O. Wieczorek (2022): Die Universität im Feld der Macht


Which academic actors manage to participate in and actively shape political governance processes in the knowledge society, and what conditions favour this participation - in short, how and in what way do academic experts have access to the field of power? Oliver Wiezcorek examines these questions in his dissertation "The University in the Field of Power. On the Construction of Expertise in the US-American Knowledge Society", which has just been published by Springer.
Oliver Wieczorek makes the access of academic experts to the field of power tangible from both a theoretical and methodological perspective. Based on a combination of habitus field theory and network theory, he develops a measure of access that simultaneously captures the competition between researchers and universities for attention as well as the potential for expertise to flow into political decision-making processes. The USA as a prototypical science location with diverse interconnections between science, politics, administration, business, foundations, media and the military serves as an application case.

Oliver Wieczorek:  Die Universität im Feld der Macht. Zur Konstruktion von Expertise in der US-amerikanischen Wissensgesellschaft. Dissertation, Universität Bamberg Organization & Public Management), Springer: Wiesbaden 2022.
ISBN 978-3-658-39445-5


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