
You teach at the University of Kassel and are interested in testing the opportunities and limits of mobile learning in your course? Then get in touch with us.

In the pilot courses so far, teaching-learning scenarios were developed and tested in which students could read and edit e-books in lectures, solve short assignments or give feedback through electronic surveys, network while learning in small groups at any location of the university, work on WBTs in self-study, exchange results or add to them. Students could search for literature, access databases, or view lectures they had missed or had just been broadcast.

But this is not the end of the application scenarios of mobile learning in university teaching. Your ideas are very welcome. We will be happy to support you in implementing them.

Almost all teachers and students agree that learning with a tablet PC is more fun than without.

The survey of the teachers showed that the mobile devices can be used very well to expand the content of the course, to enrich it didactically and to offer the learning material in a more interesting and exciting way. While the open screen of a notebook acts as a barrier between lecturer and student, a tablet PC integrates into the learning environment of a course like paper and pen. The evaluation of the students showed that the possibilities of mobile learning were accepted and evaluated positively. Activation in the course was viewed positively by teachers and students.


IT Service Center

Tino Maus +49 561 804-3569