK calls for investments also for car traffic.

23.11.2018 Uni-Kassel press release
SafeBike: New safety concept for young cyclists

08.11.2018 Uni-Kassel press release
Cities can calculate expenses and revenues of transport systems with new tools from the University of Kassel

09/25/2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Award: memorial medal for Prof. Sommer

09/12/2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
The trend is toward sharing Questions and answers: More and more people are using car sharing - What's behind the trend?

06/04/2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Local transport for free
Nationwide initiatives call for free public transport at meeting in Kassel

17.05.2018 SWR Television
Subsidized car transport Full bus, empty coffers

Master "Public Transport and Mobility" The generalist school

03.2018 Verkehrsblatt
Autonomous driving Master's project at the University of Kassel

02/20/2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Free local public transport in Kassel would be feasible KVG: However, the federal government would have toprovidesubsidies in the millions and 12-cent city tolls would be due Researchers examined costs incurred by cars and other means of transport in Kassel and elsewhere

16.02.2018 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Dreams of zero-fare city bus Federal government proposes tests for free public transport - Templin tried it, Tübingen launches Uni Kassel: what city transport costs us

15.02.2018 Saarbrücker Zeitung
Kassel study: car traffic is more expensive than public transport

14.02.2018 ZDF heute
Can public transport be financed at zero fare? Free local transport "initially a political question"

01/30/2018 hr - iNFO
The day in Hesse - Interview (7:28 to 10:22) on the research project
U-hoch-3: Carefree urban travel