Third party testing...

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Two attempts have failed, now it's all or nothing! There is no fourth chance!

Here's what you should keep in mind:

Question your own learning system:

  • What went well wrong twice, will also do a third time!
  • Simply doing the wrong thing more intensively (more time spent) does not help!

Go to the professor in time and talk about the problem.

Turn off distractions:

  • Other exams?
  • Part-time job? (Studying is a full-time job).
  • Personal stress?

Now for the preparation itself - a checklist:

Please check off: 

  1. I attend the lecture again (regularly)?
  2. Did I use a textbook to deepen the material
  3. ?Did I
  4. calculate all exercises myself (and without a sample solution) and successfully hand in the homework, if possible with a bonus
  5. ?
  6. Did I successfully calculateall mock exams under exam conditions (see main page exams&tips) 
  7. ?Was I at
  8. least twice early (6 weeks+ before the exam) in the office hours of the staff
  9. ?

If one of the items cannot be checked off, I would consider taking it risky.

If two or more items cannot be checked off, I would advise against participation.

Analysis interview

For your second or third exam, I offer an analysis meeting (30-45 minutes) in advance, where perhaps it can be clarified where the learning problem lies. Take this opportunity in good time before the exam, so that you have plenty of time afterwards to use any insights from the conversation for learning.

For this you have to register (e.g. secretary's office), for Digital Logic there is a reminder e-mail to everyone in advance. In preparation, you should think about why you think you failed the last exams, how you are doing in general in your studies and you should bring the (exercise) tasks where you had problems.

If you feel that it was not your fault that you failed several times, do not bother to have this conversation.

The oral supplementary examination (erroneously: fourth attempt)

Recently, may be taken an oral re-examination (one per course of study) if the third exam is not passed. Upon application! Please check in time if and how this applies to you and what you have to do.

It is to be determined after an appreciation of the (failed!) third examination whether you have perhaps reached the class goal after all and only nobody has noticed it yet. In plain language: You should show that you have mastered the material sufficiently well to be able to solve tasks in the field independently. Because this will be confirmed in writing with your final report card.

You have to decide for yourself how realistic this is for you. But remember that in the end you cannot avoid mastering the material passably! And that takes time. A lot of time. Time that you should invest early on.