Studying Abroad

An international stay during your studies is proof of flexibility and is an important selection criterion in the future. Take the opportunity to spend one semester of your studies abroad.

Study or Internship abroad?

A study or an internship abroad must be planned well and in time. In your planning process you need to clarify the following questions:


  • Where do you want to go?
  • Which admission requirments do you need to follow?
  • Regarding the study achievements from abroad, will they be acknowledged at your home university.? 
  • Notice the enrollment dates at the International universities? 
  • Are there any funding oppertunities?
  • Can you apply for a scholarship or forgein BAföG? 
  • Do you need to obtain any insurance policies?


The International Office of the University of Kassel and the foreign representatives of the department of electrial engineering and computer science will glady support and assist you. 

Please take a look at the corresponding web pages of other departments of the University of Kassel and other universities.

You will find detailed information about the procedure of acknowledgment of foreign study achievements at the Department of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science of the University of Kassel on this

More Infos

Prof. Dr. Stefan Göller (Auslandsbeauftragter Informatik)

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dirk Dahlhaus (Auslandsbeauftragter Elektrotechnik)