Funding and Scholarships

Short-term Visiting Lecturer Program

The ICDD is looking forward to applications for a short-term visiting lecturer exchange. During the application period (2015-2019), you can apply for a short-term visiting lectureship at one of the ICDD partner universities. We expect the visiting lecturer to stimulate especially the interdisciplinary research along the research lines of the ICDD: 

  • Decent work along agricultural value chains
  • Organizing the informal economy
  • Extractivism and rural welfare
  • Rural-urban linkages: transformation processes, livelihoods and social protection
  • Rethinking development cooperation

As a short-term lecturer, you will receive:

  • South-North professors (full professor, reader, senior lecturer) as well as scientists and lecturers (junior lecturer, lecturer): allowance for accommodation expenses and subsistence of up to 2.150 Euros per month for stays of at least 23 days.
  • South-South and North-South (professors (full professor, reader, senior lecturer) as well as scientists and lecturers (junior lecturer, lecturer): allowance for accommodation expenses and subsistence of up to 700 Euros per month for stays of at least 23 days.
  • Health care can be subsidised by a sum not exceeding 100 Euros for the whole duration of your stay as a short-term visiting lecturer. Please note that organizing adequate health insurance is your own responsibility.
  • Travel costs from your home country to the ICDD Partner University and back are included in all these options.

If you have any questions about the Short-term Lecturer Program or the application process, please feel free to contact us at the ICDD.

We look forward to receiving your application!

  • <media 7514 - - "TEXT, Short-term Guest Lecturer Program -guidelines 2015, Short-term_Guest_Lecturer_Program_-guidelines_2015.pdf, 42 KB">GUIDELINES</media>
  • <media 11744>APPLICATION FORM</media>
  • <media 7299 - - "TEXT, members list icdd, members_list_icdd.pdf, 213 KB">ICDD members list</media>

MA Thesis Research Grant Program

<link>For further information

Call for Applications is closed now!

ICDD news on funding, education, and research programs (with a special focus on Kassel University)

<link>For further information


<media 13372 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education April 2020 02, ICDD_funding_research_education_April_2020_02.pdf, 456 KB">April</media>

<media 13427 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education June, ICDD_funding_research_education_June.pdf, 0.9 MB">June</media>

<media 13426 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education July 01, ICDD_funding_research_education_July_01.pdf, 816 KB">July</media>

The ICDD is not responsible for any contents provided by third parties.


<media 13368 - - "TEXT, 2019-03-11 ICDD funding research education 01, 2019-03-11_ICDD_funding_research_education_01, 1.0 MB">March</media>

<media 13377>April</media>

<media 13376 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education -14.05.2019, ICDD_funding__research__education_-14.05.2019.pdf, 1.0 MB">May</media>

<media 13375 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education -01.07.2019 mw, ICDD_funding_research_education_-01.07.2019_mw.pdf, 1.0 MB">July</media>

<media 13374 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education -30.07, ICDD_funding_research_education_-30.07.pdf, 1.1 MB">August</media>

<media 13370 - - "TEXT, 2019.08.12 ICDD funding research education Uni Kassel 02, 2019.08.12_ICDD_funding_research_education_Uni_Kassel_02.pdf, 1.1 MB">September</media>

<media 13373 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education -30.10, ICDD_funding_research_education_-30.10.pdf, 1.0 MB">October</media>

<media 13371 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education 10.12, ICDD_funding_research_education_10.12.pdf, 0.9 MB">December</media>

The ICDD is not responsible for any contents provided by third parties.


<media 11615 - - "TEXT, ICDD funding research education, ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 803 KB">January</media>

<media 12265 - - "TEXT, 2018-02 ICDD funding research education, 2018-02_ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 838 KB">February </media>

<media 12266 - - "TEXT, 2018-04 ICDD funding research education, 2018-04_ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 840 KB">April</media>

<media 12267 - - "TEXT, 2018-07 ICDD funding research education, 2018-07_ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 782 KB">July</media>

<media 12268 - - "TEXT, 2018-10 ICDD funding research education, 2018-10_ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 0.9 MB">October</media>

<media 12331 - - "TEXT, 2018-12 ICDD funding research education, 2018-12_ICDD_funding__research__education.pdf, 0.9 MB">December </media>

The ICDD is not responsible for any contents provided by third parties.