The administration of third party funds is often very complex and necessitates a high degree of knowledge to meet all of the requirements of the different funding institutions, which often includes a variety of regulations. Even more complicated is the handling of funds within a consortium where third party funds are often transferred from one coordinating institution to several research partners on all continents.

Both the German University of Kassel and Egerton University in Kenya look back on three years of intensive learning related to handling a third party funded international cooperation program. Many administrative obstacles had to be overcome and there was a great learning process in terms of differences in administrative processes at the coordinating institution in Germany and the partner university abroad.  A high demand was soon identified for training at the university administration level, especially in the field of financial administration.
From this experience, the idea of building an East African Network of Learning for Administrators (EANLA) was generated among the partners. There is room for improvement in skills and knowledge in the field of financial administration of third party funds/ international funds as well as mutual cultural understanding within an international consortium.

During the pilot phase of the project, Kenyan universities will begin building the network, which will soon be opened to Ugandan partners and other East African countries.

One possibility to facilitate the handling of international funds on both sides is the publication of a handbook which is specifically focused on the various administrative processes of the donating country and the country abroad while handling third party funds. Different steps for the management of a research project will be analysed and represented.

Furthermore, an internet platform (e.g. Wiki) could promote communication among financial administrators on all continents. A fast and uncomplicated exchange of skills and knowledge is absolutely required for successful networking and the sustainability of such a project.