ICDD Staff


ContactMain Areas of ResponsibilityPhone
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer, Executive Director ICDD, A 1
  • Management of the ICDD, Member of Board of Directors, Member of Steering Committee
0049 561  804-7390
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert, Vice Director ICDD, A 2
  • Stand-in for management of the ICDD, Member of Board of Directors, Member of Steering Committee
0049 5542 98 -1228
Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, Director ICDD, A 3
  • Member of Board of Directors
0049 561  804-3023
Dr. Christian Hülsebusch,  Director ICDD, A 4
  • Member of Board of Directors

Birgit Felmeden, Executive Manager ICDD and Senior Manager GPN, B 1

(stand-in: Simone Buckel, Antje Bracht)

Member of Board of Directors

  • Coordination of the ICDD and GPN and consultation with Executrive Director, Board of Directors, Steering Committee, Members Meeting
  • Coordination and consultation with the university management
  • Staff deployment, work flows
  • Acquisition of third-party funds
  • Support for third-party funded projects of ICDD members
  • Maintaining contact to funding donors
  • Maintaining contact to partners within the ICDD and GPN
  • Conception, organisation, and implementation of trainings for finance administrators of the partner universities (in English)
  • Coordination of contact to the DAAD and other exceed centers
  • Coordination of public relations
  • Coordination of visiting scientists' stays
  • Reporting (internal/external)
  • Conception and supervision of conducting events in Germany and abroad
  • GIZ project 'Developing a training concept for building sustainability-related capacity among managers in the Bangladeshi garment industry'  (1.1.-15.09.2019)
  • Coordinator of the DAAD DIES project: East African Network of Learning of Administrators and Researchers (EANLAR), 2013-2019
0049 561 804-7391

Romke Buchholz

Renata Moreira

Secretariat, B1.1

(stand-in: Dagmar Hetterscheidt)

  • Travel authorization requests and accounting
  • Assistance for organizing visiting scientists' stays
  • Finance overview/reports/payment requests
  • Assistance for planning and organizing conferences and events
  • Travel planning for conference participants/participants of ICDD events
  • Reports to the central administration
  • Communication with the central administration and the department 05 (Social Sciences)
  • Administration of the ICDD/GLU staff information in HIS
  • Maintenance of the secondary assistant accounts in HIS
  • Room allocation, key applications, IT equipment and supplies
0049 561 804-7398

Antje Bracht, Business Manager, C 1

(stand-in: Martina Hörnicke,
Dagmar Hetterscheidt)

Member of Board of Directors

  • Project management and controlling of ICDD finances
  • Conception, organisation, and implementation of trainings for finance administrators of the partner universities (in English)
  • Assistance for applications to the DAAD
  • Contractual matters
  • Project management of the ICDD third-party funded project
  • Annual finance plans of the ICDD as well as devising the partner budgets
  • Sending money requests to the DAAD / transfers to the partners / cash flow vs. budget
  • Reporting to the DAAD
  • Support and advice for the financial handling of ICDD events
0049 561 804-7397

Ismail Doga Karatepe, Graduate School Coordinator, E  1

(stand-in: Martin Wiehle)

  • Coordination of Graduate School (GSSERD) activities
  • Conception and chairing of GSSERD events (workshops, summer schools)
  • Coordination and consultation with ICDD management and directorate
  • Coordination and support for PhD students in Germany
  • Maintaining contact to lecturers in Germany and to the academic board
  • Maintaining contact to lecturers and PhD students from the ICDD partner countries
  • Coordination of the exchange of PhD students and PostDocs within the ICDD network
  • Coordination of the ICDD website
0049 561 804-7395

Martin Wiehle, Scientific Coordinator
Witzenhausen, E 2

(stand-in: Christian Möllmann)

  • Maintaining contact to lecturers and PhD students from the ICDD partner countries
  • Coordination and organisation of PhD Workshops and Summer Schools
  • Correspondence with international guests of the ICDD and supporting them during their stay
  • Conception and monitoring of ICDD mobilities (Witzenhausen)
  • Public relations and publications (external/internal)
  • Supervision and support of the publication process of ICDD publications
  • Monitoring of calls for application for third-party funded projects of national and international funding institutions
  • Planning and implementing ICDD events in Witzenhausen
0049 5542 98 1372

Simone Buckel, Coordinator GLU & Executive Manager GPN, F1

(stand-in: Birgit Felmeden, Dagmar Hetterscheidt)

  • GLU network coordination
  • Third-party funded GLU projects
  • Coordination with third-party donors and partner universities
  • Support of GLU-related ICDD projects (AARS, Alumni Workshops, exchange programmes, ICDD meetings)
0049 561 804-3113

Dagmar Hetterscheidt, Finance Coordinator GLU, F 1.1

(stand-in: Antje Bracht)

  • Controlling of third-party funded projects of the Global Labour University (GLU)
  • GLU budgeting
  • Overall financial planning GLU, including funds from various third-party donors
  • Advising the GLU project coordination regarding finances
  • Correspondence with third-party donors, project partners and scholarship holders
  • Assistance with applications for third-party funds
  • All-encompassing settling of the financial part of the different third-party contracts
  • Processing of invoices, payment requests, advances, scholarship payments
  • Budget control, money requests, budget changes
  • Preparation and processing of service contracts
  • Preparation and processing of GLU lectureships
  • Preparation and processing of GLU research fellowships
0049 561 804-7396
Mira Hennerkes, Finance Coordinator GLU, F 1.1

(stand-in: Antje Bracht)

  • Controlling of third-party funded projects of the Global Labour University (GLU)
  • GLU budgeting
  • Overall financial planning GLU, including funds from various third-party donors
  • Advising the GLU project coordination regarding finances
  • Correspondence with third-party donors, project partners and scholarship holders
  • Assistance with applications for third-party funds
  • All-encompassing settling of the financial part of the different third-party contracts
  • Processing of invoices, payment requests, advances, scholarship payments
  • Budget control, money requests, budget changes
  • Preparation and processing of service contracts
  • Preparation and processing of GLU lectureships
  • Preparation and processing of GLU research fellowships
0049 561 804-7399

Aleksandra Draganic,

Programme Coordinator of the MA Labour Policies and Globalisation

(stand-in: Birgit Felmeden)

  • Planning and coordination of academic and administrative activities
  • Student support
0049 561 804-7789

University of Kassel
International Center for Development & Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49-561 804-3253

<link mail>scherrer[at]uni-kassel.de


Areas of Responsibility

Management of the ICDD, Member of Board of Directors, Member of Steering Committee

Birgit Felmeden (Executive Manager ICDD and Senior Manager GPN)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development & Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7391

<link mail>felmeden[at]icdd.uni-kassel.de


Areas of Responsibility

  • Coordination of the ICDD and GPN and consultation with Executrive Director, Board of Directors, Steering Committee, Members Meeting
  • Coordination and consultation with the university management
  • Staff deployment, work flows
  • Acquisition of third-party funds
  • Support for third-party funded projects of ICDD members
  • Maintaining contact to funding donors
  • Maintaining contact to partners within the ICDD and GPN
  • Conception, organisation, and implementation of trainings for finance administrators of the partner universities (in English)
  • Coordination of contact to the DAAD and other exceed centers
  • Coordination of public relations
  • Coordination of visiting scientists' stays
  • Reporting (internal/external)
  • Conception and supervision of conducting events in Germany and abroad
  • GIZ project 'Developing a training concept for building sustainability-related capacity among managers in the Bangladeshi garment industry'  (1.1.-15.09.2019)
  • Coordinator of the DAAD DIES project: East African Network of Learning of Administrators and Researchers (EANLAR), 2013-2019

Antje Bracht (Business Manager)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel

+49 561 804-7397


Areas of Responsibility

  • Project management and controlling of ICDD finances
  • Conception, organisation, and implementation of trainings for finance administrators of the partner universities (in English)
  • Assistance for applications to the DAAD
  • Contractual matters
  • Project management of the ICDD third-party funded project
  • Annual finance plans of the ICDD as well as devising the partner budgets
  • Sending money requests to the DAAD / transfers to the partners / cash flow vs. budget
  • Reporting to the DAAD
  • Support and advice for the financial handling of ICDD events

Romke Buchholz (Secretariat)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7398

<link http: mail>icdd[at]uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Travel authorization requests and accounting
  • Assistance for organizing visiting scientists' stays
  • Finance overview/reports/payment requests
  • Assistance for planning and organizing conferences and events
  • Travel planning for conference participants/participants of ICDD events
  • Reports to the central administration
  • Communication with the central administration and the department 05 (Social Sciences)
  • Administration of the ICDD/GLU staff information in HIS
  • Maintenance of the secondary assistant accounts in HIS
  • Room allocation, key applications, IT equipment and supplies

Simone Buckel (Coordinator GLU and Executive Manager GPN)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel

+49 561 804-3113
<link mail>buckel.gpn@uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • GLU network coordination
  • Third-party funded GLU projects
  • Coordination with third-party donors and partner universities
  • Support of GLU-related ICDD projects (AARS, Alumni Workshops, exchange programmes, ICDD meetings)

Aleksandra Draganić (Programme Coordinator of the MA Labour Policies and Globalisation)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7789

<link mail>glu.germany@uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Planning and coordination of academic and administrative activities
  • Student support

Mira Hennerkes (Finance Coordinator GLU)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7399

<link mail>glu.finance[at]uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Controlling of third-party funded projects of the Global Labour University (GLU)
  • GLU budgeting
  • Overall financial planning GLU, including funds from various third-party donors
  • Advising the GLU project coordination regarding finances
  • Correspondence with third-party donors, project partners and scholarship holders
  • Assistance with applications for third-party funds
  • All-encompassing settling of the financial part of the different third-party contracts
  • Processing of invoices, payment requests, advances, scholarship payments
  • Budget control, money requests, budget changes
  • Preparation and processing of service contracts
  • Preparation and processing of GLU lectureships
  • Preparation and processing of GLU research fellowships

Dagmar Hetterscheidt (Finance Coordinator GLU)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7396

<link mail>hetterscheidt[at]icdd.uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Controlling of third-party funded projects of the Global Labour University (GLU)
  • GLU budgeting
  • Overall financial planning GLU, including funds from various third-party donors
  • Advising the GLU project coordination regarding finances
  • Correspondence with third-party donors, project partners and scholarship holders
  • Assistance with applications for third-party funds
  • All-encompassing settling of the financial part of the different third-party contracts
  • Processing of invoices, payment requests, advances, scholarship payments
  • Budget control, money requests, budget changes
  • Preparation and processing of service contracts
  • Preparation and processing of GLU lectureships
  • Preparation and processing of GLU research fellowships

Dr. Ismail Doga Karatepe (Graduate School Coordinator)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7395

<link mail>graduateschool[at]icdd.uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Coordination of Graduate School (GSSERD) activities
  • Conception and chairing of GSSERD events (workshops, summer schools)
  • Coordination and consultation with ICDD management and directorate
  • Coordination and support for PhD students in Germany
  • Maintaining contact to lecturers in Germany and to the academic board
  • Maintaining contact to lecturers and PhD students from the ICDD partner countries
  • Coordination of the exchange of PhD students and PostDocs within the ICDD network
  • Coordination of the ICDD website

Renata Moreira (Secretariat)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel


+49 561 804-7398

<link mail>icdd[at]uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Travel authorization requests and accounting
  • Assistance for organizing visiting scientists' stays
  • Finance overview/reports/payment requests
  • Assistance for planning and organizing conferences and events
  • Travel planning for conference participants/participants of ICDD events
  • Reports to the central administration
  • Communication with the central administration and the department 05 (Social Sciences)
  • Administration of the ICDD/GLU staff information in HIS
  • Maintenance of the secondary assistant accounts in HIS
  • Room allocation, key applications, IT equipment and supplies

Dr. Martin Wiehle (Coordinator at the Centre for International Rural Development, liaison person at Witzenhausen campus)

University of Kassel
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3
34109 Kassel

+49 5542 98-1372

+49 5542 98-1309

<link mail>wiz[at]icdd.uni-kassel.de

Areas of Responsibility

  • Maintaining contact to lecturers, PhD students, and alumni
  • Organizing and conducting curricular modules with focus on international PhD students
  • Welcome and support of guests and delegations at the faculty
  • Promoting internationalization strategies at the Faculty of Organic Agriculture
  • Supervision of the publication process of ICDD publications
  • Monitoring of calls for application for third-party funded projects of national and international funding institutions