Birge Wolf
Contact information
Section of Organic Farming and Cropping Systems
Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Nordbahnhofstr. 1a
D-37213 Witzenhausen
Building: Grüne Schachtel
Room: 0603
Phone: +49 5542 98-1536
E-Mail: birge.wolf[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Birge Wolf is an agricultural scientist with interdisciplinary focus and is additional trained in the design of participative processes. Since several years she works at the University of Kassel in the issue of facilitation, assessment and acknowledgement of societal contributions of agricultural research.
In the KasselAgroForst project, she is currently researching the area of transformation for the development of agroforestry systems for climate-sensitive species in northern Hesse.
She coordinates the project SynSICRIS. Her focus is the development of the monitoring tool with indicators and impact pathway development as well as the design of participative processes.
- Wolf, Birge; Michaelis, Thorsten; Becker, Pascal-Nikolas; Digilio, Giuseppe and Bollini, Andrea (2024): Fostering and assessing societal impact orientation in research - the SynSICRIS monitoring tool as an extension of DSpace-CRIS 7. In: Procedia Computer Science, Volume 249, 18.11.2024, Pages 190-202,
- Wolf, Birge, Thorsten Michaelis und Pascal-Nicolas Becker. „SynSICRIS-Tool: Wie ein erweitertes Forschungsinformationssystem dabei hilft, Wirkungspotenziale von Forschung zu fördern und zu erfassen“ Blog der DINI AGs, 2024.
- Wolf, Birge; Michaelis, Thorsten; Becker, Pascal-Nikolas; Digilio, Giuseppe and Bollini, Andrea (2024): Fostering and assessing societal impact orientation in research - the SynSICRIS monitoring tool as an extension of DSpace-CRIS 7 - Extended abstract and presentation. 16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, 16.05.2024, Vienna,
- Moser, A., Wolf, B. (2023). Wirkungspotenziale von Forschung und Entwicklung bewerten: Ein theoriebasiertes und multidimensionales Kriterien-Set. In: Mörtel, J., Nordmann, A., Schlaudt, O. (eds) Indikatoren in Entscheidungsprozessen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. pp. 57-68 (Request article text)
- Wolf, Birge; Michaelis, Thorsten; Lange, Doris (2023): Gesellschaftliche Wirkung fördern und erfassbar machen. Monitoring und Evaluierung von Forschungsprojekten. (Promoting societal impact and making it measurable. Monitoring and evaluation of research projects.) In: Transfer & Innovation. Wissenschaft wirksam machen 1/2023, DUZ, Berlin, pp. 87-99 (PDF of the Article - german)
- Wolf, Birge Michaela; Lange, Doris; Michaelis, Thorsten; Moser, Andrea; John, Stefanie; Abecker, Andreas; Lossow, Stefan; Hahne, Lucia; Bollini, Andrea; Digilio, Giuseppe; Mornati, Susanna (2021): Introduce Impact-Pathways in a CRIS - support societal impact orientation in research projects and funding processes, The 16th International Conference on Open Repositories, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10730819
- Müller, C.E.; Wolf, B. (2017): Kann der gesellschaftliche Impact von Forschung gemessen werden? Herausforderungen und alternative Evaluationsansätze. Hochschulmanagement, HM 2+3/2017, S. 44-50 (Manuscript - PDF)
- Wolf, B., Heß, J., Gaus, H., Szerencsits, M. (2016): Evaluierung von gesellschaftlichen Leistungen der Forschung: Synergien mit der anwendungsorientierten Forschungsförderung. In: Hachmeister, C.-D., J. Henke, I. Roessler, S. Schmid (Hrsg.): Gestaltende Hochschulen. Beiträge und Entwicklung der Third Mission. 25, S. 76–86
- Wolf B., Häring A.-M., Heß J. (2015): Strategies towards Evaluation beyond Scientific Impact. Pathways not only for Agricultural Research. In: Organic Farming 1, 1, S. 3–18
- Wolf B., Szerencsits M., Gaus H., Müller C. E., Heß J. (2014): Developing a Documentation System for Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science. In: CRIS (Hrsg.): Managing Data-Intensive Science: the Role of Research Information Systems in Realising the Digital Agenda: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (2014), S. 289–296
- Wolf B., Lindenthal T., Szerencsits M., Holbrook J. B., Heß J. (2013): Evaluating Research beyond Scientific Impact – How to Include Criteria for Productive Interactions and Impact on Practice and Society. In: GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 22, 2, S. 104–114