Project Description

Expertises in SMolBits

The LOEWE priority project SMolBits contains extensive expertises in different research fields. The figure gives you an overview which expertises will be covered by the participating research groups.
The following project leaders and their working groups are partizipating:
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert (EP3, Physik)
- PD Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef (Nanooptik, Technische Physik, INA)
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch (TP3, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pietschnig (Chemische Hybridmaterialien, Chemie)
- Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier (Koordinator, Technische Physik, INA)
- Prof. Dr. Kilian Singer (EP1, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Witzigmann (CEP, Elektrotechnik)
Project Areas

The priority project is divided in 7 project areas (A, B1, B2, B3, C, D and Z). The project area Z contains the project management and higher order tasks. All others are project areas are of scientific nature and are supervisioned by an experienced scientist.

The LOEWE priority project is steered by the Steering Committee, which consists of the project coordinator and two further project area leaders. The topmost decision body is the Priority Project Assembly, in which all important decisions have to be approved. The decision items are prepared by the steering committee and the project management.
The following persons are active in the different bodies:
(1) Steering Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier (Coordinator, Project leader of Z, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pietschnig (Project leader of A, Chemie)
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch (Project leader of D, Physik, Theorie)
(2) Priority Project Assembly:
- Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier (Coordinator, Project leader of Z, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert (Project leader of B1, Physik)
- PD Dr. Mohamed Benyoucef (Project leader of B3 und C, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch (Project leader of D, Physik, Theorie)
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pietschnig (Project leader of A, Chemie)
- Prof. Dr. Kilian Singer (Project leader of B2, Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Witzigmann (Elektrotechnik, Theorie)
- Paul Mertin (Representative of the scientific staff)
(3) Management
- N.N. (Project Manager, Habilitant)
- Mrs. Petra Draude (Secreterial Office)