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Forschungskolloquium: "Proportional Topology Optimization approach and its benchmark applications" und "Development of Force Feedback Systems Featuring Magnetorheological Fluid"
Im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums für Abschlussarbeitende, Doktoranden und Habilitanden laden wir Sie herzlich ein, uns am 12. Dezember 2023 zu besuchen. Es freut uns, Ihnen/Euch mitteilen zu können, dass zwei inspirierende Vorträge von Rednern der Vietnamese-German University stattfinden werden.
Der erste Vortrag wird von Herrn Dr.-Ing. Tran Tuan Minh gehalten und beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema:
"Proportional Topology Optimization approach and its benchmark applications".
Der zweite Vortrag wird von Herrn Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Hung gehalten und behandelt das Thema
"Development of Force Feedback Systems Featuring Magnetorheological Fluid".
Die Vorträge finden ab 16:30 Uhr im Raum 4003 in der Mö. 1 statt.
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie bei dieser Gelegenheit begrüßen zu dürfen und sind gespannt auf einen interessanten Austausch.
Dr.-Ing. Tran Tuan Minh: Proportional Topology Optimization approach and its benchmark applications
Topology optimization is a robust mathematical method in which material is spatially optimized in a fixed design domain to get a structure with desirable performances under given loads, boundary conditions and constraints. A large number of studies on topology optimization require sensitivity analysis, i.e., the gradient information of objective function as well as constraints, with respect to design variables, must be known. Representative algorithms for this gradient-based approach can be mentioned, for example, the solid isotropic material with penalization(SIMP) method, the evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method, the level set method, the phase-field method and the recent moving morphable components/voids (MMC/V) method. Alternatively, non-gradient approaches do not require sensitivity information. The update of design variables just relies on an evaluation of the objective function. Early attempts at non-gradient methods for topology optimization employed meta-heuristic algorithms, with the expectation to conduct a global search for optimized results in the whole design space. For examples, some could be mentioned, such as the modified binary differential evolution, particle swarm algorithm, genetic algorithm, and ant colony algorithm. Recently, a new non-gradient technique, in which material is distributed into each finite element proportionally to the contribution of that element in the total value of structural compliance (the objective function). Based on that feature, the algorithm was named Proportional Topology Optimization (PTO). Indeed, the procedure of topology optimization using PTO only differs from a gradient-based one in the optimizer, such that the PTO algorithm does not require sensitivity information to update the design variables. The PTO algorithm is later enhanced by us to various problems such as compliance, compliant mechanisms, stress constraints, multimaterial.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Hung: Development of Force Feedback Systems Featuring Magnetorheological Fluid
Magnetorheological fluids (MRF) are suspensions of particles, which can be magnetized, and exhibit fast, strong, and reversible changes in their rheological properties when a magnetic field is applied. Therefore, MRF holds great potential in many applications that require an electromechanical interface such as clutch, brakes, valves, dampers and robotics. There have been a large number of researches on development and application of MRF based devices in various fields of engineering. Recently, there have been a number of researches on development of force feedback systems featuring MRF (MRF based force feedback system).
The purposes of this research is to review state-of –the-art of the MRF based force feedback systems to feature out advantages and disadvantages of each configuration and mechanisms and possibilities to implement these in haptic systems. In addition, based on the advantages and disadvantages of the review results, some new configurations for MRF based force feedback system are proposed to improved performance characteristics of force feedback systems.