Course: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design


Materials have played a crucial role in improving the human condition since ancient times and they continue to do so today. Over the course of history, the number of available engineering materials has grown to more than 150,000, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation. Progress can only be achieved if a procedure exists for making a rational choice from these options. A sustainable design furthermore needs to take into consideration all aspects related to shaping, joining and finishing new products.

This course presents systematic procedures for selecting materials and processes, leading to the subset that best matches the requirements of a design. The approach emphasizes design with materials rather than materials ‘science’.

The focal points will be:

  • Multiobjective selection of a material
  • Coselection of materials
  • Shaping, joining and finishing requirements
  • Design of hybrid materials
  • Materials and the environment
  • Industrial design and sustainable development

This lecture builds upon the world-leading textbook of Prof. M. Ashby (University of Cambridge).

Recommended literature

  • Slides, professional articles

Moodle (no enrolment key necessary)