On the Political Economy of Labor Market and Social Reforms in Latin America
The project will investigate the political and structural obstacles to the universalization of labor standards within the context of Latin American labor markets. It will explore the possibilities for transforming Latin American labor markets and universalizing standards of decent work by institutionalizing them as social rights.
Expected Contribution to the Decent Work Agenda
The project will help to identify obstacles in the implementation of a Decent Work Agenda in Latin America, as well as analyze the conditions under which the emergence of broad reform coalitions is made more likely.
Papers presented at the ICDD conference ¿De la desigualdad a la justicia social? Las políticas sociolaborales de América Latina en la disyuntiva have been published in the journal <link http: www.nuso.org revista.php _self>Nueva Sociedad
Project Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt
+49 561 804-3253
+49 561 804-3464
E-Mail: <link mail>magura(at)uni-kassel.de
<link http: www.burchardt.uni-kassel.de>Website