Alle Neuigkeiten

11.07.2022 | Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

Stellenausschreibung: Editorial Assistant für GeDIS

@Gender/Diversity in Informatiksystemen

GeDIS (Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems) team is looking for an editorial assistant!

We are interdisciplinary team working on participatory design, AI & machine learning, human-computer interaction, and science and technology studies, and we are looking for an editorial assistant to support us in our ongoing publication work and research activities.

The position is for 8 to 16 h/week (or more, depending on availability), starting immediately.

The main tasks include:

  • Assisting with literature reviews, interview transcription
  • Assisting with publication management for several ongoing edited book projects
  • Management of our research blog 'Engines of Difference' on critical computing: drafting publication plans, following up on publications, generating new topic ideas
  • Depending on availability, conducting interviews and contributing to the research blog directly


  • Completed BA/BSc degree, preferably in the field of social sciences, informatics, media studies or related fields
  • Excellent reading, writing and comprehension skills in English, German is a plus
  • Knowledge of or interest in computing, particularly critical, intersectional computing, participatory design, AI ethics, science and technology studies and related fields
  • Documented editorial experience

We offer an international work environment and possibility to gain further editorial and writing experience in an academic environment. Distance work will be possible.

Please send us your CV and letter of motivation to Goda Klumbytė.